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Everything posted by BeefBacon

  1. BeefBacon

    How many ammo do you carry?

    40 - 60 rounds of SKS ammo, along with maybe 20 shotgun shells. Why anybody would need to carry half a dozen full ammo crates is beyond me.
  2. BeefBacon

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Pretty sure it's a mock-up. Imported into Arma 3 with some filters and photoshop magic. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/2d44n9/what_dayz_could_look_like_while_using_directx_11/
  3. BeefBacon

    Defib a dead person

    Defibs should be able to revive dead players provided they haven't been shot in the head or taken significant damage to the chest area. There should be a short window where the defib is effective (a minute or two, maybe) after which it does nothing. Defibbing should restore a small amount of blood (enough to keep you alive provided you're not bleeding. Wouldn't make sense to revive someone and for them to immediately die again. Obviously a blood bag will be required regardless). Effects like shock, broken legs, bleeding etc should remain. In fact I'd argue that something like shock/pain should be added by the defib to balance out the fact that you're effectively bringing people back from the dead. They may be alive, but they shouldn't immediately be combat effective.
  4. BeefBacon

    Sniping is a cowards technique?

    Huh. It's like you think you're making a point, but you're not. Saying "everyone has this advantage and you're just whining because you didn't take advantage of this well-planned game feature" is a pretty weak argument. Everyone can hide in walls and dupe their gear. It's part of the game so that's okay, right? If I find something that causes the server to crash, I should do it when I'm in trouble because the devs included it so I could have a quick load feature. Everyone has that advantage, and if they're not using it then they're just whining because they didn't think to use that advantage. Periscopes and mirrors are actually good ideas, though, and blind firing over your head and around walls isn't something I've seen suggested before so you contributed that, at least.
  5. BeefBacon

    My response to dupers.

    Not much of a response. You just told him to kill himself. While I don't care that you told him to kill himself, it's hardly a well-reasoned and thought out response. While "you won't be able to do this forever" is indeed a valid argument, the rest of your response was childish. Still, good on you for calling him out.
  6. BeefBacon

    Sniping is a cowards technique?

    Ah shit. Somehow, in real life, I'm playing hardcore while everyone else plays regular. I didn't realise everyone else saw themselves in the third person. If somebody is prone on a roof there is no way for you to see them. No amount of scouting will reveal them because they are in a position where you cannot possibly detect them. That is my problem with 3pp. Frankly, that's my only problem with it. If somebody is able to find a good position to snipe from in first person mode then that is an indication of a good player. Lying prone on a roof in 3pp is tantamount to exploiting. That other players can also see in 3pp is irrelevant. No risk is being taken by these players. No skill is involved. To suggest otherwise is amusing. Regardless, I play both hardcore and regular and I enjoy both.
  7. BeefBacon

    Sniping is a cowards technique?

    I'd say it's cowardly to lie on a roof on third person while watching somebody, then crouch, aim, take the shot and then prone again. If you miss, keep watching them, if you hit then just listen to the sound of your blood pumping through your pathetic weenis. Hunting and stalking somebody and actually taking risks is something commendable, I suppose, and taking a genuinely good position that doesn't require that you peek in 3pp is smart. I tend to avoid players in general. The only kills I've ever made have been at near point-blank, so I suppose that makes me 'a man' if measuring by a metric based solely on the distance between a player and their victim.
  8. BeefBacon

    change the grey screen when you have low blood

    Won't the game be more difficult in future? Saying "just eat lots of food and drink lots of water" is fine and dandy, but when food becomes rarer and water sources contain disease I think playing DayZ in monochrome will become a whole lot more common.
  9. BeefBacon

    [Suggestion] Add 'disabled' state.

