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Everything posted by scriptfactory

  1. scriptfactory

    Status Report - 12 Nov 2015

    I love the idea of dynamic events that are implemented in many Arma mods. Do you think we could eventually have some like radio events (e.g. chopper crashes, military vehicle crashes, zombie hordes, etc.)? Meaning events that are transmitted via Radio and if you have a Map they are automatically marked or something.
  2. scriptfactory

    Hold Ups, Stick Ups, Non-Lethal Robbery (Dear Bad Guy)

    I kinda wish there were servers where the TtK was much higher and non-lethal weapons were really effective and varied. Would make for interesting encounters.
  3. scriptfactory

    Status Report - 12 Nov 2015

    Parts rare would be better. Fuel can be created through farming. Easy to find a vehicle, harder to keep it running.
  4. scriptfactory

    Status Report - 12 Nov 2015

    I think the game could be balanced so that trucks are found mostly working (bar a battery, gas or spark plugs) but keeping them in good condition would require scavenging for parts.
  5. Kuru. I came up with an "RP" ruleset loosely based on similar rulesets already implemented in MMOs (e.g. DAoC, Mortal Online, etc.) If you want to PvP, flag yourself for PvP. If you shoot someone not flagged for PvP then you get flagged as an attacker for a short time period. If that person dies you are flagged as a murderer. Murderers can be killed by everyone with no penalty. Don't want to get flagged? Defend yourself with non-lethal weapons or just die (this will happen anyway to non-KoSers). For this to work players would need fixed usernames (for forum/website bounty boards) or an in-game item would need to exist that could detect a player's murderer status (e.g. bounty list). Murderer status must also be persistent through death or people would just suicide to continue griefing. With such a system you could easily add gated communities where players have to present identification before being allowed inside to trade. And this is just one idea out of hundreds. It will do nothing. The same method was applied in several survival games (i.e. H1Z1/Rust/ARK) and players ran around with craftable weapons shooting each other. It did delay the murder process but not dramatically. Never going to happen, IMO. I'm not saying I am 100% correct but I have seen no evidence to the contrary.
  6. scriptfactory

    will i regret buying this game ?

    Profit is money earned after expenses. You can say you saved money but you didn't profit. Only Steam and BIS made a profit on your financial transaction. If you could actually sell your DayZ license after release then you would have made a profit. You can't, so you didn't.
  7. It's a game, dude. If you allow griefers to do something, they will do it. The only way to limit KoS would be to add some kind of governing game mechanic. Either players need to be able to limit KoS themselves (which means they need the tools to do so) or griefing needs to be regulated through an in-game reward/punishment system.
  8. Well, they can. They just need to give the community the right tools for the job. This is exactly what the ARK developers did and it is now the most successful survival game on Steam. More CCUs than DayZ, Rust and H1Z1 COMBINED.
  9. scriptfactory

    will i regret buying this game ?

    As others have said, you will definitely regret your decision at some point. You may have some fun, though. Let me put it in numbers for you: I have 600+ hours in the game. I have 20 friends on my friends list with DayZ. One other guy has 150+ hours. The rest have less than 20. That's not how profit works, dude.
  10. scriptfactory

