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Everything posted by BeefBacon

  1. This is... such a weirdly worded suggestion. Do you mean you want there to be more street clutter, and for there to be an option to hide under certain objects? I'm all for more street clutter provided there's a negligible impact on performance... but being able to hide under rugs? Sounds like it'd be clunky.
  2. Can there be a sticky thread for posts like this? There've been a few times I've wanted to make a 'to the guy' thread but I've not wanted to clutter up the forums. I went into the fire station at NWAF to find a guy sitting at the stop eating food. Shot him 8 times in the chest with an SKS at point blank, and then ran the hell away. I felt bad for killing him, but I have no faith in DayZ's netcode. Too many times I've been killed by people who've not even been facing me. For all I knew he was getting his gun out and I just couldn't see it. At least he learned not to eat in a freaking fire station. Plus I said sorry, so that makes it okay...
  3. BeefBacon

    Where are the communist books?

    Lots of people have died under lots of regimes. Communism is a wonderful idea; it's just impossible to execute. I wouldn't mind seeing some Communist books. As you say, it's a post-Soviet state. Makes sense. Frankly I don't pay attention to in-game books so I don't care either way.
  4. BeefBacon

    Sa vz. 58

    Is it any different to an AKM? I wouldn't be against it. Hell, the more guns the merrier. Also: I will never understand US gun law. Automatic weapon. 4 magazines. That's nuts.
  5. BeefBacon

    KoS Balance / Justice System

    I've never seen a TL;DR that is longer than the post it's supposed to be abbreviating. But yeah, no, a justice system and 'pvp hotzones' have been brought up before, and they're horrible ideas.
  6. BeefBacon

    Player Degridation While Logged Out

    I can actually get behind this. Puts more emphasis on storing food rather than eating everything you find straight away. That there's a maximum amount of hunger/food that can degrade is a good idea. Starving to death while not playing the game would suck. It'd also make horticulture more important. I often have long breaks between playing; hell I've not played for over a month. Despite this I'm not in the 'some people have lives' camp. I think DayZ should be a challenge. However, it might be best if this is only a hardcore feature... if the devs decide to actually have a hardcore gamemode.
  7. I'd like to see a chain hauberk or some lamellar / scale armour. Maybe a helmet as well, but nothing more. I don't really want to see greaves, iron boots and gauntlets. A sword or war axe would also be a nice touch. Old armour and weapons would only be found at museums or at castles. They'd be rare, and the armour would be more cosmetic than particularly effective, especially against bullets, but they should provide some protection against all melee attacks and low-velocity projectiles. The armour should also be extremely heavy if a weight system is implemented. Zombie clothes shouldn't be removable but zombies should occasionally carry items. Military zombies should carry more useful items, and should maybe be able to be stripped of their assault webbing/ helmet, provided its condition is always damaged/badly damaged or maybe even ruined.
  8. BeefBacon


    That you omitted that from the OP almost makes me think you wanted people to flame this thread. Seems kind of important in the face of people thinking it'd be OP don't you think? Provided they require a fair bit of maintenance, are difficult to get running in the first place, have extremely rare main gun ammo (if they should even be armed at all) and their armour can be penetrated by rifle fire then I say why not. In regards to RPGs, I'd actually quite like to see them. It isn't like they'll be common, accurate or even particularly useful after all.
  9. BeefBacon

    Anti tank rifles

    I'd rather see a World War 2 era anti-tank rifle than a modern 50. cal sniper. It'd be the sort of thing that could mess up a vehicle and penetrate cover without being able to do so from two kilometers away, kind of like an inaccurate AS50 without the scope. I like it.
  10. BeefBacon

