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Everything posted by scriptfactory

  1. scriptfactory

    Alright, I am finally concerned about the standalone

    I disagree. Many other game engines support long view distances (with magnification). After a distance of 1 kilometers players don't render in the DayZ SA RV "2.5" engine anyway. They like disappear into the ground. Foliage disappears at an extremely short range. Hell, the "network bubble" only extends to 1.5km maximum... Huge maps are possible in any game engine. Rust was created in Unity and it has extremely large map sizes. I've seen something like an "unlimited" map generator/renderer that could, theoretically, create a map the size of the planet Earth. Nether (built on the Unreal Engine) will eventually have a map approaching the size of Chernarus. I wouldn't say this engine is critical for a milsim/survival/zombie game but it is somewhat suited to it. That being said, any mature game engine could be modified to perform similarly to RV. I do agree that this engine is completely ill-suited for a arcade zombie shooter.
  2. scriptfactory

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    I work for a F2P publisher. I have direct access to data that shows, empirically, the amount of money and playtime invested in mid- and hardcore games based on gender, socioeconomic status and genre. Don't trust the studies by the ESA based on "extensive" surveys that poll barely 2000 households. Game developers know their target audience.
  3. scriptfactory

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    Men and women don't play the same games. The numbers posted by the ESA are heavily skewed and misleading. They are overwhelmingly based on mobile/casual "games" (e.g. Farmville, Candy Crush), which are the equivalent of virtual toys, and don't take into account playtime statistics or genre. My girlfriend used to play ZooKeeper Battle and she would be considered a gamer by the latest ESA study but she doesn't consider herself a gamer. Everyone plays games nowadays. But that doesn't make them gamers.
  4. scriptfactory

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    It's actually 30% maximum if you include casual games like WoW.
  5. scriptfactory

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    Maybe you should L2P and not camp for so long. I have never experienced this.
  6. scriptfactory

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Then I guess you just don't see it. If I was a BattleEye staff member I probably would refrain from making comments about desync when so many users are having problems with hackers and exploiters in this game. But you are different so I shall leave.
  7. scriptfactory

    Why wont people play in the night ?

    Last night I turned my gamma up on a high-pop server, ran to the cliffs above Svetlo, pulled out by binocs and watched the noobs with their flashlights get taken out by exploiters. There is a reason so many people hate playing at night.
  8. scriptfactory

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Don't go. It is a bit insulting that you "assume[d] that many hack-like situations were indeed caused by desync" but your presence in this thread is appreciated! At least by some of us. :D
  9. scriptfactory

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Please don't assume anything. I have just stopped reporting hackers and I suspect many others are doing the same. Someone teleported to me on top of the apartment buildings outside Cherno and tried to attack me with a Fire Axe. When I pulled out my crossbow he disappeared. I didn't see him again. Edit: This happened to me last night @ around 11PM CEST on a high-pop server.
  10. scriptfactory

    What you can't see, shouldn't be rendered

    More than know. Occlusion culling is already implemented into the game client according to Rocket. I suspect that the RV engine isn't that aggressive with it, though.
  11. scriptfactory

    BattlEye Global banned

    I have seen more players than before being banned for Gamehack #140. If this is a false positive then the BattleEye staff should be able to help you out. If you were hacking then you deserve to lose access to all of your games.
  12. scriptfactory

    Log in Timer Poll

    This login timer system needs to be scrapped. The reason it exists are three-fold: 1. It is a huge performance strain on the servers to load a new character. 2. Campers complain about ghosting and combat logging. 3. Server hoppers take loot from "legitimate" players. So how do we fix these problems: 1. To fix the server performance problem add a queuing system for player logins. Make the player priority based on the amount of servers they have recently logged in on. 2. To fix ghosting save player location on a per-server basis. This would approximate a private hive system on a global scale. To fix combat logging prevent logging out in a player is detected to be in combat. If a player is shot at or shoots another player make sure their characters stays on the server for at least 5 minutes. 3. To fix server hoppers see #2. Just my opinion.
  13. scriptfactory

    Alright, I am finally concerned about the standalone

    The "netcode" problems with BF4 are extremely minor compared with the problem in "netcode" with DayZ SA and are caused primarily by a low tickrate on the server (10hz). Again, I am only saying that there is no way that SA has better hit reg and less rubberbanding than BF4 in its current state.
  14. scriptfactory

    Who likes the login timer?