    Not sure about the paralysis thing, but the weakened state is interesting.
  10. BeefBacon

    Random spawn gear

    No, I don't want a chance to spawn with an AKM, 1,000 rounds of ammunition and a bad attitude - I'd just like to see fresh spawns spawn with random clothing. The way I figure it, most players pick green jeans and a green t-shirt so as to function as basic camouflage. I'd prefer for players to spawn with random low-tier clothing such as jeans, canvas pants, tracksuits, shirts, t-shirts, puffer jackets, etc at varying conditions (no lower than damaged). They can still customise their faces/ skin colour/ etc. Total storage capacity should never amount to more than 6 slots, or less than 4. Players should only spawn with their clothing (and a flashlight) never a weapon or any food items. This would add more variety to fresh spawn looks while removing players' ability to cherry pick items that allow them to blend into their surroundings. It also adds to the inherent unfairness of DayZ by making one player spawn with 4 item slots and a t-shirt (for rags) while another player spawns with 6 item slots but nothing to use for a bandage. Each fresh spawn will appear as a completely different person, rather than seeing that same red t-shirt black jeans guy running into Berezino to get shot. In all, it would add to the fresh spawn experience. Thoughts?
  11. BeefBacon

    Add weapon slings and get rid of weapon slots

    Provided the devs make animations a little smoother, sure. I'm not looking forward to dropping my main weapon because I don't have a sling and then having a player run up to me and start thumping me, only for my character to slowly put the dropped weapon into his inventory, take it into his hands, put it into his inventory again, pass out and then die. Alternatively, I don't look forward to straight up losing my weapon because I was in a building when I dropped it. So as long as there's a good chance that my weapon will disappear or that I'll be faced with animation glitches, this isn't something I'd support. Of course, I'm sure the devs are working on a smoother animation system, and are implementing code to make it so items don't fall through the world.
  12. BeefBacon

    A Real Hardcore Mode wishlist

    1.) Being able to see the number of players online is very important. At this stage in development, ghosting and server hopping is common as hell. When a player joins a game their name goes to the bottom of the player list. If I see "uberhax420" is above me and then I shoot at someone and then see that "uberhax420" is below my name on the server list, there's a good bet that he's ghosted and is now behind me. Having information like this is valuable. I like knowing how many players are on a server, because then I know if it's worth playing or not. If I'm the only person on a server, what's the point in playing? 2.) The white dot provides a frame of reference for picking items up. Having no crosshair at all, especially in first person, can be mildly disorientating. 3.) Clothing such as leather jackets should provide protection against low-velocity projectiles and melee weapons. 4.) Without knowing how the stamina system will work it's pointless to make points like this. If in regular you can sprint for 5 seconds, does that mean in hardcore you should only be able to sprint for 2? Why are people less healthy in hardcore? 5.) Again, without knowing how food and water will be distributed (given that it's well known that resources are currently abundant since alpher) it's pointless to discuss the topic. However, if we're basing it on current levels, then yes, food should absolutely be rarer. 6.) Why? 7.) Why? Am I the only person who doesn't like the idea of spending an entire game session in pitch darkness? Accelerated time means I at least get to see dawn. 8.) I've not had much experience with guns, but as I recall adjusting range on a sight is pretty easy. It isn't necessary to do a little dance or recite the alphabet backwards every time you adjust a scope. Checking how far you're ranged in is an interesting idea, though. 9.) Make the game harder and more realistic, but make it so a drone is always hovering a few meters behind every player, and the player can see what the drone can see. Right. Well, provided there are still first person hardcore servers, why not. 10.) And force players to have an FOV that is either too wide or too narrow for them to play comfortably? Totalbiscuit would be ashamed. I crank my brightness to full because that's the only way I can see anything in broad freaking daylight. Gamma, however, I can agree with. Mostly.
  13. BeefBacon

    Always on direct chat

    So the only good that would come out of a system like this would be that if somebody was talking on teamspeak you'd be able to hear them? Right. Firstly I have no doubt that this could very easily be circumvented. Even if it wasn't, players who use teamspeak could very easily just connect to another server that doesn't have always-on voice. Enjoy having every player within half a kilometer know your exact position because of your shitty microphone and the background noise, the constant feedback from peoples' speakers and hearing "Timmy, stop leaving your semen-soaked rags on the sofa" being yelled up the stairs.
  14. BeefBacon

    Grass is worthless eye candy

    There are solutions to this, I think. I seem to remember an ARMA 2 or 3 mod that simulated grass at long distances without actually drawing it. I think the land, when drawn at a distance, was raised a little bit so it covered up prone players. As I recall it looked quite good. I suppose something similar could be achieved by having players be semi-transparent when prone in grass. and viewed at a distance. Going closer to them renders them opaque.
  15. BeefBacon

    Variation in Zombie Clothes

    I don't think the zombie clothes should be lootable, but I agree with the rest of this suggestion. If zombie clothes can be looted, all you need is a sewing kit (and probably something to clean the clothes with, I suppose) and look for a military zombie. Kill him and you've got top-tier military clothing. Lootable zombies is something I definitely support, just not taking their clothes. Would be nice to see military zombies having a small chance to carry ammo or bandages or even a damaged weapon, though. Regular zombies could carry things like basic melee weapons (knives, screwdrivers), items like rope and ductape as well as tinned food - all damaged of course. Randomised clothing means more variation in zombies without having to create a dozen unique models, which is always a good thing.
  16. BeefBacon

    Meeting Morgan Freeman (Vectorbunnny).