    Make life valuable

    Queue of Death - Interesting, if vague. How long would you propose the spawn timer be increased to?Murphy's Respawn - I've thought this in the past. It could be exploited (fast teleport for fresh spawns to the other side of the map) but it'd certainly help with players looting their own corpses. Also if a lot of players die in, say, Berezino wouldn't that mean there'd be a load of players all spawning at the furthest spawn point?Game Over - Isn't that effectively the same as a longer spawn timer?Welcome to Hell - God noPay the Price - Interesting. I'd recommend something a little different. Each time you die your spawn timer increases. As you play this timer ticks down. This means that players who kill themselves to get better spawns or freshspawns looking for a punch-out will wait longer between respawns. Players who have had a character survive for an hour or more will not be penalised.Now Leave! - Again, interesting. Maybe overly harsh for people who want to play with friends. I can imagine getting shot soon after spawning and not being able to play with my friends for the next two hours - at least not on that server. Would be a pain for private hives / shards / whatever they're calledGroundhog Day - Vague. Making the game more difficult runs the risk of making the game a grind for rotten fruit. It'd need to be done quite carefully. Apologies for the double post.
  11. BeefBacon

    Make life valuable

    I'm very much on the fence about perks. Provided it's under the hood (so no putting points into skills. Your character just gets slightly better at various tasks the longer they survive) I have no problem with it, but I can't see myself accepting any other implementation of a perk system. What it would do is cause players to be more cautious - even bandits. They'd be less likely to engage an armed player or group because it could well backfire. While that's already the case, regearing isn't particularly difficult meaning that all players - including bandits - will be willing to take more risks so long as death is only a minor setback. The alternative to having an experience/ perks/ whatever system is to make gear rarer, meaning that players will value it more and be less willing to take risks. While I believe to an extent gear should be rarer, it seems to me that many people want to take it too far. I don't want to play for hours and make no progress beyond finding a nice hat and a rotten banana. I want the game to be difficult but I don't want it to be a grind.
  12. BeefBacon

    Make life valuable

    You first point - that player characters should be able to improve their skills independent of their gear - has some merit, but the rest of this post I utterly disagree with. No bots. No trade areas. No factions. DayZ revolves around a player-driven narrative. I can see something like this being modded into DayZ somewhere down the line, but it has no place in the base game.
  13. BeefBacon

    Poll about Hackers

    Because some hackers, presumably, target what they might consider to be server hoppers. If they see a 1/40 server then they join just to kill that one guy - for kicks I guess, or maybe because they think they're doing the community a service. If a player is being consistently targeted this way then the logical solution is to stop joining empty servers.
  14. Was infuriating. You know in the first area with the chopper crash among the electricity pylons? There was a controller and a poltergeist there. I crest a hill, like, half a kilometer away and they see me. I die 2 seconds later unless I break line of sight. That sort of spoiled it for me. I liked that it was difficult but after a while of getting nowhere it got sort of frustrating. Think I will have a look at that update, though. I like a challenge, but I also like to make progress however small.
  15. Eh, I never had much fun with Misery. All of my money went into buying more rounds. I couldn't get artifacts because I'd burn to death or get poisoned before I got near them. I couldn't progress the story because Controllers and Poltergeists could snipe me from across the map. Think I heard that they got nerfed, though, so I might give it another go. Vanilla was way too easy, though. I guess it's hard to strike a playable middle ground. I'm not sure why people want ammo to be super rare. That seems like a poorly thought-out solution to a prevalent issue. Ammo should spawn just as it does now, perhaps even more commonly, but in smaller numbers. I shouldn't be finding 20-round boxes. I should be picking up 1 - 10 rounds at a time. No more than that. If I find a gun I want to be able to use it almost straight away, but only have a few rounds, I don't want to spend 5 hours searching only to stumble across a single crate of 500 rounds. .22 ammo and shotgun shells should be more common than other ammo types, followed closely by 9mm and .380. Other ammo types should spawn relatively commonly but in extremely small numbers - like 1- 5 rounds at a time.
  16. BeefBacon

    How to make the map more engaging.

