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Everything posted by BeefBacon

  1. BeefBacon

    Help with FPS Issues

    I'm a video editor. Is my job. 8GB works fine for me on my personal computer... but I wouldn't turn another 8 down. I'll need to upgrade my pc in general some time soon. It can run DayZ at around 30 fps which is more or less playable, so I can't complain. To actually address the OP, DayZ is far from optimised. People say that their performance changes each update but I don't personally notice a difference. I daresay the game will be cleaned up when it enters beta, so for now most of us will be running sub-par framerates, unfortunately.
  2. BeefBacon

    Help with FPS Issues

    You're taking what I said like it was a personal insult. Computers geared to do video editing typically have a lot of RAM. Most software doesn't require 10 or even 8GB of RAM. That you're getting so worked up is weird. Relax.
  3. BeefBacon

    Help with FPS Issues

  4. BeefBacon

    Help with FPS Issues

    10GB RAM? Jesus. What are you, a video editor?
  5. BeefBacon

    Green Mountain (and other) Ambient

    Pretty sure it was a Half Life 2 reference. "We don't go to Ravenholm". A sound overhaul would be nice. I'd like to see an abolition of sounds like the gate swing, and instead have that sound only play when a gate is actually being opened. Same with the soda can sound, and a myriad of others.
  6. I've got 80 hours in, and have run into a hacker once. He wasn't even really hacking, he was just playing music over global. That was a week or two ago.
  7. Good to see that you're giving the game a break rather than just whining about it. When something happens that effectively breaks the game, I just stop playing for a while. Sometimes I leave it for a couple of versions so I come back to some neat new items and features. Back when there were -massive- rubberbanding issues (I forget which version it was) I just didn't play for a couple of weeks. I'm sort of doing the same here. I've run into so many glitches this version that mess up the game, when before I never really had any issues - at least none that I couldn't find an easy workaround for. I'll wait a version or two - at least until the big bugs are ironed out. I don't really like not being able to swing my axe or fire my gun.
  8. BeefBacon

    View backpack contents

    Sounds good to me. The backpack is 'external storage' after all. Makes sense that it shouldn't be as easily accessible as other items of clothing. You can still store ammo in vests and trousers for easy access, so I fail to see the issue that certain people seem to have. It encourages intelligent inventory management, which is a good thing. The animation to access the bag should be very quick, though. Nearly as quick as the stand-crouch animation. Nothing would suck more than a slow animation to access your things.
  9. BeefBacon

    Advance to contact!

    This video is a perfect example of why I prefer to play hardcore. Entertaining nonetheless.
  10. BeefBacon

    Key Assignments - 2xW for Turbo not working

    Wait, I was playing last night or the night before and double-tapping W worked fine. Did a hotfix come out, or something?
  11. BeefBacon

    'stalker' zeds

    Dolphins with legs? Eh, a few wildcard zombies would be fine. My only concern would be that people who go out into the woods to log out might have a 'stalker zombie' beat them silly while they sit helpless. Also I thought you wanted there to be Snorks or Bloodsuckers in-game, to which I'd say "get out of here, stalker!".
  12. 9/11 was an inside job! Obama is a reptile! Keep your conspiracy theories to yourself. The melee system is broken because the devs pushed a buggy stable version because they wanted to meet the deadline. God forbid that a game that hasn't even been finished yet shouldn't be perfect. Some more information on the barricading and building would be nice. I daresay that construction has barely had work start on it so far, though.
  13. BeefBacon

    Chambering rounds using "R" key,

    I agree. Having to manually chamber each round is unnecessary. I'd like there to be a reasonably lengthy animation associated with chambering a round, but I don't want to have to delve into my inventory and slowly drag a bullet across, and then have to choose an option from a drop-down menu. I don't know about anybody else, but if I'm performing a repetitive action I don't have to completely reprocess what I'm doing every time I do it. In regards to magazines, they should absolutely be loaded by pressing R, else what's the point in speedloaders? I keep a couple of clips for my SKS in my inventory so I can quickly reload a couple of a times if I run in to someone. If I had to drag my clip on to my gun, then what would be the point in having it?
  14. BeefBacon

    Civilian mags in civilian places...

