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Everything posted by BeefBacon

  1. BeefBacon

    Stuck and i cant respawn or kill myself

    Probably because no one can help beyond the information already provided to you. Either do as Max Planck suggested or just leave DayZ running in the background for an hour or so to let your character starve to death. I imagine the latter would be quicker. It isn't ideal but welcome to early access games - a world where pretty much nothing is ideal.
  2. BeefBacon

    Less KOS in Hardcore servers?

    Yeah, I pretty much only play hardcore now. I don't think I've been shot at in hardcore either. Ran into a guy in a village near NWAF. He says "I'm friendly" I say "Yeah, me too, no worries". We go our separate ways. He never shoots at me. I saw him get his gun out but he didn't follow me. Seems fair since I was holding my crossbow when we met. In a regular server he probably would have been watching me over a wall only to shoot me in the back as I run by. I like hardcore... or third-person as it has been renamed...
  3. But isn't server hopping supposed to be integral to the game? That's what the central loot economy is, isn't it? That system would certainly encourage server hopping at any rate.
  4. BeefBacon

    Zombies and rarity of guns

    Maybe he was... testing? No, probably not. But he's right. I started playing DayZ again a few days ago and I've not found a weapon in a police station. In fact, the most valuable thing I've found in a police station was two .22 10rnd mags. Spent hours looking for a Sporter and never found one.
  5. BeefBacon

    Hoods UP(Option)

    Why can't hats just not be rendered while the hood is up? Or more simple, just don't allow the hood to be put up when a hat is on. I don't know much about the Arma 2 engine, but the notion that hoods are impossible to implement due to engine limitations seems incredibly unlikely. No doubt it'd take a fair bit of work (in which case fair enough, it's not like hoods are a deal breaker - especially in alpha) but I find it unlikely that it's impossible.
  6. BeefBacon

    The DayZ Shop

    Sorry for the meme. But yeah, no 'coins'. I've no doubt a mod will add some form of currency but I don't think it has any place in vanilla.
  7. BeefBacon

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    I've not played experimental yet, but it sounds as though the stuffed/hunger thing is definitely a step in the right direction. Players now need to actually carry food - like they would in real life - rather than drinking half a pond and downing a bag of rice every hour. Seems as though now you have to eat food gradually and sacrifice some inventory space for food storage instead of just having a bag full of bandages and ammunition. The necessity for rain coats and down jackets uses up storage too. This is the way it should be; people carrying what they need to survive - not walking armouries. Though given the difficulties in getting a 'healthy' status I would like to see more ways for a player to self-heal.
  8. BeefBacon

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    It makes it even funnier when you consider the fact that that report is false.
  9. BeefBacon

    Are these weather effects a bit too much?

    I died of hypothermia/ starvation/ everything as a freshspawn - or rather after about 30 minutes. Seemed fair since I couldn't find any warm clothing. Does seem as though the down jacket is the only thing worth wearing, though. Even in a down jacket I get messages saying "I am cooling off", though I never get a 'cold' status. When it comes to rain, I've not had any problems when wearing my rain jacket - though it seems to bug out if you take off the jacket in the rain and put it back on again. When I did that I very quickly got soaked (within about 5 seconds) even when wearing the rain coat. Still, I'm really enjoying the weather and hypothermia stuff. Would be nice if there were more ways to stay dry and warm, though. Seems as though a wool coat is about as much good as a t-shirt.
  10. I've not played in several months, so last night I thought I'd run around and see what's new. Almost immediately I find a burlap sack and some rope, though I died later on from starvation and hypothermia. Being a freshspawn at night is a death sentence, apparently. When I respawned, once again I find a burlap sack and a rope within a few minutes. Has the frequency at which these items spawn been increased? I'm finding rope everywhere. If so, good! I used to make crafting a courier bag my endgame after gearing up with a ton of military loot. Makes the game more of a challenge when you can only carry a few items. As far as I'm concerned a courier bag should be extremely easy to craft, since the materials to do so should be extremely common. On a related note, I've noticed a lot of mountain backpacks scattered around. I first came across a group of backpacks in the middle of a road. I took it for bait so I gave them a wide berth. After wandering around I came across NWAF (much to my surprise) and there were dozens of mountain backpacks scattered around, but only mountain backpacks. I couldn't work out if they were the result of some spawning bug or if people had been dumping them for some reason. Every now and then I'd find one that wasn't empty; it'd have a random assortment of items - the sorts of things you pick up when you're brand new and have no idea what'll be useful - but they were never full, just a couple of slots used up. Was just a little weird. I suppose I should have taken a screenshot. Also, really liking the new temperature system. Actually struggling to survive is great fun - though it sort of became null when I found a down jacket.
  11. BeefBacon

