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Everything posted by BeefBacon

  1. BeefBacon

    Eating same food

    I've actually advocated for something similar. Sort of. We should get benefits from having a varied diet. Eating tactical bacon for every meal probably won't do you much good. Living for several weeks eating only apples probably won't be very good either. Hell, I once lived off pasta and porridge for a couple of weeks (I ran out of money) and I swear I almost died.
  2. BeefBacon

    from fun to pretty much unplayable

    That's a good attitude to have. Avoid cities if you can. Avoid the coast, really. Lots of zombies, low concentration of loot. You're better off heading inland almost straight away. It's worth having a quick butchers through a few houses if you spawn near them, but if you're consistently finding nothing of value, move on. If you're finding useful items, keep looting. Make a stone knife as soon as possible. Tear up any spare clothing you find. The best way to get yourself killed early on is bleeding to death because you ran out of bandages. Until you have a steady supply of bandages (at least 3, I'd say) avoid approaching or fighting zombies. If you can find a long wooden stick, that's actually a pretty decent weapon for dealing with lone zombies. If all else fails, just run away from zombies or lock yourself in a house. If they can't see you they lose interest, and then you can sneak away. Sneaking is easier at night, so if you happen to spawn in the dark then you might have an easier time avoiding zombies.
  3. BeefBacon

    Let's talk about Learning

    What's the point? If you lose all the skills you learned from books it'll be tedious having to learn them all again. If your skills are shared across all characters then before very long you'll have access to all the skills anyway. I could maybe get along with skill books that slightly increase your skills, like in Skyrim. You know, you find a book that has something to do with weaponry and your one-handed skill increases by 1. Maybe if you find a book about hunting, your ability to skin animals increases very slightly, or something like that. Actually learning new skills from books, though? No.
  4. BeefBacon

    Exp Update 0.61.136796

    I'd like to make a request for the debug box. Could we see water/food values as well? Makes sense since we can monitor health, blood and position. Also, I've not checked if this is even a thing, but being able to see it while dead/unconscious could be useful as well.
  5. BeefBacon

    Exp Update 0.61.136770

    You mostly can't see shit in two hours because 'day' means 'the sun nervously peeking over the horizon for 30 minutes'. 2 hour sessions should be sufficient. I very rarely play for more than an hour and a half or so, and I've ran into wolves twice now. Twenty two hour sessions is probably more than I've played. It's just bad luck, I think. But yeah, I agree with the filthy stable casuals thing. We're here to test. If you don't have a mic or are unwilling to communicate, and if you just want to kill on sight - piss off. You are not wanted here.
  6. BeefBacon

    Exp Update 0.61.136770

    Why do people KoS in experimental? He had a silenced automatic rifle. I had a double-barrelled shotgun. He got the drop on me. He had no reason to kill me outright. On stable? Sure, whatever, but on experimental it makes no sense. So salty right now. I just want to see a fancy new backpack. EDIT Another thing. Night really, really overstays its welcome. 20 minutes in I'm thinking "This is pretty sweet, I can go into areas heavily populated by zombies and loot with minimal risk of attracting their attention." 30 minutes in I'm thinking "I'm done looting now. Night must end soon, right?" 40 minutes "Aha, dawn! Wait, no." 50 minutes "Is the server bugged? Is night endless?" By the time dawn comes I've practically given up on ever seeing the sun again. I've become Vitamin D deficient. But it's okay! Dawn has finally come. I can finally see colour again! It's wonderful - aaaand it's gone. Not only does night seem too long, it appears to be about twice as long as day. Dawn and dusk blend together so seamlessly that I think the sun is still rising while it's setting. I get that it's autumn in Chernarus, so the days are shorter. I get that maybe you want to show off the new lighting effects, but I hate playing in eternal darkness. I hate having to choose between having a washed-out screen for an hour, or a mostly pitch black screen for an hour. It isn't pleasant. I like night time, I like the function it serves, but I am so tired of it now. I'm hoping it's just an experimental thing. I'm hoping that the day/night ratio will be reversed for stable.
  7. BeefBacon

