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Everything posted by BeefBacon

  1. BeefBacon

    Camo Suit!

    Ghillie suits being included Therefore Harriers and Apaches will be too. Excuse me while I try to regain the IQ I just lost.
  2. BeefBacon

    A challenge for you all :)

    I just try to limit myself to a courier bag - provided I can find the materials to craft it. That provides a reasonable challenge and also means I don't turn into a walking armoury or supermarket.
  3. BeefBacon

    Playing as a Wolf

    http://www.wolfquest.org/ Enjoy.
  4. BeefBacon


    I agree, certainly it should be near impossible to knock someone out who's wearing a helmet with fists alone. Maybe when using fists there should be a chance to break your arms, though as far as I know breaking arms doesn't really have any effect on gameplay. I'm like to see fists massively nerfed, but to have low-tier melee weapons like wrenches, knives and screwdrivers buffed. After all, you'll have an easier time killing something with a hammer than with your hands... unless you're The Mountain.
  5. BeefBacon

    Snakes - some thoughts

    Would aggressive, poisonous snakes and scorpions and such exist in Chernarus? Even if they do, my understanding is that snakes tend to avoid people. Taking snake venom is an interesting idea, though boiling down poisonous mushrooms or something would probably fit the setting better.
  6. BeefBacon

    Make hospitals have hospital related loot.

    I thought medical loot did spawn in hospitals? I'll grant that I find more fruit than blood bags, but I still find more medical loot in medical buildings than I do anywhere else - with the exception of military bases.
  7. BeefBacon

    [Suggestion] Ringing in ears

    'Sounds' good. I don't think long-term deafness should be a thing, but certainly short term muffled hearing could be cool. Would be neat to see bandits fire a gun next to a prisoner's head to make them near-deaf for a couple of minutes. Having ringing after firing a weapon would add to immersion too, so I'm for it.
  8. BeefBacon

    Why do you push?

    I've never been in a gunfight. I either get shot from behind without ever seeing anyone or I hide like little babby. Closest I got was shooting someone in the chest because they rushed me with an axe. Honestly I wasn't sure if there was someone in the building with me. If he'd just waited then I probably would have chalked it down to paranoia, and he'd have had a better chance. Though once I spent about 30 minutes in one of the apartment blocks in Berezino because I thought I heard someone. This was before I knew about the soda can opening sound that's in the ambient sounds list. Guess I never questioned why somebody would be drinking one soda every 5 minutes, but hey. There's a reason not to wait, I guess.
  9. BeefBacon

    Mod is still better than the SA

    As someone who works in the videogame industry, I'm sure the OP can provide a clear estimation of how long a game takes to develop, and has an intricate understanding of how the DayZ team operates. Wait, he can't? Well, shit. Games don't take a year to build. DayZ isn't a franchise that churns out a sequel every year. The SA uses the Arma 2 engine as a base, just like Goldscr used id Tech as a base. They're making huge modifications to the engine in terms of AI, and while it doesn't look much different visually, you can be pretty sure that under the hood the engine is becoming more distinct from the Arma 2 engine by the day. That is what is taking the time. I'm sure that when the groundwork for the engine is down, more gameplay features can be worked on and implemented; but for now it's wool coats and hats. I've not played for a while. I check the forums to see when a big update arrives. When that happens, I'll play the game and provide feedback. I won't whine in the mean time.
  10. BeefBacon

    Make mics a requirement.

    I don't want to be forced to communicate by voice. I don't live alone, and on the occasion that I do play, it's usually in the evenings or at night when people are asleep. I have a mic, I just choose not to use it. What's to stop other people from plugging a mic in and never using it after that? All this does is penalise players that don't have an ancillary piece of hardware. It'd be like preventing people from playing the game because they don't have a wireless mouse. I can see the reasoning behind this suggestion, but it does nothing to solve anything.
  11. I was under the impression that 'high loot servers' is a tagline, and doesn't actually have any bearing on the level of loot on the server. I've certainly never noticed any difference between 'high loot' servers and regular ones.
  12. BeefBacon

    No vehicles: ever!

    That's a terrible way of reasoning. Falling into the wrong hands. What if a nice gun 'falls into the wrong hands'? Would the solution be to replace all firearms with sponges? To me, the idea of coming across an armoured car full of bandits is fucking awesome. If they kill me, good on them because they spent hours putting that vehicle together. Having everyone on the same playing field isn't what DayZ is about. DayZ is about finding an advantage and exploiting it... though that doesn't extend to 3pp and wall hacking - that's a different kind of exploit. I've got no problem with separate servers for people who don't want vehicles and bandits, however. Sounds boring as hell, but if its what those players enjoy then good on them. And why on Earth would you be worried about the DayZ team rushing anything? The same team which is regularly criticised for apparently spending too long on releasing updates and basic gameplay features like zombies?
  13. BeefBacon