    Maybe not all of these, but there definitely needs to be more unique buildings and areas. Each town feels sort of the same (with the exception of the areas added since Arma2). I think a prison is in the works. A nuclear powerplant would be cool but I'm not sure how it'd suit an ex-Soviet backwater. Flowing rivers would be amazing, and I think Dean mentioned he'd like there to be streams in-game. I definitely like the idea of barricades and a 'last stand' circle of trucks and sandbags. Mass graves would also be awesome (especially if they spawned loot. Nothing like getting gold teeth off a corpse). Anything to tell a story without telling the story.
  17. You said you keep dying every few minutes. He was calling you a liar because half an hour can hardly be called a few minutes. There's no point to any game. Take Call of Duty or Battlefield or any FPS. The progression system rewards you with new weapons and items. DayZ is the same, only you have to reward yourself - the game doesn't do it for you. Yes, Call of Duty and Battlefield let you keep your progress, but eventually you can't progress any further because you have all the guns and all the items in the world. Would you argue that those games no longer have a point? The central theme of DayZ is that you will die. The game is built around that. You don't win at DayZ, you just do a little better each time. Give it another try. Watch some tutorial videos and join a low pop (~10 players, maybe fewer) server. Learn the ropes. DayZ can be frustrating, but it's incredibly gratifying. If you still don't like it then try again in a few months. By that point, some of the bugs might be ironed out and loot respawn (which seems to be part of the problem in your case) should be working properly. If you still don't get on with DayZ after that then maybe DayZ just isn't the game for you. I, personally, don't have an interest in brawlers and 2D platformers. Nothing wrong with not being into hardcore survival games.
  18. BeefBacon

    I think it's time.