    Managing Scarcity

    What? So a giant 'fuck you' to players who don't play for 16 hours a day every day? Reduce 9mm ammo spawns considerably? Good luck firing a 9mm pistol, then. Of course if by 'drop rate' you mean make it so 20rnd boxes of various ammo types are rare as fuck, then absolutely. I think ammo should be extremely common - even more common than it is now - but no more than 5 rounds should ever spawn at a time. This means that players that have guns will have a good chance at finding ammo for that gun, but they'll only have a couple of shots (as opposed to stumbling across a 20rnd box of 7.62 and being pretty much set for life).
  12. BeefBacon

    A big island instead of generic land in north and west

    There's something extremely jarring about reaching the edge of the map and just seeing an endless expanse of nothingness. A map border of some kind would be nice. Perhaps a thick, rapid-like river running on the west side of the map and cliffs and mountain ranges to the north?. That'd be enough for me, provided they merged well with the environment and didn't look tacked on.
  13. BeefBacon

    Do I look like a bandit?

    What's the consensus on bandana facemasks? I've been wearing one because it looks good with a down jacket and a ballistic helmet.
  14. I think our playstyles are very similar. I also avoid players. I do have a nasty habit of shooting on sight, though, if I know I can't run away. I've not tried the hunting aspect yet, though, since I can never find a knife of any kind (unless a sickle works to skin animals). I also regret passing up two fishing hooks I found as a freshspawn. Wouldn't mind trying fishing out, especially since I seem to be swimming in rope. Living off the land and killing bears instead of zombies would be amazing. I hope to one day spawn, grab a few basic necessities and then go off into the forest, never to return. Would be like a whole different game. Non-vilayer servers? Perhaps I'm playing on one now. Got a pristine down jacket, hunter pants and boots and it still says "I am cooling off". Might have something to do with my character getting soaked at Cherno. Or Elektro. Whichever has the downed plane. Running on the dock got my character soaked - though he is now dry. Since learned to stay on the road. I'm guessing that the calculation as to whether your character is on water or not probably traces straight down and ignores all geometry that isn't terrain, so the game assumed I was in the water since I was above it. Ah, that'd account for the useless items. Presumably they were placed just before a server restart. It might also account for the large amount of loot I found in the shed buildings. Is respawning loot working yet or not?
  15. BeefBacon

    Well done devs. No, really, I mean it...

    I dunno, I've been killed by zombies a few times. Mostly down to lag or glitches, though, and almost always as a freshspawn. I've not given .49 a go yet. Hell, I don't think I've played since .46 ish. I've heard it's riddled with bugs (moreso than usual) so I've been giving it a wide berth. Of course if I hear otherwise then I reckon I might hop in for an hour or two. EDIT Did they fix that "I'm sorry, Dave, I can't let you do that" bug when trying to use a weapon? Because not being able to shoot or swing an axe really put me off. I'd play if that was fixed, though.
  16. BeefBacon

    Lower the bleed chance or allow players to cut pants for rags

    I don't think zombies should cause bleeding at all. They should be able to cause broken bones, sure, but not bleeding. Their damage to clothes should also be greatly reduced. I'm always having a zombie one-shot half of my pristine gear, ruining most of the stuff I have. Instead of bleeding, zombies should cause some kind of shock or concussion damage. I also wouldn't mind seeing bruising as an alternative - perhaps behaving like a fracture that heals over time. The more bruised you are the slower you'll run and the worse your aiming will be.
  17. BeefBacon

    Melee right click

    Maybe not strictly a kick, but a shove of some sort would be nice. It shouldn't do any damage, it should just push zombies away and make players stumble or something.
  18. I'd like to see a system that occludes items and players that the player cannot see in first person mode. This prevents wall peeking while allowing the sacred "I want to be able to see my character when I run" which seems to be the only viable reason to have 3pp. Seems to provide the best of both worlds.
  19. BeefBacon

