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Everything posted by scriptfactory

  1. scriptfactory

    Implement a Moral stat?

    This is the only reason ANYONE ever doesn't anything "good". There is always an intrinsic or extrinsic reward of some kind. Humans are just selfish creatures. I'm sick of this getting thrown around. Societies form because humans are social creatures. It is a part of human psychology (and physiology) to make friends and create groups/communities. Just because there is no society (singular) does not mean societies (plural) will not form. KoS is implicitly encouraged in DayZ. I wrote something on Reddit about this today:
  2. scriptfactory

    What is wrong with you people?

    Empty as in "no people".
  3. scriptfactory

    What is wrong with you people?

    I would love to see an "average population density" map released for SA. I have a strong suspicion that the strong KoS/DM prevalence in Berezino is by design. I believe that this is where the devs eventually want people to create homes and communities after barricading is added. There are three things necessary for my theory to be tested and they are all planned features or in development: 1. Barricading and door locks (of course). 2. (Safe) player trading (e.g. reinforced trade windows/doors). 3. World containers. After these features are added I feel that Berezino will become a new place. How can someone DM against someone barricaded inside of a house? Might as well see if these people have anything I need to go fight the bandits/snipers that are camped in the area surrounding Berezino looking for easy prey. Well, I mean, if hackers don't ruin the game experience for everyone with their new grenade carpet bombs.
  4. scriptfactory

    Sandbox, "innovative" or "Undeveloped"

    I don't think we have seen true innovation in the sandbox/open-world genre yet. Games like DayZ SA are incredibly derivative of previous titles. I say this because it brings little to the table that we haven't seen before and, based simply on the list of desired features I have seen, it never will. At its core DayZ is simply a realistic version of Minecraft with guns and the possibility to torture other players. Compared to other games in the zombie-horror genre it is even lacking. The only thing I have seen that will, eventually, differentiate DayZ from other zombie games is the focus on survival and modding that BIS wants to bring. If they do not bring an extensive survival experience and/or excellent modding tools DayZ SA will have the same CCUs as DayZ Mod in 2 years. The competition is just too strong. So, I say, bring on the harsh conditions necessary for a survival game. Ignore the tears from KoSers and deathmatchers. I want to play a fair, but unforgiving, zombie survival horror game like I was promised.
  5. scriptfactory

    Anyone on the 75 player servers?

    I tried but the non-local sounds and invisible zombies drove me crazy. I'll stick with 30-40p servers.
  6. scriptfactory

    Using the wallet to identify players/hackers

    That's just ridiculous.
  7. scriptfactory

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    I have also had some problems after the latest hotfix. To me it seems that the accelerated server time might also accelerate body temperature changes. I'll login in another month and see if all of this is working yet. People do complain about this. They think it is entirely unrealistic and want a proper medical system.
  8. scriptfactory

    Spawn near your Friends (realistic)

    Yeah, they should definitely add a lobby for groups that want to spawn together as fresh spawns.
  9. scriptfactory

    DayZ trading zone

    They should just add in-game trading mechanics. I haven't really seen anything since the original roadmap but I guess they will have to add it eventually. I vote for trade windows: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/210557-after-barricading-add-trade-windows
  10. scriptfactory

    Permadeath losing it's edge

    I think the game is moving in the right direction. Barricading, world containers, door locks/safes, trading(!) and more survival elements (like disease and aggressive animals) will be added soon. These features will dramatically change the way some people play the game. No need to add skills and character progression just yet, in my opinion.
  11. scriptfactory


    I think bears and packs of wolves are the only boss you will ever see in vanilla SA, I guess. They will probably populate the woods and run faster than a human. That would make heli/tent chasing way more interesting.
  12. scriptfactory

    Suggestions for EndGame - GitHubWorkInProgress

    Oops. I thought you were OP. The way he worded the scenarios it seemed like he wants to make quests or something in-game. That would be pretty lame. Objectives (via in-game resources) would be totally cool as long as they were completely player-driven. I do agree. I asked hard for the crashed helis (from mod) to make a comeback and I am really happy they are back in the game.
  13. scriptfactory

    Suggestions for EndGame - GitHubWorkInProgress

    Do you really feel that is necessary for DayZ? I mean, if we are given the correct tools with mechanics that significantly alter gameplay new scenarios will create themselves automatically. For example (just using your first idea): Add virus sample extractor, centrifuge and virus analysis device to game.Use the extractor (x) amount of times and then stick everything into the virus analysis device. Doing this will result in a blueprint for an anti-virus.Using the blueprint as a guide, pick up a list of random items. These items can be combined in a centrifuge to make one antidote that cures a zombie.Use the antidote on a zombie and your friend can spawn in as that zombie using an "invite to game" popup in Steam. He loses any other characters he had on the same shard. Meaning, they are just deleted.
  14. scriptfactory

    Suggestions for EndGame - GitHubWorkInProgress

    Which is why the game needs more items that enhance gameplay, not endgame stories and shit.
  15. scriptfactory

    Machine Shop

    After they add barricading and door locks. Yes.
  16. scriptfactory

    Suggestions for EndGame - GitHubWorkInProgress

    This isn't survival. There is no endgame in DayZ, in that way. Playing the game should feel like being trapped in a hell that you can't bear to free yourself from with a bullet to the head. It should feel desperate.
  17. scriptfactory

    make this more like max brooks zombie survival guide!

