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Everything posted by BeefBacon

  1. I want to see fewer M4s and SKSs and more shotguns, pistols and .22s. Magazines should spawn with them very rarely, as in you'd be one lucky bastard to find a magazine with your pistol. Pistol magazine spawn rates should be increased and should be included in residential areas.
  2. BeefBacon

    Tactical Mirror & Spraypaint warnings

    By that logic they should never have implemented in-game maps because most players use a map in a browser. I like this idea. Could be neat if there was a super-rare fibre-optic camera thing that special forces use to recce rooms before breaching. In Arma 3 there are vehicles that have a view screen that usually show thermals. As far as I'm aware they have minimal impact on performance. You wouldn't have to reflect the whole world, just make the mirror a view screen. Perhaps a key could be bound that allows you to adjust the mirror - similar to the free look mode.
  3. BeefBacon

    Soda Can Supressor

    Sounds good to me. The more jury-rigged and makeshift items the better. I shouldn't be forced to find military-grade items to fulfill roles that other items can fill - albeit less effectively.
  4. BeefBacon

    Zombie Suggestions

    Not a fan, though I like the idea of zombies dragging players. Would be neat if zombies could drag dead or unconscious players to some central location - or if they just ate them on the spot. I think they did that in the mod. Maybe if zombies start eating your corpse then items will become damaged until eventually your corpse is destroyed. Would be an interesting way of despawning bodies, and would also help combat players looting their own bodies. Wouldn't work in secluded areas, though.
  5. BeefBacon

    Bigfoot in the mysterious dayz forest

    I sincerely believe that anybody who uses hashtags unironically or outside of Twitter should kill themselves. Still, I suppose it could be an amusing little easter egg provided that a maximum of one spawns per server.
  6. BeefBacon

    I want to see loot on beaches

    Isn't the story of DayZ that you're a survivor who washed up on a beach? Would make sense if items from the ship you were on washed up with you. Or at least that's why I thought we spawned on the coast. I may be wrong.
  7. BeefBacon

    Remove "vicinity" item grabbing

    I use vicinity to pick up items that I can't reach otherwise. Things like clothing on top of wardrobes and rifles under beds are extremely difficult or impossible to pick up normally. In these cases I use vicinity. It's also very helpful for organising inventory. If I don't have enough space it's easier to be able to replace items at will rather than dropping items and then manually picking them up again.
  8. BeefBacon

    I want to see loot on beaches

    Sounds good. Would these items be randomly placed along the coast or would they spawn in groups? Maybe there could be crates that you can open. Also all of the items that wash up should be wet. Especially clothing. Only makes sense, right?
  9. I have to assume you're massively exaggerating the 4 minute load-in time. That's a very long time. My game drops to about 1 fps for 5 - 30 seconds when I'm loading in but then becomes perfectly playable. 4 minutes is excessive. Can't say I'm a fan of this idea, however. Somebody could alt-F4 to simulate a crash and then relog outside of town. Just makes it easier to ghost. Sure it'd make it easier for players who genuinely lose connection, but I think the drawbacks are not worth the convenience.
  10. BeefBacon

    Do you think Zombies should be headshots only?

    Bear in mind that there will be many more zombies spawning in the future. Lone zombies and small groups aren't a threat, but that'll change once you're being beaten on by 20 of them and you can't evade them by running into a building. Tougher zombies, within reason, is fine - but headshot only would get silly.
  11. BeefBacon

    Cloud cover

    Not something super important, but it's something the devs should definitely consider. Basically, clouds should cast shadows. The shadows don't necessarily need to be actually cast by the clouds since, as far as I'm aware, the clouds are generated by some shader and they don't actually exist in the game world. There's something weird about looking out onto a vast landscape and not seeing the shadows of clouds slowly moving across it. This relatively small addition could really add to the visual fidelity of the game. Would also be nice if you could see rain falling off of clouds in the distance. Again, a small addition but it makes it feel as though the whole world doesn't revolve around you. Makes the world feel bigger too, and not just a country in a sea of featureless landscape. It could also have a gameplay impact. Say it's a full moon at night, so you can actually see where you're going. Clouds cover the moon, allowing players to effectively move in the shadows. Once again, hardly a pressing issue, but I think it could add a lot.
  12. BeefBacon

    Player activated environment sounds

    Great idea. Frankly I'd be content with removing the gate creak from the ambient sounds list and just make it so opening gates plays a sound. Opening doors too. But dynamic ambient sounds that are triggered by the environment would be awesome. Hope it's added.
  13. BeefBacon

    Do you think Zombies should be headshots only?