    Exp Update 0.61.136770

    Hopped on last night. Great job with the new melee weapon sounds. I've poked a lot of things with a lot of sticks, and that's definitely the sound I'd expect if I jabbed a zombie in the face with a stick. Tested sounds on lots of different surfaces as well, and they all sound really nice. Is still one hell of an impact effect, though, like I wouldn't expect to see debris to fly off a wall because I punched it, but I expect that'll be addressed by the new particle system which... I assume is a thing? I've not heard about it for a while now. Maybe I made it up in my head, I can't discount that possibility. I only played with the splitting axe and the long stick, but both sounded pretty nice. Really anything would be an improvement over the original sounds, especially the body impact sound, but I'm really happy with these. The axe - body effect could sound a little meatier (literally) but then I suspect it'd sound like it was doing more damage than it actually was, which I suppose isn't ideal for audio-visual feedback and so on. Also keen to see if melee sounds are affected by the new audio update in terms of audio frequency... curve... things. Might we see new environmental sounds for .61, or is that more of a .62 thing? I know .62 is meant to be a cosmetic update so that'd make sense.
  8. BeefBacon

    Exp Update 0.61.136770

    Could be worth testing out how VOIP performs at ranges. Might be that he did actually try talking and you just couldn't hear him. The devs have made tweaks to VOIP volume after all.
  9. BeefBacon

    Exp Update 0.61.136700

    ...as well they should. English Longbows were finely crafted weapons of war. Bows in DayZ are cobbled together from a random stick and some string. An improvised bow shouldn't be able to compete with firearms. Crossbows are a slightly different story, of course, since they're made from modern materials. @Hicks_206 (DayZ) I'm curious as to why there's a character wipe with every patch. I'm fine with it, it's experimental so whatever, I'm just wondering why every patch comes with a character wipe when, as far as I recall, that hasn't always been the case. Sorry if that's been asked before, I don't always keep up with with the experimental threads.
  10. BeefBacon

    Your .61 Experiences

    I've run into wolves twice now. Both by accident. First time I was looting in a secluded house in the woods when I hear them barking outside. Was able to pick them off by firing through the windows. Second time I was on the edge of a forest and I heard them howling some distance away. I could see them with binoculars, but decided to keep my distance. I could see they were coming in my general direction, but felt safe to assume they were far enough away. I was wrong. I entered a large open field and I could see they were running and howling now, with a couple of them coming straight for me. Knowing I couldn't outrun them I decided to stay put so my weapon sway would settle. I fought the pack off - I killed three or four of them, including the pack leader so the rest ran off. I used all of my ammunition - I actually killed the pack leader with my last round. I later died from blood loss and dehydration. My only issue with the wolves is that they are super bullet spongey. It does make them hard as nails to deal with out in the open on your own though, and that's a lot of fun. I wish I'd recorded it. Zombies are cool too. They're not a massive threat, but more than once I've been alerted to the presence of another player by zombie aggro. If you have to deal with several then you can end up taking a lot of damage, but they're pretty easy to get rid of by just shutting them inside a house. I'm looking forward to them being able to bash down doors - that'll change things up a bit. Guns sound excellent. I've not fired very many of them, but the ones I've had a chance to use all sound really nice. Gunfire in the distance sounds incredible, and you seem to be able to hear it from a pretty considerable distance. All in all I've had a lot of fun with .61. I'm hoping that .62 will come around a little bit faster since it is, I've heard, a cosmetic update. New models and textures and so on, denser forests. I can't see that requiring extensive bug fixing, though I can see experimental being an important gauge for how it impacts framerates.
  11. BeefBacon

    Exp Update 0.61.136642

    I've not played in a few days. Are there bullet whizzes and cracks in yet? I had meant to test it out by shooting past someone, but finding willing participants in any sort of test can be hard - let alone tests that require them to be shot at.
  12. BeefBacon

    Chest compersion, defibrillator and reviving.