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    You can't see out of windows. Have you not noticed the midget cam? Have you ever driven a vehicle in 1PP, perhaps?
  11. Suggestion: Add additional "clip" slots to clothing, backpacks, etc. that allow toggled access to “clippable” items via a specific hotkey. Background: There is a problem in DayZ when choosing which items to carry and leave behind. A lot of people intentionally leave walkie-talkies and binoculars behind in favor of food, ammo or water in their quest to survive. Desired gameplay effects: Increase use of infrequently used items. Common items actions should be easily activated/used regardless of their place in character inventories or hotbars. Requirements: Certain types of gear have "clip" slots. Certain types of gear are classified as "clippable", meaning they can be stored in "clip" slots. Gear in clip slots can be accessed via a specific hotkey allowing "easy access" functionality. Optional requirements: Primary weapons are available via 1. Secondary (melee) weapons are available via 2. Put away current item action is available via 3. Amount of freely selectable hotkeys reduced to 7 (i.e. keys 4-0). Additional remarks: This would result in the majority of actions being easily reproducible, even with network latency/communication issues. Spamming a key to pull out a weapon would always work; players would never run into the problem of pressing a key twice resulting in the item being pulled out and immediately put away. Compasses would be more useful since this change would allow toggle functionality when running around the wilderness or viewing a map. Radios would be used more often since they would be automatically activated and useable. It would make using items just generally more intuitive, in my opinion. Example implementation: Gear slot modifications: Vests have 2-4 "clip" slots and 4-6 normal inventory slots. Backpacks have 2-4 additional clip slots. Pants have 2 clip slots and 2-4 normal slots. Shirts and jackets have 0-2 clip slots. Boots have 0-1 clip slots. Clippable item modifications: Binoculars can be accessed simply by pressing "B". Pressing the "easy access" button brings binoculars directly to your eyes so you can look at a target in the distance. Compasses can be access simply by pressing "K". This is a toggled state that brings the compass into view. Ammo must be placed into quick slots for quick reload functionality. Holding the "R" key allows you to select the specific ammo/magazine you wish to reload (using the scroll wheel + left click/'Use Item'/spacebar) into your current weapon. Radios in clip slots are automatically active. No need to turn them off and on. Battery life only depletes when messages/radio chatter are received. Maps in quick slots are accessible by pressing or holding 'M'. Holding 'M' toggle the map for quick view. Matches in quick slots are accessible by pressing ‘#’ (hash). Matches in hands are lit by holding ‘#’ (hash). If player is not holding a match and holds the ‘#’ key, a match is automatically placed in his hand and lit. Fires are lit by holding a burning match and being within range of a fireplace. Flashlights are accessible by pressing '?' (unknown). Flashlight could be toggled or double-clicked (for extended use). This one is self explanatory. Knives in quick slots enable quick stab attack that can be used to take down infected. The Walking Dead. Potential problems/questions: What about pistols? Should they have a dedicated slot? It doesn't make since that a melee weapon has a dedicated slot and not a pistol.Should both primary slots be usable for all weapons? This would make carrying two fireaxes or two rifles possible or a pistol and a rifle.
  12. scriptfactory

    The problem with the game. My views

    Shit. I want to play this game you just invented.
  13. scriptfactory

    Fundamental Flaws in Current systems

    I thought private hives were allowed to set their own rules as well. In fact, I thought this was the whole point of the private shard. Maybe the devs can add a basic RP server mode. I don't think it would take that much time and would reduce a lot of the confusion. RP rules could be as follows: Players could intentionally enable "PvP" status and they wouldn't get the KoS status when killing other PvPers.Any player that attacks (and hits) another player that does not have PvP status is flagged as an Attacker.If a player dies, all players that have shot them within the last 15 minutes are permanently flagged as "KoSer" until an admin removes this status.KoSers can always be killed without the attacker getting the KoS status (to enable bounty hunting).Stun weapons don't count so you could defend yourself against melee weapons or use them for banditry.No UI should be necessary for this. If you don't want to be flagged as a KoSer don't shoot others with lethal weapons. Server owners could see KoS attacks in the change log or use BattleEye to auto-kick KoSers. If you accidentally shoot someone and have proof the server owner could remove your KoS status. Edit: Maybe the possibility should exist to freeze player names on a server/shard basis. Meaning, when you create a character on that server you are stuck with that character name. That way, bounty systems could be made through the server forums or website.
  14. scriptfactory

    Pick up the pace

    For a game with a team of 70 to 80 people the pace of development is extremely slow. Is there still a team of people working exclusively on AI (Bratislava)? Why was the renderer slated for Q1 and in Q4 it isn't even on experimental. Maybe instead of going to all these conventions the PR money could be spent on HR (i.e. hire an experienced project manager.) Maybe I'm wrong and there really isn't 80 people working on DayZ. Who knows? Not the customers, that's for sure... That said, this thread will be closed. Edit: Brian Hicks had originally commented on the link I added with the comment "^ this guy" referring to the dude that said "70 to 80 people". I just realized he deleted his comment. Maybe in the next status report Brian can talk about what the current team actually looks like. If they have like 10 people working on DayZ (not including unpaid testers) then the slow development pace would make sense.
  15. scriptfactory

    Dayz Mentioned in Extra Credits.