    DayZ zombies are infected people, not the living dead. They also run and move erratically, so landing a headshot would be very difficult. If zombies were slow then I might agree, but then they wouldn't pose a threat.
  14. BeefBacon

    Zombie horde from the north

    Zombies from the north? Only if there is a great wall of ice manned by black-clad warriors blocking their path.
  15. BeefBacon

    Cloud cover

    Similar discussion on these forums. Hell, I even made a thread on forcing 1st person a while back after I accidentally joined a hardcore server and found I actually really enjoyed it. Was wondering why 3rd person was even an option given the issues it presented. It'd definitely be nice to see grass and shadows being forced to render, especially if there's not much of a performance hit... though grass would definitely cause problems given that it's just extra polygons to render and, allegedly, the engine has an issue with rendering polygons. Guess I stand corrected. I assumed it was just a shader, especially given the weird way that clouds warp when you look away from them.
  16. Why do crossbows do more damage? Do you think it might be down to balance? If all weapons were true to life then nobody would want anything other than an M4 unless they're going to attempt a 1000m+ shot. Crossbows have a clear drawback - that being that they can only fire one shot before reloading, as well as (probably) having a pretty short range. Why would anybody ever use the crossbow if it didn't have the capacity to kill in 1 - 2 hits? The M4 is short-medium range with a high fire rate. The Mosin is medium - long range with a low fire rate and is extremely loud. What's the point in adding a short range, low fire rate, low damage quiet weapon? The bow I can understand because as far as I'm aware it'll be a craftable low-tier weapon, but the crossbow should have clear advantages and disadvantages and not just be a liability.
  17. BeefBacon

    New 1:1 Mouse Controls are not good for the game

    That'd be awesome. There was a Half-Life 2 mod called Resistance and Liberation that did the same thing and I loved it. The trick is to pop a boner while prone; then you turn into a spinning top. Tenacious D covered something similar in their smash hit "Cock Pushups". But in all seriousness, I agree. I've not played experimental but I can imagine what it's like. I personally welcome better movement controls, and I'm sure the devs will refine them in future. I'm pretty sure Rocket mentioned that weapon weight will affect turning speed too, so I wouldn't worry.
  18. BeefBacon

    Cloud cover

    In my experience shadows have only a minor impact on performance. Anti-aliasing really screws my system, though. Even on 2x my FPS drops noticeably. A while back I had a pc that had some poxy little GPU and a 2ghz (I think) dual core processor. Basically it could barely run Arma2 on the lowest settings and, as far as I can remember, having shadows on the lowest settings had minimal impact on my paltry framerate. Of course I'm sure that would differ between systems. That and DayZ seems to run worse than Arma2. But it's the same with any graphics setting. Why improve the way grass looks when not everybody plays with it enabled? Why create high-poly models when some people play with low model quality? Why do anything? The in-game applications I mentioned were more of an afterthought. I noticed a lot of people tend to whine when a suggestion is made that is 'pointless'. In regards to people playing with certain settings turned off to give them an advantage, I'm in the camp that certain settings should be forced to be on so that some players don't have an advantage over others. Namely shadows. Grass maybe. Might seem draconian but it'd ensure a fair playing field without alienating low-end systems.
  19. BeefBacon

    Getting Players To Leave Spawn

    I go inland pretty much straight away unless I spawn near Elektro in which case I'll quickly check it out before heading north. I loot a few villages and usually manage to pick up a weapon and ammunition, then I'll probably head to an airfield before making my way towards either Berezino or Zelenogorsk. Of course that's just me - I can't speak for other players since I usually avoid them, hence why I head inland straight away and only really linger in smaller settlements. The new city will be interesting, though. It'll bring way more traffic up north so I'll probably see a lot more people than I usually do.
  20. BeefBacon

    Cloud cover

    I don't, and most of the videos I've seen on Youtube have shadows too. It's like saying why add new sound effects for guns when some people play with no sound? For the benefit of those who do. I agree. Most of the suggestions on these forums discuss additions that would be better made later in the development process, and this is no exception - especially considering how terribly the game performs.
  21. BeefBacon

    Cloud cover

    As far as I'm aware DayZ does not feature volumetric clouds. Arma 2 does, however. Besides, volumetric clouds are not the issue. The illusion that clouds are casting shadows is quite enough. I don't think it'd be necessary to have true shadows cast by clouds. Besides, I don't think the engine can handle alpha in its lighting calculations so doing it that way wouldn't work.
  22. BeefBacon

    Contrast at Night !

    I think a better solution would be to make nights brighter. That way people won't need to increase the gamma. Think full moon levels of brightness. Not pitch black, but dark enough so that you can't pick out details at a distance.
  23. BeefBacon

    [Suggestion] New System of Unconsciousness

    Relax, Guppy.
  24. Guns should have a small chance to spawn with or near a magazine with a random number of rounds in it. Only a small one, mind. One of the things that I enjoy most in DayZ is actually looking for stuff. I once spent several hours looking for a pistol for the two different magazines I had, or a magazine for the two pistols I had. A small chance to have a weapon spawn with a magazine is fine, but I don't want to be spoon-fed; it spoils the game. I like having to sacrifice one weapon for another because I have ammo/ a mag for that weapon. I once dropped an M4 for a B95 because I had a few rounds for the B95. If the M4 had a magazine already attached I'd probably stick with it since 5.56 is common as mud. Finding a pristine military weapon with a pre-attached magazine should be a "holy shit, I lucked out" moment. In short, it should be rare.