    I'm so sorry. jpg images I agree all the same
  13. BeefBacon

    Feedback on guns and ammo in 0.61

    Not to be 'that guy' but I've not been hurting too badly for ammunition. Tons of .22 and 12 gauge, fair bit of 9mm and .380, a little bit of 7.62xwhatever SKS ammo, .357 and .308, no 7.62xwhatever Mosin ammo though (though I met a guy who was carrying like 60 rounds so it is spawning). As for magazines, I've only really found pistol mags, and not many I'll grant you. Think I found one or two Sporter and SMG mags, nothing else. The amount of ammo seems okay - slightly more would be nice - but its distribution is silly, it always has been. I can search every house in a village, and only one will spawn ammo, but it'll spawn like a full stack. I go from having no ammo to having plenty. I'd much rather see lots of tiny stacks than a few big ones. I'd also like to see a big increase in magazine spawns, but make it extremely unlikely that magazines will spawn with any ammo (so you can't just harvest ammo from them). Ammunition should be the main limiting factor, not magazines. It's frustrating having all the ammo in the world but having to just chamber your gun. I'd much rather have to conserve ammunition, but have relatively easy access to magazines.
  14. BeefBacon

    damage done by wolves

    Wolves did about 4200 blood damage to me. I later died because I was dehydrated for 5 seconds. I looked so hard for a water pump or an apple tree or something to keep me alive. No such luck. I killed 3 or 4 of them and the rest ran off. Killed the 3rd or 4th with my last bullet. I knew they were nearby but they were so far away I could barely see them. I assumed they wouldn't chase me, and just happened to be wondering in my general direction. It was when they started running towards me across a large field that I realised I was wrong. I've encountered wolves before, but I was able to hide in a building. Getting caught by a pack of wolves out in an open field is very much a "well, I'm fucked" moment. Love it.
  15. A handful of tents near the coast. DayZ is ruined. Yeah, as other people have pointed out the CLE should mean that high-end loot only spawns inland - even then I expect the way loot spawns isn't exactly finalised. Maybe wait and see what happens before jumping to conclusions. If it does turn DayZ into some coastal murder orgy I'm sure the devs will make changes. Nothing is set in stone here.
  16. BeefBacon

    Exp Update 0.61.136468

    I hope they didn't update/roll back just because people were whining. I mean, I was a little bit annoyed that there were no servers, but then I took a second to remember that I was playing an experimental build of a game that is in alpha. Sucks to think someone had to come in on a weekend to fix it. Thanks, though. I'll probably hop on later tonight. Had a lot of fun with .61 last I played, and did some bug testing. The debug monitor is very useful.
  17. BeefBacon

    Exp Update 0.61.136428

    PvP and KoS is great, and it adds a lot to the game... ...in stable. Trying to test stuff can be pretty difficult if you're getting shot at all the time. It's difficult enough with the server wipes. Regardless, people in exp are way more friendly than in stable - I've only been shot at a couple of times. Some of the people I've met have helped me test stuff - the clothes disappearing thing for example. Were a couple of things I regret not trying. I should have knocked him out to see if I could view his inventory, for example.
  18. BeefBacon

    [Game Mode] All players spawn infected

    Rather than having a separate gamemode, I'd rather see players spawn in a worse condition. Ruined clothes, wet and at half health/blood are the most obvious candidates. First objective should be to find new clothes and to dry off. That would increase the early game challenge considerably. Being wet and cold should also increase the risk of disease - disease in general should be a greater threat. I got sick for the first time ever last night because I ate an uncooked fish fillet I found on a zombie. Almost died - was really good. Disease being a greater threat would naturally make medicine more valuable. Most diseases should be non-lethal for relatively healthy players, but still a big enough threat to make preventing or curing them a high priority.
  19. BeefBacon