    If you have the option, render in .mp4 format using H.264 compression. Excellent for YouTube quality videos and the filesize is considerably smaller. Can usually get a decent quality, say, 10 minute video down to about 150mb. There are other ways of compressing video, but I'd say your best bet is H.264, provided Sony Vegas has that option. I imagine it does, since it's a common compression format and a lot of YouTubers use Sony Vegas for their videos. I personally use Adobe Premiere (with a bit of After Effects thrown in for good measure), but I assume that Sony Vegas is perfectly adequate for simple editing.
  17. BeefBacon

    Meeting Morgan Freeman (Vectorbunnny).

    I've not used Sony Vegas, but see if you can render the video using VBR (variable bitrate). That might get rid of some of the blurry artifacting that you're getting on the grass. Also be sure to set scanning to progressive (rather than interlaced - lower, upper. Likely won't be very noticeable but it's good practice) and, as you say, increase the bitrate; though not by too much - maybe double it. No point in making a massive file for a negligible increase in quality. Good video, though.
  18. Honestly I tend to ignore a lot of the stuff that Rick posts, but this is a good point. This isn't an issue that has affected me at all. On the rare occasion that I play DayZ I tend to avoid players, or watch them from the shadows like a creepy creeper, but that doesn't mean I can't relate to a point like this. The timer shouldn't be too too long. When I'm faced with a 5 minute timer I tend to go make a cup of tea or something. This means that there's likely to be a lot of AFK players being revived, after which they'll either just be shot again or left alone, which sort of defeats the purpose. Still, the idea definitely makes sense. The handcuff analogy was perfect.
  19. BeefBacon

    And yet again...I log out in disappointment.

    It seems that all of these are down to poor balance and the game being generally unstable. Remember, it is in alpha. In regards to the last one... people do call DayZ a walking simulator for a reason. Long travel times are a part of DayZ. Cars and other vehicles will eventually be added, but don't expect a fast travel feature
  20. BeefBacon

    Craftable spears!

    Stick + bayonet/ kitchen knife/ screwdriver for an effective (but maybe fragile, so it breaks after a while) melee weapon sounds good. Adding rope to the recipe makes sense, but rope is so damn rare, by the time you find any you'll probably have a fireaxe.
  21. BeefBacon

    'stalker' zeds

    That's incredibly obscure, but thanks for clearing that up.
  22. BeefBacon

    Dear gentlemen who planned to kill me

    Should there be a stickied thread for this sort of thing? Or a forum subsection, or something.
  23. Ah, anime. How boring. I liked Trigun, though. And yeah, expect a lack of content in an early access game. Amusing, though. Definitely accurate.
  24. BeefBacon

    More Horror and Gore Please!

    Bullet wounds are enough for me. A cheap, Left 4 Dead 2 style dismemberment system would be cool, but I'm not too fussed. As people say, DayZ would likely be banned in Australia if particularly graphic gore made it into the game, so simple entry and exit wounds is fine. I'd also like to see that blood fountain effect removed. I'm sure it's just a placeholder, but eugh. I'd rather see clothing get soaked in blood, but have that effect fade over a course of an hour or so, otherwise everyone will look like Carrie after going to NWAF and back.
  25. BeefBacon

    Loot suggestion

    Low-tier melee weapons (knives, baseball bats, machetes) need to be buffed and low-tier weapon magazines (pistols, .22, etc) need to spawn in civilian areas. Once that happens, I won't really have a problem with loot spawns, though food and weapon spawns will probably need to be lowered a little in order to encourage weapon crafting and hunting. Certainly high and mid-tier weapons will need to be lowered considerably. Everyone I meet either has a Mosin, an SKS or an AKM. I want to see more farmer shotguns, .22s and bows.