    I agree with many of your points but why do you believe that making survival hard and permadeath permanent would make people less likely to kill each other? Based on my previous experience people would focus solely on the short game if the long game was too difficult to achieve. Do you know a game that has implemented such a scheme successfully? When I still wrote MUDs there was a widely talked about quote from Bartle that was something like "Players like permadeath as much as pedofilia" which is to say, not at all. There was even work done that was shown that the harsher the penalties for death the less likely it was that players would take risks and interesting chances, which is to say, it demotivates the chance that they will interact with each other thereby increasing KoS. In fact, every game I know has shown than an increased PvE element has absolutely NO effect on killing. The only things that I have seen work are (de-)motivators or player avatar changes (ala DAoC). I don't think making survival harder will reduce KoS and killing but I am more than willing to change my mind if you present me with any kind of evidence that suggests the opposite.
  16. scriptfactory

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    This change would just cause traffic to decrease on official servers. If 1pp servers aren't popular now how would having more of them increase their popularity? Hint, it wouldn't. To increase 1pp popularity fix the problems keeping people from playing it (e.g. performance, player controller, melee, midget camera, no PiP, etc.)
  17. scriptfactory


    Hot. But someone should get this person some gloves that fit her...
  18. scriptfactory

    Dayz Mentioned in Extra Credits.

    Bartle himself talks about this episode and his theory. http://massivelyop.com/2015/10/23/extra-credits-explains-bartles-taxonomy-and-its-application/
  19. scriptfactory

    Fortified houses

    Barricading was planned. Last year Rocket said the tech was already there for it. Don't know what happened. They are probably waiting on the tech to control where players are allowed to spawn to prevent safehouse/base ghosting.
  20. I play on an Exile Chernarus server with Zombies and Demons. I will try to make a video.
  21. scriptfactory

    Karma system

    There is a quote from Rocket on Kotaku saying it was on pause until the end of alpha because it should be more subtle than it is in Mod. I would be really disappointed if it was completely removed. http://kotaku.com/dayz-fans-sent-us-questions-for-the-games-creator-we-513010392
  22. scriptfactory

    Karma system

    The devs originally said the removal was temporary. I never saw a post saying it was permanent.
  23. scriptfactory

    Vehicle Windows WTF?

    I feel like the 1PP camera is too low. Like we are all midgets.
  24. scriptfactory

    RPG Comeing To DayZ

    You guys are acting like DayZ SA isn't Arma 4 with zombies. RPGs will be used to blow up camps, blow through barricades, zook bambis on the coast, etc. Whatever survival elements are getting built now will play second fiddle to the PvP aspect of the base game. Then they will build Overpoch, Exile and Chernarus Life mods and vanilla SA will die. My only hope is someone will make a hardcore survival mod that is actually fun. Also, the devs should bring back the mod Humanity system in a better form (like Rocket said he was going to do) so these mods will have a good basis for RP.
  25. scriptfactory

    RPG Comeing To DayZ

    I can't believe we agree on something. That said, I have been playing a shitload of Arma recently because Exile is awesome. The RV engine is so fucking clunky that I am simply hoping that I will eventually be able to play Exile/Arma Life on an engine that doesn't push me through doors or hover in mid air when trying to snipe from a rock. If they can pull that off it's a win, in my opinion. If we are really going to be in beta by Q1 2016 then mark my words: DayZ will NEVER be a hardcore survival experience, ala the Road. The framework just isn't there at the moment. It will be Arma 4 with zombies, though, and that will be fun too.