    Inventory overhaul

    Yeah I'm not a fan of losing items, but it's worth discussing still. The hard weight limit isn't something that isn't supposed to ever be actually reached. By the time you're half way there you'll be suffering severe penalties (speed, tiredness, even health as exwoll said) so actually hitting the hard cap wouldn't really be feasible. It was also a UI consideration, since weight is represented by a bar it made sense for that bar to have an end point. I guess I don't really need to think about the UI, but it's a bit of fun and it helps to more clearly explain the idea. But yes, I think that's a good idea. The original idea of an additional weight capacity stemmed from the fact that the taloon pack and the improvised backpack can carry the same number of items, but it didn't make sense that they could carry the same weight given that one is manufactured from modern materials and made for comfort and the other is made out of an old sack and some sticks. So yeah, with your idea the improvised backpack would just wear out more quickly, and have a lower threshold for what constitutes 'overweight.' Obviously this is a system that should apply to all clothing, to varying degrees. Given that clothing has a much lower volume capacity (and will therefore usually carry less weight) than backpacks, I don't expect that clothing would see the same wear and tear due to item weight that backpacks (and perhaps vests) would. Instead I expect that they (trousers and shoes especially) would be more affected by the environment. I'd like to see item maintenance be a major part of the survival aspect of DayZ. As a side note, albeit a relevant one, it should become very clear when a backpack is about to break off and when it has broken off. Audio cues, symbols/text appearing on the UI, whatever. It also needs to be clear how quickly an item is degrading. I think I might amend the original idea to include this new system. I won't do it right now, though. I might also do a new animation, make it a bit bigger and slightly redesign the UI to get rid of the hard cap. Player condition (health, soft skills) should also play a part. I'm not sure what, specifically. Perhaps lower speed/stamina penalties for being overweight. Keep the ideas coming. Maybe a dev can chime in? As I think I said in my original post I imagine that there are already plans to change the inventory system in some way, but any kind of developer response on the subject would be great.
  20. BeefBacon

    No more sucker punches

    I think it varies from person to person, but fair point. My emphasis is more on gameplay, though. Take for example the raincoat - you pretty much have to have one if you want to be in the rain for more than five seconds without getting drenched, which seems silly to me. It hugely devalues basically every other jacket. The fact that helmets are so important means that wearing a hat is almost always a liability. Helmets should be very effective, for sure, but I think that only a select few melee weapons should be capable of reliably knocking somebody out in one or two hits - not necessarily because that's realistic, but because it's better for gameplay. As a side note, it should be a similar deal for clothing and water resistance. Rain coats should be really good, but every other item shouldn't be completely useless for keeping you dry.
  21. BeefBacon

    No more sucker punches

    I think it should be pretty difficult to knock somebody out. I mean, I imagine it isn't that easy to knock somebody out cold unless you smack them over the head with a cricket bat, but then you'd probably end up cracking their skull open and killing them. That's one way to make somebody unconscious, I guess. Anything short of a hefty blunt melee weapon - we're talking a wrench, a shovel, a crowbar, a baseball bat - should be extremely ineffective at knocking somebody out. Being hit in the head should send you into a dazed state, kind of like shock. If you're punched in the head you get slightly disorientated. If you get hit with, I don't know, a hammer you should get pretty messed up, but you shouldn't go unconscious - not in one or two hits anyway. Blunt weapons should disorientate. Bladed weapons should cause bleeding. I don't like feeling as though I have to wear a helmet of some kind. I like just wearing a beanie or a cap or something. However, knowing that somebody can just run up to me and punch me once or twice in the head to knock me out makes me very nervous when looting near freshspawns, so I feel like wearing a hardhat or something is a requirement, which is absurd. It's very easy to sneak up on people.
  22. BeefBacon

    Future basebuilding suggestion and benefit.

    I don't think you can really call PR casual. It's one step down from Arma in terms of military sims - there's even a PR mod for Arma. Regardless, I agree. I don't think being able to set spawn points is really in the spirit of DayZ
  23. BeefBacon

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    So wolves are fucking terrifying. Running away doesn't work very well, but it turns out that buckshot to the face does a pretty good job of pacifying them, so that's nice. think I only survived because I happened to be next to a random house in the middle of nowhere, which I barricaded myself in. Was looting the house when heard some eldritch noise which I initially thought was either some kind of mutant or somebody was fucking with me by making weird noises (I've done that before, it's hilarious. Made a loud squeaking noise. That in combination with the incredibly loud VOIP caused my victim to soil himself) but I realised it was wolves when one of them started howling. Great fun, was not expecting that at all. I'm hoping predators will be able to smash doors in (especially if we get bears) like the zombies will eventually be able to do, or at least be smart enough to realise that they can't get in and act accordingly rather than sitting helpfully outside the window so I can take potshots at them.
  24. BeefBacon

    Best combo weapon in the game ?

    A Trumpet and a chambered Makarov. I am not good at DayZ.
  25. BeefBacon

    Remove hip-fire reticle definitely

    I'd rather replace the aiming reticule with a simple dot in the center of the screen. You use that dot as a point of reference for picking up items and interacting with the environment, but it should be useless for actual aiming of any kind.