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About lordlicious

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. lordlicious

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello, I named myself formerly as Hero to make sure my intentions were friendly, so I could explore the map. However, as this is impossible since anyone with a gun just shoots at other players after making sure they are friendly, I am changing it to Benny Hill, after I gave a bandit death by zombies, after making him run in circles after me while he was trying to shoot me in the middle of a townsquare. Pathetic. After I saw that the intention of players on this game is to shoot at other players rather than at zombies who are actually attacking them(!), I will just regret every cent I spent on that crap and probably never play it again. I now hate that game. Regardless of the ammount of bandits I actually killed just by fighting back. My intention was playing a survivalist game, not a manic compulsive sadomasochistic dungeon. Normal people are better than this.
  2. Not worth it. Zombies have superpowers, and players with a gun are just extremely stupid. Now they do not kidnap you anymore as one can see in several videos, they just shoot you on sight after making sure they are friendly. Serious, people like them have issues. As a new player NEVER NEVER NEVER stop with someone with a gun saying they are friendly. Friendly my ass, this game is shit. things do n0t work, zombies can go through walls and players (need I say once again) are idiots. To make sure my intentions were friendly i even used the avatar name of "Hero" (as heros on this game are "good guys". never seen any of those. WHATEVER YOU DO DO NOT BUY THIS GAME. I ACTUALLY HATE IT SO MUCH I WILL DO SOMETHING I NEVER DONE IN MY LIFE AND ASK FOR MY MONEY BACK. It is not because of the alpha mode, I can live with having to figure out (as I already did) how to beat the super zombies, the only "real" bug. I regret every cent of an euro I spent on this sadomasochistic scam of a "game" because of the PLAYERS. If you like being shot on the head by some bloody imbecile with no social skills who forgot that the game should be about (people against zombies), after you finally found out you cannot wonder in nature on this game as you WILL starve to death a nature apparently has nothing to offer you despite being nature, what forces you to go through the shooting duck gallery where I have seen one day up to a pile of at least 10 new players lying on the ground because some IDIOT had a rifle. (and I call such people idiots because they shoot new players who have absolutely nothing, not to mention that Ammunition should be precious on such a game, another reason to call those people idiots) Calling them "bandits" is giving them an undeserved credit for some sort of aptitude, they are not there to steal and they suck at it, as you can see, their main complaint on this forum about the xzombie issue is that they cannot loot (other players) with the zombies as they are (it's a zombie apocalipse you idiots!). They are there to waste other people's time. I seriously hope the zombie issue is never fixed, as I could loot buildings fine, sometimes with up to five zombies after me, and they are veteran players, so this pretty much summons their "ingame habilities". Then you spawn miles davis away and have to restart the process of your ending in the most stupid manner with an idiot shouting "friendly!" and shooting you down. What kind of disgusting pathetic imbecile thinks that is fun? Having survived even that (as it is not hard avoiding an idiot with a rifle, the zombies are actually harder, but this only because they can go through walls, hide on concrete floor and run faster than players I have killed one of those idiotic players once with a shovel, and I had another one shooting at me while running around in circles untill the zombies finnished him off) you simply cannot play the aspect of forming new friends ingame because they just want to shoot at other players who ever stops to hear their plea for "friendship". So this game is really about being a sitting target for older players. and you actually pay for that. if your thing is suffering the manic compulsive greek hell (the punishment on the hellenistic hell was having to repeat a boring endless task near its compeltion, only to have to repeat it again from scratch) this is your thing. Not mine, and I want my money back cause being: Extremely lousy players.