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Everything posted by BeefBacon
Vybor Military- ex-USSR-bloc Missed Connections
BeefBacon replied to [email protected]'s topic in General Discussion
The moral is don't server hop, else someone else might server hop your server hop. -
Nobody cares. For most people the terms are interchangeable. If you say "I can't find an AK clip" you still know what they mean. Correcting them is fine, but don't act like it's something that matters to anyone anywhere because it doesn't or, at least, it shouldn't. And while we're being pedantic, don't add an apostrophe to AK's. It's AKs. I've never really used the Blaze. Most often I'll find a shotgun first which functions as my primary. Most of my engagements happen at close range so I prefer to have something that's easier to aim and which has a larger ammunition capacity. I'd love to be able to use the CZ but by the time I find a magazine I'll have something like an SKS, so it feels like a downgrade. Would be nice if magazines spawned more regularly, or if there were 10 or 20 rnd mags. Don't know if they exist, but it'd certainly make it stand out. Also looking forward to the new scopes. It'll change the weapon dynamics up quite a bit while also providing some much needed weapon customisation. I'd love to see loads of attachments for all weapons so no two weapons are likely to be exactly alike, even if they're functionally identical. It'll also be neat to see the Mosin relegated to a lower-tier role rather than being the designated sniper. As far as I'm concerned there should be very, very few functional snipers, but there should be plenty of weapons that are effective at several hundred meters, but which don't have access to a good scope or are less accurate than something like an SVD.
Final Thoughts from an Early MOD player....
BeefBacon replied to xalienax's topic in General Discussion
The mod is a bunch of scripts, based off of a game that had a proper budget and a team of devs. You act like it was made from scratch. Make all players spawn without items. Make guns spawn in certain locations. Make a simple basic needs system. Done. The standalone is far more complicated at a basic level and has the potential to be so much more. The mod got stuck in a rut, which is why you see tanks and helicopter gunships driving around. It is inseparable from Arma2. I have no problem with interchangeable ammo. I never played the mod, but didn't most guns spawn with a couple of magazines next to them? I daresay that'd soften the blow of each weapon having its own ammo type. The standalone also has fewer weapons in general. Also, complaining about text-based notifications when we know that it's probably that status icons are incoming seems... stupid. It'd be like whining that there isn't a proper sniper after seeing WiPs of the SVD. I'm not sure what it is that 'the mod had'. Nobody seems to be able to quantify it; they just say 'it was better'. Now, I understand that the mod had more vehicles and weapons but the devs have said repeatedly that new weapons and vehicles are incoming, so are the mod nostalia people just being wilfully ignorant that the game is unfinished? Probably. -
I've tried that. If you're able to stay behind them then it isn't too difficult to remain undetected, but they seem to be able to spot me from so far away. Of couse since I've not seen many animals (besides chickens which can be chased down quite easily) since the first or second iteration of the new animal AI so it's possible that they tweaked that. And yes, hunting should be incredibly rewarding. As it stands it doesn't really seem to be worth the effort given the multitude of alternative food sources that are more readily available.
Oh. OH. 'Persistence' hunting is a bit of a misleading title given that persistence is already a term used in-game. Hunting is impossible without a gun. You'll be extremely lucky to get close enough to an animal to use a bow, and even luckier to actually hit it. Hell, I've had animals run away from me because I had the audacity to crest a hill 500 meters away. The only animals I've been able to kill without a gun are the ones that bug out. Combine that with how difficult it is to actually cook anything and hunting, currently, just isn't worth the effort. As such I'd like it if animals tired. It should take at least 10 minutes of near-constant running for an animal to start to tire. When a stamina system is in place I've no doubt that chasing a deer won't be all that easy, but it should be a viable way to hunt even if sneaking up on an animal or shooting it is a better method.
Or both. Both would be nice. Have a cooking pot or whatever on the outside of your bag while you hold another in your hands. You being able to carry everything you need in a courier bag and carrying a bag being uncomfortable aren't reasons not to include a feature. I'm sure that when a stamina system is in place carrying anything in your hands (a barrel, for example) will contribute to the carry weight.
