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Everything posted by xXRangerXx

  1. xXRangerXx

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    want a stamina buff with that post mate?
  2. xXRangerXx

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    wow such mature language. I can see my stamina buff post hit the spot! ;)
  3. xXRangerXx

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    want a stamina buff with that post mate?
  4. xXRangerXx

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    so many forum heroes!!! boo ya!!!!!!!
  5. xXRangerXx

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    We are the customers. We have paid money for a product and when our expectations are not met or we feel let down we rant, it's what we do as the human race.
  6. One thing I would really like to see as I've never played the arma2 dayz and have no idea if they have included in that is for instance when you go through some towns there are factories around etc with some loot in them and that's about it. I would like it where you can find materials scattered around the map and have to get special tools to reboot the power in these factories and start making things like weapons, mods, improved body armour, mods for vehicles and even build vehicles itself! Maybe they are already thinking of this in their future builds but hey would be kinda fun and you could hire teams or start a mini trading post with others. Also as it develops you can find blue prints and people can find books to aquire certain knowledge to build stuff. You can then get titles for your char such as 'Mechanic Level 2' and so on! The top guy could be an engineer where he could fix multiple power to buildings and maybe even get the trains running once again! Just some crazy ideas.
  7. xXRangerXx

    Version 0.43+ Known Issues List (April 4, 2014)

    Really good detailed post, it's kinda frustrating for me as i'm a new player and have been playing the game on and off for 2 weeks now and have encountered many of these bugs. The worse one and this has happened for me 3 times now is when you finish for the night then log back on the next game to find your char has been completely reset losing all your gear and items, this has been a real put off for me even in alpha stage!