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About sleepydinosaur

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. sleepydinosaur


    But you dont struggle against shooting someone if it is a videogame. You feel bad for 2 seconds and thats it. There has to be a system to prevent players to shoot each other so often. At least 50% less as it is now. Sure you can focus more on something like not getting wet and expanding the heath system that players have to help each other more, but there will always be dickheads who shoot new spawns with out a reason and with no consequences.
  2. sleepydinosaur


    I had a similar idea. It would be nice to have a mental health system. You could combine it with your morale idea. For example when you shoot some one with a good morale it wouldn't effect your mental health as much as shooting someone with a bad morale. If your mental health is at lowest you will die or loose your equip due to madness or something. Trading, party building or drugs would effect positive on your mental health.