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About Krisius

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    On the Coast
  1. Krisius

    Ethnic Discriminations

    Gews lool dude, this answers to all my troubles. Sorry for the post, i was freshly frustrated after loosing all the nice gear to some idiot German guys that tricked us in trusting them. Thing is... Is it wrong to want revenge on that "Be Friendly" server in Balota :D?
  2. Krisius

    Ethnic Discriminations

    Well, in my opinion is an ethnic discrimination, one second earlier we were sharing food, bullets and experience, planned on map "where to next?", a second later boom headshot because i'm a freaking Romanian guy. Maybe I am stressed about it because of all the troubles caused by the Romanian gypsies in foreign countries, but I and sooo many others are struggling to prove that Romanians are an OK people and then here comes an "occidental civilized German guy" that reacts with a headshot when he hears about Romanians :) (I guess this is what we deserve) Well, indeed this is Dayz and I agree, just there are moments like this when being a bandit not only kills for looting but also sends the wrong message (like this situation). They should have killed us on sight and all this discrimination assumptions never had to be considered. Cheers!
  3. Krisius

    Ethnic Discriminations

    Hi guys, as the title says, ever been shot to death in Dayz after you answer a "where are you from?" question? Me and my friend were shot the other day because we are Romanians :). Our executors were from Germany as they stated and can be easily tell after their accent. We met in Balota on the airstrip after a good looting session, we got acquainted, they seemed to be friendly and were helpful, we were too and hoped to join together and carry on looting. After asking "where are you from?" there was silence and an only "hello Romania!" then HEADSHOT. And the server title was "BE FRIENDLY, loot here and go PvP on other servers" I am sooo disappointed and this is the reason from now on I will not be friendly anymore, sorry to say this, I was hoping to meet new players and have a good time but this was the final draw :) So...if you ever find yourself in a "Hei waaaait, i'm a Romanian!!!" situation and then you are dead, well it was me and other few of my friends. FYI: Being friendly gains you a lot more than a loot! You get to know new people, you get to practice your English at least, you learn new things about the game and so on, you will be more safe from bandits, most probably items will be given to you if you are in need etc...especially if you are on a "Be friendly" server. This is how good intended players turn to bandits and soon all the players on DAYZ will be bandits and DAYZ will turn slowly into a COD or Battlefield Game. Sad but true! Cheers!