    Wood mills and quarries + machinery

    Oh, they're actually adding mining? Interesting. Do you know if we'll be able to mine from any rocks, or just in a quarry? I'd assume the former.
  14. BeefBacon

    Wood mills and quarries + machinery

    I imagine that they'll become a lot more common. Might even be a 'forage' option for them, who can say? Plus wouldn't respawning loot deal with a lack of pickaxes? I thought persistent loot only pertained to things like car parts and extremely rare weapons? I may be wrong on that.
  15. BeefBacon

    Zombies are too hard (defending my opinion)

    Tell that to the insta-respawn zombies that can home in on you from a mile away. Zombies are relentless and can see you through buildings. They can also run straight through them, and can very easily catch up with you. I've had zombies chase me from Stary Sobor all the way to NWAF. You will take less damage if zombies are unable to see you, or you are able to hide from them. I thought this was pretty obvious, but hey. I also already explained that my connection would result in zombies hitting me. In many cases I'd kill a zombie and then get hit by it a few seconds later. I am well aware that 20 or 30 chops with a machete while strafing left is an excellent way to take down a zombie without being hit, but a high ping or a lag spike coupled with one good hit from a zombie is enough to make all of your beans explode and all of your blood jettison from your body. I hope this is clear enough for you.
  16. BeefBacon

    Guns- Which ones do you prefer and why?

    I like the best gun.
  17. BeefBacon

    Zombies are too hard (defending my opinion)

    I'd like to see zombies nerfed a little bit. I'm tired of having my gear ruined because I had a little lag when a zombie ran at me. One time a single punch from a zombie ruined my pristine jacket and destroyed most of its contents. I also don't like that zombies cause so much bleeding. I once died because every time I bandaged another zombie would run up to me, punch me, and then I'd start bleeding again. Rinse, repeat and eventually I'm out of bandages. Having loads of zombies punching me and causing bleeding is something that I'd have no issue with, but having a single zombie happy-slap all of my blood out is a bit of a piss-take. I imagine that most of the issues that I (and others) have with zombies will be mitigated when the AI and pathing and whatnot has been properly implemented.
  18. BeefBacon

    Wood mills and quarries + machinery

    Maybe later on we could build nuclear reactors and power armour. I don't see how this has any place in DayZ. Small camps and maybe wooden palisades is, what I imagine to be, the extent of the building in DayZ. I doubt we'll be able to rebuild Devil's Castle in its prime because we have access to a quarry.
  19. BeefBacon

    sawn off .22 sporter

    How about sawing off the stock? Slight increase in recoil but you can store it in a bag.
  20. BeefBacon

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    I like the current system. I've got no interest in having a thousand ammo types for the sake of realism. If there are two guns that take bullets that are roughly the same, I say consolidate them into one type and let both guns use it - provided it benefits gameplay. And I am aware that those are not real ammo types. I was merely highlighting the miniscule differences between bullets - ones that I truly, truly do not care about. I do, however, like the idea of specific ammo types for certain weapons. For example, whatever bullets the VSS takes. That gun looks sweet and was in STALKER. As somebody who knows jack shit about guns - it gets my vote. I'll be disappointed if the VSS isn't implemented.
  21. BeefBacon

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    I couldn't care less. An M4 could shoot the same 88mm shells as a derringer and it wouldn't phase me. I don't want to have to differentiate between 5.56mm, 5.57mm, 5.58mm and beyond just because in real life Gun A uses a bullet that his half a micrometer larger than what Gun B uses. Of course I don't think the game should be streamlined too much. I want to have to actually work for my weapons and ammo, but I don't want to have to be a weapons expert or have to drag 20 near-identical ammo types to a gun I found just to find the one that fits.
  22. How about a complete removal of the slots system and instead rely entirely on item weight? Each item capable of storing an item (assault vests, bags, trousers, etc) should be able to store a certain weight. Could also be that you can store 10% more weight than the 'set amount' (so if you have an item that can store 10kg you can actually store 11kg) but by storing in this extra space, there's a massive stamina/speed/whatever penalty. This means getting rid of the Tetris minigame that comes with the current implementation of inventory management which, frankly, I'm not a big fan of. I'd be less annoyed with it if it allowed the flipping of objects, of course. Could be worth having an item limit, though, to prevent spamming. Don't much like the idea of finding an assault vest filled with 100 sheets of paper.
  23. BeefBacon

    Can't combine helmet and gasmask any more?

    Pretty sure it's intended. Not sure why, though. Maybe in future the gasmask will have a use, so it's deemed unbalanced to have head protection and, say, chemical protection at the same time. That's entirely speculative, however.
  24. BeefBacon

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    3pp doesn't provide a wider fov. It provides awareness directly to your left and right... and behind you. I use the alt key and look around all the time. That solves any issue of fov, for me.
  25. I'm guessing that the game is designed to not allow players to get too close to walls. Wallhacking and such is prevalent enough as it is - it'd only get worse if players weren't restricted in this way. I totally agree, though. Hopefully it'll be addressed at some point in the future.