    They can do this with a singular virtual enemy. The zombies only need to spawn when they are near a player. The server would just need to be able to spawn, and run the AI for, a lot of zombies. I would actually love it if the server made game clients authoritative for the zombie AI once the zombie got within a certain range. Smoothish zombies all of the time, as long as you were playing with people that had a decent connection.
  18. scriptfactory

    make this more like max brooks zombie survival guide!

    I hope they add "horde" zombies. That is, a single (invisible) entity that roams the entire map. It could summon a fixed number of zombies per minute that would follow it around. It could only be destroyed by killing all of these spawned zombies.
  19. scriptfactory

    After barricading, add trade windows

    -- part, une, things i want in barricading (or, so entitled) Barricading and door locks should be a focus, in my opinion. The following features would be great: Barricading: People should be able to lock doors and reinforce doors/windows.Trading: Two people standing in front of a reinforced window should be able to see each others inventory. They should only be able to drag stuff into the other player's inventory; not take anything out of it.Traps: We should also be able to make manual and automatic trigger-able traps to fuck up people trying to break into our shit.-- part deux, game mechanics that would be cool (or, trying to be Rocket) Other game mechanic suggestions: Walls should be unmovable, invincible and impenetrable for gameplay reasons. At least until the hacking situation is under control.Locks/barricades should be pick-able/breakable but we should be able to make this take extremely long as a server/shard option (up to 30 minutes or an hour). -- part trois, potential scenarios enabled by barricading (or, I've got 25 lighters on my dresser) I feel these changes would add a great deal of depth to DayZ gameplay, especially on private shards. Here are some example scenarios that could happen if these options were added: There could be seasons where everything is super cold and you had to wear something heavy like the puffy jacket.People could run stores from their house:Need ammo or a weapon? Can't go to NWA because there are so many zombies there that it requires a clan to raid it? Better have some cigarettes or weed (i.e. universal currency) to trade for them.You could trade the food you are growing in your in-door greenhouse to your neighbor in the neighboring house for seeds or gardening materials (i.e. universal currency generation):Tobacco/weed could be grown and rolled with paper to make cigarettes/joints.People would get robbed for their weed and cigarettes.Towns could hire bounty hunters to patrol it looking for people that were trying to break into houses. They would get paid in weed and cigarettes if they caught someone trying to break into a house. Handcuff them and take them to the town clan/government and get paid in cigs.Robbers would be could designated by red/dirty palms you get automatically showing the effort you need to use to break into a house. You could say, robbers are caught red-handed.Citizens could pay the town government/clan in cigs or other resources for the money it takes to keep them safe.Town governments could pay guards in cigs to kill (and steal all of the shit of) people that weren't paying their dues. So many possibilites. I can't count any higher in French.
  20. scriptfactory

    After barricading, add trade windows

    While my original idea was that we could just place the trade item in a shelf under the barricaded windows I guess this would end up with a lot of bugs (it IS DayZ). Instead, just being able to see the other person's trade window is a good balance, I feel. A person should always be able to shoot through the bottom (unbarricaded) part of the window, of course. Just not through the reinforced parts surrounding it. So you might take a bullet or two if a trade goes wrong but you could spring your traps to kill your attacker and patch yourself up. It adds a whole new strategic component to trading. I would love this to be a server option. Totally unbreakable walls would be an excellent feature for PvE/Roleplay shards but most hardcore servers would probably want to disable this option. Thanks for the responses! :)
  21. scriptfactory

    How does everyone here break up the DayZ monotony?

    This game has little depth and strategy. Even after base building and item persistence are added there won't be that much to do. Other games have multiple games modes, variations on the base "theme". I hope BIS does something similar with DayZ.
  22. Are they actually still sticking to that timeline? If base building is finished in the next 3 months I would be VERY surprised. I would rather them delay the beta for another year than get a rushed, shitty version of base building that makes this game look like Epoch. Yuck.
  23. I am not sure why this is a bad thing. Why shouldn't people be allowed to play the game that they want to? I felt the hardcore mod DayZero was true to vanilla but kinda' failed because no one wanted to play it. To be honest, I tried it and it was only fun for my first few deaths.
  24. Hard to believe but definitely possible, I guess. It happens rather frequently. After being shot people sometimes have a few seconds to return fire. Double kills happen to me more often in this game than BF4.
  25. Too soon. That game had so much potential. Those kind of devs (I'm looking at you, too, Wollay) give Early Access a bad name.