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Everything posted by BeefBacon

  1. BeefBacon

    Advanced Item Placement

    Why? If you're talking about being able to flip tables over for cover then sure, but I'm not too interested in being able to rotate a tin of beans 90 degrees.
  2. BeefBacon

    [Suggestion] New System of Unconsciousness

    I don't really understand what the OP means, but can't you already respawn when you're unconscious?
  3. BeefBacon

    Make Chernarus UNIQUE

    I'd like to see more damaged/ruined buildings in towns. The military has, presumably, been fighting off the infection to no avail, yet most buildings are pristine. There's burnt-out cars everywhere as though there was an arsonist who only targeted vehicles. Chernarus feels like everyone just up and left without fighting for their homes. I think a little bit of battle damage could go a long way. Would be pretty cool to see a ring of barricades in the center of one of the big towns, as though it was the location of some futile last stand.
  4. BeefBacon

    Too little too late sums up Dayz...

    In fairness to him, according to the year graph, the number of players has dropped since January. You're right, but this thread isn't a criticism. It's whining. All of these issues have been addressed by the devs, and all of them have been chalked down to it being in an alpha state. A criticism would be commenting on the core mechanics of the game. Many people don't like that weapon attachments affect weapon accuracy and range. That is a criticism. Whining about how the zombies are glitchy is just pointing out the obvious, and is a topic that has been addressed so many times now that many players have just resigned themselves to saying "alpha" - and they're right.
  5. I think part of the problem is that the game can't recognise individual rounds, or something like that. As far as I'm aware, pump shotguns haven't been implemented because of the way the engine handles reloading - that is you have to replace all of the bullets instead of replacing just the spent shells - like reloading a magazine. I have no idea how they managed to design a realistic military simulator without proper reloading (Arma 2 didn't feature many shotguns so that may be why) but it's apparently something they're working on fixing. Hopefully once they've got a better reloading system we'll start seeing the systems you mentioned. It's definitely something I'd like to see, especially with the inventory drag and drop reload. I'm fine with long reload times, but having to go into my inventory every time is just tedious. Beans 4 u. After thought: Maybe if you interrupt the single round reload animation there's a chance for you to drop a bullet on the floor. You can pick it up again, of course, but that might not be possible if someone is running at you with a hatchet or you're being shot at.
  6. BeefBacon

    How to make Fps better or not that laggy ?

    Lower your settings, upgrade your hardware or wait until the game has been optimised.
  7. BeefBacon

    Change the walk up hills!

    If you're going to use that logic, why not throw "you're getting shot at by a large group of extremely randy bandits" into the mix? Moving up steep inclines should cause your character to scramble up, not resort to walking. Scrambling should be much faster than walking, but should incur a severe fatigue penalty.
  8. BeefBacon

    Tie Bandanas around arms for easy team spotting

    I think you've missed the point. Communication with radios isn't the issue, the problem is that it can be very difficult to tell players apart visually. It's true that most people would probably choose the colours you mentioned, but if you're wearing black and they're wearing red, you know they're not on your team. Large groups don't run into each other very often, as far as I'm aware. At least not in close quarters. Even if they did, the odds of them having the same coloured arm bands aren't that high. I, personally, would probably go for a brighter colour like red, yellow or blue rather than black or green. What's the point in identifiers if you can't even see them? Beans
  9. BeefBacon


    "I understand".
  10. BeefBacon

    New weapons AS "Val" Please

    Just add every weapon from the STALKER games, bar the gauss rifle. Would work for me.
  11. BeefBacon

    Less obnoxious low blood effect

    So I'm sure I'm not alone in considering the low blood desaturation effect to be obnoxious. I hate that being injured causes me to lose my vision permanently or until I can find a way to get healed. I usually play alone so healing can be a real challenge, so if I get injured I'll usually spend the rest of my game seeing a re-imagining of DayZ in 1920. When I die I'm relieved rather than annoyed because I can see colour again. Basically I hate it when games have an obnoxious "you're low on health" effect, constantly telling you "you're low on health. You're low on health. Hey, you know your health? It's low." Now I get why it's in place and I can respect that, but I think it needs to be less annoying, so I propose this: Instead of losing colour, a vignette (a shadow around the edge of the screen) becomes darker and darker. The vignette serves as a indication of your health, but it doesn't massively obscure your vision. Once your health or blood or whatever gets below a certain point, say, 25%, then you start to lose colour. This means that when you start to lose colour you really, really need to fix yourself. So in summary, instead of losing colour from 100% to 0% blood, you only lose colour from 25% to 0% blood, and a different - less intrusive - visual indication as to your physical wellbeing is given for the first 75% blood. I'll grant that this may still be annoying, and it'll be just as intrusive when you're near death, but at least you won't be seeing things washed out when you're pretty much fine.
  12. BeefBacon

    Suggestion: Map

    Who uses in-game maps? I just keep one open in my browser.
  13. BeefBacon

    Simple combat logging soloution

    But I feel as though bandits would just shoot sleeping people, rather than fucking with them.
  14. I'm amazed nobody has commented on this. Ah well. I like it. Some of it would probably be way, way too taxing on systems, but there are definitely a few really good ideas. Some more movement in the world would really liven things up. I'd especially like to see leaves coming off of trees and maybe the odd bit of paper or a rubbish bag floating around in towns.
  15. BeefBacon