    Sighting in scopes / Alternate sights

    I like it. If ammo is scarce then players will be less willing to adjust their sights, since they'd be wasting ammo. This in turn would reduce the frequency sniping without necessarily making sniping more difficult (though I think factors like wind should affect the bullet's path). I think that once a sight (or scope, whatever) is adjusted, it should maintain that adjustment. The only way to knock it off center is to take the scope off and put it on again. Then again it could be beneficial to have extremely small changes over the course of several hours so players (and especially snipers) need to maintain their weapons. Iron sights should natively be better adjusted than scopes, but any inaccuracy should be noticeable at a distance. I also like the idea of being able to use iron sights alongside a scope. I don't know much about guns, but would they need to be adjusted separately?
  20. BeefBacon

    cell phone system (similar to gta)

    Modern weapons makes sense given the presence of US and Russian forces in the Arma 2 campaign. However, Chernarus doesn't seem to be the sort of place that would have the infrastructure to support a mobile phone network. I also get the impression that 3G and wifi might be a few decades ahead as well. I can see Chernarus having internet cafes, but I see absolutely no reason to want to connect to the internet - like what sites would you ever want to access? Plus wouldn't mobile phones make radios utterly redundant? They're already pretty useless as they are. Satellite phones I don't have a problem with, but I can't see many uses for them. The odds of running into a friendly player who also has a satellite phone with whom you can exchange numbers is pretty low. Honestly I'd rather radios just had a much longer range. If you want to communicate in private you can use a different frequency, and people can listen in if they have the same frequency.
  21. BeefBacon

    Religion in DayZ, is a god out there ?

    It wouldn't be a religion without a funny hat: http://www.churchofourlady.org/images/bishop_laurus.jpg I say at the very least we get a zombie priest.
  22. BeefBacon

    The LMG/GPMG Thread!

    My understanding is that a sniper rifle has a longer range and is more suitable for precision shots. If I wanted to remain undetected I'd rather only use one bullet from 1000 meters away than 100 bullets from 600 meters. Same with regular rifles. They're all accurate, but they're effective at different ranges. Plus I imagine that machine guns are better suited for sustained fire than a rifle. I'd like to see LMGs, and I'm sure GPMGs are great too whatever they are. RKP and RPD are at the top of my list, though an M249 makes sense given the presence of the M4. Finding parts of a belt is a good idea too. Maybe ammo boxes could effectively function as extended magazines. So a belt would act as a clip that can hold, say, 20 rounds. These 'clips' can be inserted into an LMG at any time, functioning as regular 20 round clips. Putting a bunch of belt 'clips' into an ammo box and then attaching the ammo box to the LMG means the LMG will automatically take ammo from the ammo box (but only if that ammo is inside of a belt 'clip'; loose ammo won't be fed).
  23. BeefBacon

    Dear Dolina Survivor....

    I kill on sight if I'm at a disadvantage of some sort. That is to say, if I run into someone in a building or I'm in the open when somebody else can easily get into cover close by I'll usually shoot if getting to cover isn't an option. However, I'm unlikely to shoot somebody from 200 meters away. Seems as though that'd be a pretty avoidable encounter. It's not as if berets are difficult to find, after all. Still, I have no problem with wanton KoS. Keeps people on their toes. I don't trust anyone. I'm yet to betray someone who, say, put their gun down - but not everyone is as nice as I am. I think I'm pretty reasonable. Have to say that my best DayZ experiences have been when I've actually interacted with other friendly players. Unfortunately genuinely friendly players are few and far between.
  24. BeefBacon

    Communication compromise in DayZ.

    I'd like this, but only if it typed the message in chat (rather than there being an actual voice). I live with other people, so yelling "I'm friendly" at 1am doesn't usually go down very well, so when I play late I restrict myself to keyboard. Stopping to type in chat puts me at a disadvantage. In fact it might be nice if we could set our own pre-set custom messages bound to hotkeys.
  25. BeefBacon

    Where are the communist books?

    Right... but I clarify it by agreeing that Chernarus, being a post-Soviet state, would have Communist books. Hell, I'm sure you can have Donald Trump's autobiography if you ask nicely.