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/205747-pistol-magazine-rarity/?hl=%2Bmagazine+%2Bspawn http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/205013-the-troubling-issue-of-magazines/?hl=%2Bmagazine+%2Bspawn http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/203363-sporter-22-mags-loot/?hl=%2Bmagazine+%2Bspawn#entry2044176 While these topics mostly cover the notion of weapons spawning with magazines, I'm almost certain that they conclude, in some respect, that magazines should at least spawn in the same areas as their respective weapons.
  15. BeefBacon

    future melee weapon? Katana?

    Find a hand grenade. Paint it yellow. Remember to count to three. You're set.
  16. BeefBacon

    future melee weapon? Katana?

    You could make the same argument about military bases. In the event of a zombie apocalypse I'd be more interested in barracks than in castles. Display cases showing off armours and medieval weapons and such would be really neat. Hopefully there'll be a dedicated museum building in future, but it definitely makes sense to have a museum area in at least one of the castles that has a small chance to spawn, say, a sword, and even bows and arrows. Could even be an excuse to include chainmail as a rare armour (albeit considerably less effective than contemporary armour and completely lacking in storage capacity). That'd give a location-friendly reason to visit the castles besides the view and (future) barricading... or if you really, really can't find a hat or a pair of wellington boots.
  17. BeefBacon

    Some ideas for characters

    Don't get cocky. Why should playing as a certain type yield different items? Would they be better items, or would they just look different to the neutral ones? After all, it isn't fair that a hero should spawn with cargo pants while everyone else spawns with jeans. If they're only as good as the default items then why bother keeping them? First thing I do as a freshspawn is tear up my t-shirt for rags. Again, the items we pick up help portray our alignment. If I see someone wearing a payday mask I consider them to be a bandit. If I see a well-geared but non-camouflaged player then I generally assume that they are friendly-ish. My regular character has all grey clothing since people usually feel threatened when they encounter players who are covered head to foot in green.
  18. BeefBacon

    Minimum Players to Start

    I prefer low pop servers. I'm not interested in being forced to play on 20-player servers. As a server option I don't have much of a problem with it, but I don't think the OP should be the arbiter of how many players should be required to start a game. It shouldn't be 50% - 100%. It should be 0% - 100%. If a server owner doesn't want server hoppers then that's their choice. If they'd rather not force the players on their server to wait, then that should also be their choice. Frankly, given the option, I imagine that most servers would opt out of the threshold.
  19. BeefBacon

    Some ideas for characters

    Hero and bandit skins? What? You pick up clothes and you wear those clothes. Skins don't come into it. Also, I say nay to this suggestion. Coloured armbands I'm definitely for, but auras and a humanity system sound like terrible ideas.
  20. BeefBacon

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Is respawning loot disabled? Freshspawn. Been running around for more than an hour and nothing but rotten kiwis and discarded jeans and flashlights.
  21. BeefBacon

    CamelBak, Wearable Water Bottle

    I have both a military and a civilian version. Military is obviously camo, while the civ is bright purple. Could be neat to have both in-game as well. Perhaps the military version could be more durable and have a slightly larger capacity along with being camo.
  22. BeefBacon

    Ability to self bloodbag

    Wouldn't be so bad if bloodbagging yourself meant not getting the full benefit of the bloodbag. Let's say if another player bloodbags you you get 100% of the blood, but doing it yourself means you only get 33%. It should also take considerably longer.
  23. BeefBacon

    More ideas for the devs (gym & toilet feature)

    Definitely! The best part of GTA:SA was going to the gym! Wait, no, it was the worst. Frankly I'd rather not see a pooping mechanic. I fail to see what it'd actually add to the game besides a mild inconvenience. While I agree that it'd be realistic, I don't think I'd get much of a kick out of watching my character squeeze out a shit.
  24. No. It might be useful for identifying hackers, but I'd rather keep it as it is. Though it could be nice to have stuff like "you survived for X number of hours" or something. Also couldn't hurt to have some indication of how you died, for example "you starved to death" "you bled to death" "you were shot" etc. I've been killed a couple of times seemingly for no reason. Would just be nice to know if I died due to a bug (like my legs snapped) or if I was shot and I just didn't hear the gunshot.
  25. BeefBacon

    we need more distinctive characters!

    But I'm agreeing with you. I said more customisation options would be nice, but they're not a priority at the moment - and rightly so... or was I wrong to assess that? Besides, one could argue that this entire suggestion is a pointless one. It's not as if the dev team has gone "right, we've got Dean's face in now. That's a wrap". Luckily for you I'm not rude enough to judge the merit of a post based on whether I agree with it or not.