    "I think it's time" The devs disagree.
  19. BeefBacon

    Character Independence and Gear

    What's to stop a friend from looting your corpse and dropping the gear for you? Looting your own body is a problem, I agree, but this is a pretty lackluster solution. Reading manuals should improve your ability to perform a certain action, not grant the ability to do so. For example, if I clean a weapon I should only be able to improve it up to, say, damaged or worn. By reading a manual I can increase the weapon's condition to pristine. If I read a book on hunting and skinning animals I should get more meat from the animals I kill, and so on. Perhaps manuals should be single-use. That way groups can have players that have specialities. One player could read a weapons maintenance guide and be better at cleaning weapons. Another could have read a hunting guide and so they are better at cooking and skinning animals. This would mean that different players have different skills, rather than having every player know everything - devaluing individuals in a group. Alternatively manuals could be valuable trade items. You read the book and then sell it to someone else. I personally would rather see manuals as single-use items. It'd be difficult to explain-in game but hey.
  20. These are two ideas that are unrelated, but I figured I would just stick them into a single thread. Stuffed Threshold My DayZ playthroughs fall into one of two categories. Either I find no food at all, or I find all of it. Neither is much fun because one provides too much of a challenge and the other provides none at all. For most people finding too much food is the most common, and so they propose the solution of massively reducing the amount of food items that spawn on the map. This, I think, is not the correct solution as it will lead to the polar opposite of having too much food - and that is having too little food. While this is a survival game, I'm sure many will agree with me that this is first and foremost a game, and people don't want to spend their entire play session with black and white vision, scouring the map for a single rotten kiwi. An overabundance of food leads to KoS. All you have to do is eat an entire bag of rice, drink some water and you'll be healthy for the next hour. Since you won't need to eat anything, you can fill your inventory with ammunition. My proposed solution is that the 'stuffed' debuff should have a much lower threshold, meaning that players won't be able to eat all of their food all at once and be fine for the rest of the game. Instead they'll have to eat smaller amounts more regularly, which means that their inventories will have to be, in part, dedicated to the storage of food rather than ammo boxes. In order to allow healing, I propose that players always be in a healing state, but the rate at which they heal is directly affected by how hungry they are. A player that is starving won't heal as fast as a player that is well-fed. This means that a player that is able to find enough food to stave off death from starvation will be able to regain health if they are hit by a zombie. This would help negate one of my pet peeves that is black and white vision induced by low blood and an inability to find enough food to reach the 'healthy' status. tldr; The threshold for 'stuffed' should be lowered so players need to carry food with them. Players should also heal naturally, with the healing rate being affected by how hungry they are. Good loot should spawn in cities I feel as though the loot system is the wrong way round. Military bases should be virtually stripped clean while cities should be a veritable bounty of loot. However, this would require that zombies become a threat. Towns and cities should be absolutely teeming with zombies, meaning that players should be forced into the wilderness if they want any chance of survival. Obviously DayZ is in alpha and cannot currently support large numbers of zombies so this is more of a 'down the line' suggestion, but I figure it bears discussion. Towns and cities should be full of both zombies and valuable loot. The (an) objective of players should be to loot towns, or to build enough firepower to effectively defend themselves while looting in towns. Military loot spawns should barely spawn anything, since they would more than likely have been cleared out long ago. However, what little loot they do spawn should be extremely valuable. Towns and cities should be more reliable locations for certain military spawns (like AKMs, ammo, grenades maybe) but dedicated military locations like airfields should be the only places that spawn attachments and extremely high-level weapons (PKMs, M4s, grenade launchers, etc). A system like this would drive players to hunt and fish rather than snipe from a tower in Berezino. Towns would become high risk/reward locations that only groups and well-equipped players can enter. Fresh spawns would have to craft bows to hunt animals, or loot villages in order to survive. Gunning it for NWAF would only yield a red dot sight and a pair of gorka pants, and popping into a supermarket for a bag of rice would be suicide for a player armed only with their dukes. It would also add a tangible objective to the game. That being to clear out, loot and maybe even hold a town or city. It might also encourage players to cooperate, since a lone player with a revolver will have less chance than a small group armed with bows, mosins and pistols when looting a zombie-infested town. Again, this would only be viable when zombies are no longer... how they are, and when they are more numerous, but I figured I'd get the idea out there if it wasn't already. tldr; Towns should be filled with zombies, but also contain a large amount of valuable loot in order to enourage freshspawns to hunt and fish rather than have a punch-out in Berezino. Thoughts?
  21. BeefBacon

    Lock Vertical FOV

    I'd like to see the gamma setting removed completely. Brightness can stay, though. I crank up my brightness to full even on daytime servers because when I look in the vague direction of the sun, even if it's concealed by a hill or a building, my screen practically goes black. As such I keep my brightness on 100%. When the HDR kicks in I can still see, at least. Gamma is used to exploit. I seriously doubt that there are people adjusting gamma to be able to see properly in the daytime, so I say the setting should be removed. Making it so players can only adjust gamma in the main menu will only lead to players adjusting their gamma settings before they join a night server, and readjusting it for when they join day servers. It'll only affect players who see dawn and dusk.
  22. BeefBacon

    Blanks & Jams

    Considering it's a discussion of game mechanics, yes. I take features from other games I like - like weapon jamming in Far Cry 2 or Stalker - and I apply them to this one. I don't need to be a gunsmith or a marine to discuss a feature of a videogame that is prevalent in other videogames of a similar genre.
  23. BeefBacon

    Horse in game

    https://www.facebook.com/dayz.standalonee/photos/a.337895296329423.80820.334693756649577/615116068607343/?type=1&theater I'm hoping that image comes up. I'm sure somebody less apathetic than myself can link it through some image hosting site. I look forward to horses. I've not said that before but there's a first time for everything. I'm hoping they'll be a high-maintenance (though relatively easy to obtain) form of transport that can carry a lot of gear. For people who want to transport large numbers of items but don't want to invest in getting a car working.
  24. BeefBacon

    Ruined T-shirts to ruined rags?

    Because you're tearing the t-shirt up. What does it matter if the t-shirt already has a tear in it?