    I think it also has something to do with server performance. But, yeah. It is much easier to wait 500 seconds than it is to run across the map.
  15. scriptfactory

    Alright, I am finally concerned about the standalone

    Please stop with this nonsense. I play BF4 on a regular basis with no issues. And when I say no issues I mean I my entire play experience is bug free. I love both games but what you are saying is untrue.
  16. scriptfactory

    Who likes the login timer?

    I don't think you are thinking about this in the correct way. You aren't actually "fast traveling". You are moving to your previous spawn position on those servers. In your example you are imparted with no benefits. This is a big difference and should be recognized. You are wrong on this. Controlled spawn locations are a verified feature. Let's leave it at that. :)
  17. scriptfactory

    Who likes the login timer?

    This wouldn't be fast travel. You spawn location would be set per server. Meaning, if you wanted to server hop to multiple airfields you would have to run to the airfield multiple times. The potential for abuse is MUCH less than the system we currently have. Developing a system for determining if a player is trying to spawn into a barricaded structure is much more difficult than simply not allowing users to spawn in the same location on every server. Think of it like playing on a bunch of private hives but you get to keep the equipment you are carrying. I am fairly certain this is exactly what Rocket has planned for cross-server clan battles. Saving the character location on a server (instead of global) basis has many benefits for a system like this.Example: All clan members wouldn't be able to group up on their home server and simply log into the server from the clan they are trying to raid. They would have to plan an extra 15 minutes or so to regroup on the new server before executing their raid. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/182275-dayz-at-rezzed-2014-dev-sessions-livestream-roadmap/
  18. scriptfactory

    Who likes the login timer?

    Then you join another one of your regular servers where you will (probably) already have a spawn location set. Barricading is planned. Check out the roadmap from Rocket. Controlled spawn locations are planned. Meaning you will be able to set a spawn point so that when you die you will always spawn in a fixed location.
  19. scriptfactory

    Who likes the login timer?

    So rude. If your server restarts you just wait until it comes online again. It should take no longer than 5 minutes. You would respawn at the same location. Once controlled spawn locations are added there will be even more issues to tackle. With the current system I can logout on one server and log into your barricaded building on another. There is no such thing as "end-game" loot and there will be no problem with spawning around the whole map one controlled spawn locations are added. Imagine spawning next to NWAF only to find out it is controlled by a clan.
  20. scriptfactory

    Who likes the login timer?

    Spawns should be spread over the entire map. If you want to log back into your "safe bush" stop server hopping.
  21. scriptfactory

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    How about no more timers. They should come up with a lasting solution that doesn't involve your character being a sitting duck when you are offline. Something robust so that doesn't allow logging out to be exploited by cowards (e.g. those that take shots at people, get scared and then log out) but doesn't affect the vast majority of players.
  22. scriptfactory

    Who likes the login timer?

    This would negate the benefits of a global economy and cross-server clan battles. They should just make player location save on a per-server basis. If you go to a new server you spawn with all of your gear in a fresh spawn location. Server hopping and ghosting fixed.
  23. scriptfactory

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    I hear a lot of complaining about combat loggers and ghosters. I used to get frustrated by this behavior as well... but it I have been frustrated way more from these timers than I ever have from someone combat logging so I couldn't kill him. I am pretty frustrated with the current timer situation. Really not cool.
  24. You know this speaks more about how bad the BI team is at map building, right? There is no reason that building a map the size of Chernarus should take 5 years. But you are correct with the fact that game development usually takes some time. Normally, though, by the Alpha stage the game is very close to begin "feature complete", even if a lot of those features are just placeholders.