    Simple combat logging soloution

    Why is it that almost every thread I see on this topic is horribly thought out? How would this work across servers? On a private hive I can -almost- see this working. It'd be terrible but it'd make some small modicum of sense. How long does the bed stay? If I don't play for two days does that mean my character is asleep for two days? Does that mean that if in those two days somebody stumbles across me I'm basically fucked? In regards to having a longer log out timer - no. I once had a zombie chase me half way across the map. A 5 - 10 minute logout timer would ensure that said zombie would easily be able to catch up with me. What if I log out in the upper floor of a building or the the middle of a forest and 5 minutes later somebody else finds me? What if my internet cuts out? What if I'm kicked? 30 seconds I can deal with, but 5 -10 minutes is moronic. Think before you post.
  16. BeefBacon

    ArmA 3 Stances in DayZ

    I can attest, from personal experience, that people without military training can peek over and around things of different heights. Beans.
  17. BeefBacon


    Chuck Norris is an awful human being. Also this idea has been suggested before and I quite like it. I think it'd only be viable with a faster day/night cycle, however. Would be pretty weird to go from baby face to Brian Blessed in an afternoon.
  18. BeefBacon

    Interesting loot spawning

    If anything most loot shouldn't be pristine. Don't think I've ever found a damaged gun. Cleaning kits should only be able to improve the weapon condition to worn. Finding a pristine weapon should be seriously rare, but bring great advantages along with it.
  19. No stats while you're alive. However, I'd like to see things like how long your character survived/ zombies you killed/ distance travelled/ etc. When you die it feels pointless to have been playing at all. You just start again. Having a couple of stats would at least make you go "okay, I'm going to try and beat my record".
  20. So this is an issue that is prevalent through a lot of videogames, and that is that it's not always clear which doors can be opened. If I go into a house, the doors that can be opened and the ones that exist as decoration look the same. So I propose that all doors that cannot be opened have something that clearly shows it - something like a load of wooden boards as though somebody tried to block the door from the outside, or a big padlock. Anything that indicates that the door cannot be opened. I'm tired of staring at doors and rolling the mouse wheel, not knowing if I'm not getting the option to open a door because of lag, or because I'm not looking at the door properly or if it's just because the door isn't real. Of course what I'd really like to see is all buildings being fully explorable, but I don't know how viable that'd be in terms of performance and the time it'd take to model the interiors of, like, 60 different building models.
  21. I feel as though that at this stage this would cause a lot of problems. When the game engine is stable, hopefully in beta, then definitely. For now it seems that there are really big changes happening to the engine on a weekly basis, plus there are no private hives. So until private hives are available and the core game is stable I doubt we'll be seeing any workshop integration, though I'd love to see custom content; especially new buildings and weapons.
  22. BeefBacon

    Indication of which doors can and cannot be opened.

    How about you don't treat people like they're idiots? Be nice and we'll be fine and dandy. And my thought process is this... 1) Does the current situation affect my immersion/gameplay? - YES, to an extent 2) Does the proposed solution affect my immersion/gameplay? - YES, because it improves immersion by giving an in-game reason as to why you can't access a room 3) is there a better alternative? - YES, but it may not be viable. We've covered this.
  23. BeefBacon


    Sitting down after resting is something I already do, but I'm not sure if it actually has any impact on the game. I just stop when my character starts wheezing. As for sleep - no. Sitting down for a couple of minutes after an hour-long run is enough.
  24. BeefBacon

    Indication of which doors can and cannot be opened.

    You're getting very defensive. I suppose you're an advocate for invisible walls as well? My immersion is 'ruined' when there's a door that can't be opened when it clearly should be openable one way or another. I said a wooden one. No, if there's a gun model then I expect to be able to pick it up and use it. If I'm being hunted by bandits I'm not going to ignore a weapon because it's an essential part of the feng shui. That's part of the original post. I covered it, but I wasn't sure if it was a viable option due to the performance issues and the extra interior modelling work it would require. I agree, but the engine is clunky as hell. I've already covered this by saying that sometimes lag or just looking on the wrong spot on the door can lead you to believe that the door cannot be opened. Maybe that's explainable in-game by saying your character just had a stroke, but I don't see that as okay. Having all doors openable and random on restart is a suggestion I've considered making in the past, but I realised that it could cause issues if someone were to, say, spawn inside a locked room. It's definitely an area that warrants discussion. Don't be a bitch. I understand the point you're arguing from, and to a point I even agree with it - but in my opinion the current state of the game warrants a clearer indication of which areas you can access and which ones you can't. If, in the future, all doors could be opened I'd welcome that with open arms. I made this suggestion as a compromise.
  25. BeefBacon

    Indication of which doors can and cannot be opened.

    I've got a good idea of which doors can be opened. Generally speaking I know which doors to ignore, but sometimes they catch me out, especially in buildings I don't usually visit. And it's not necessarily just to my benefit, but for those who are newer to the game. Plus people like to know clearly what areas they can and cannot enter. It's good game design to clearly distinguish between facades and areas of the level that you can actually interact with. Would you be happy if there was, say, a rifle in a gun case that you couldn't pick up that was indistinguishable from guns that you can actually use? How about a supermarket shelf with decorative tins of food? Also, this is the zombie apocalypse. If I have a fireaxe and I come across a locked wooden door what do you think I'm going to do? If a door is boarded up or, as Steak and Potatoes suggested, a door has a big red X on it, I'll at least have a logical reason not to try and open it.