I think the problem isn't that items get ruined when players hit you, it's that twisting your ankle rips your jeans to shreds and that a punch from a zombie can liquidate the contents of your vest. I'm fine with getting shot and having items get damaged, but it doesn't make sense for zombies to be able to destroy your items by punching you. Same goes for bleeding. If you've been beaten to the point that blood loss is an issue, external bleeding is probably the least of your problems.
Server hopping? Is there a solution? If not, what else....
BeefBacon replied to rickyriot's topic in General Discussion
That's... just horrible. Are you a freshspawn? Did you leave the server for some reason? Well enjoy not being able to loot anything for quarter of an hour. It would inconvenience everybody. That is a horrible suggestion. Server hopping can't be fixed in a way that doesn't interfere with other players. Do what sensible people do and play on private hives. -
Honey cones> risk versus food, antibiotics and cold resistant
BeefBacon replied to hemmo's topic in Suggestions
Yeah we keep antihistamines about now ;D I think my dad has a proper brass(?) bellows so there's no need to make an improvised one. It's good to know they're relatively easy to make (they're pretty much just a little bellows so I guess they would be) so that's certainly promising for this sort of idea. Perhaps there could also be a bee suit (full or maybe just the hood) that reduces the ill-effects of gathering honey. Gloves and full-length trousers and shirt should also be necessary. -
Jesus. It's not any of my business, I'll grant, but why? I don't use voice chat. I usually play late (between 9pm and 1am) so I don't want to wake anyone up. I also hate the sound of my own voice, so I prefer typing. Typing obviously puts you at a disadvantage since you have to stop to write your message, but besides voice communication there's no other option. Can be handy if you've spotted somebody but they don't know where you are, though, since they can't pinpoint you via sound. Generally speaking I tend to avoid communicating with someone who has the capacity to kill me (unless they initiate speech) since they could easily kill me while I type. At the very least wave. Having somebody not respond or just stare blankly at you looks shifty as fuck.
Honey cones> risk versus food, antibiotics and cold resistant
BeefBacon replied to hemmo's topic in Suggestions
Brave. My dad uses at least a hood thing (I forget the name). He puffs up like mad when he gets stung. Was half-blinded at one point when he got stung on his eyebrow. Of course making a fire is probably the best way to make smoke. You know what they say. Makes sense to use a feature that already exists in-game. Perhaps it could be possible to find or craft the puffy puffy smokey things which, as far as I'm aware, is the official name used by the BBKA. But yes, getting antibiotics and (to a lesser extent) food from honey would be excellent. Antibiotics found in hospitals and such should, of course, be better but I think just about everything should have a natural counterpart of some sort; promoting a playstyle that encourages minimal dependence on looting towns. -
I only play on private servers. I really don't understand public servers as a choice. They don't seem to do anything but encourage server hopping. It's also ice to hop on a private server and go "oh, neat, that guy is playing again. Even better is actually meeting them. I've never experienced that in a public server. I wouldn't necessarily say that public servers should be removed entirely, but I understand your sentiment. I avoid them since I'm perfectly happy to let the server-hopping bottom feeders run around on the public servers.
Just head inland. Check a couple of buildings if you happen to spawn in or near a town, and if you find items then stay, but if you find nothing of value in those few buildings then jog (don't sprint) inland until you find another settlement. Spend a little time there. If you still find nothing then go further inland. You can also try picking apples and red berries. It takes a little while, but if you get energized then you'll have plenty of time to find good loot. without worrying too much about starving.
How do you play with such a low FoV? ;D
Right, but what's the reward? I get the guitar thing, I think there was something similar in the mod with the gold AK, but what reward would 'piecing together the mystery' yield? You seem to completely disregard the metagame where players will learn the full story within a week of such a feature being introduced. It's the same with the in-game maps. They're worthless because people can either already find their way around or they just use an online map. Within the first week or so those maps might have been useful, but you'll be hard-pressed to find anyone using them now. It's a neat idea, but it's fluff. i don't oppose its implementation any more than I oppose the books already in-game, but I think you're overestimating the impact it will have. However, if these papers were randomly selected or, rather, these papers were selected based on a pre-determined story selected by the sever then it might be more interesting. Let's say the server decides that the zombies are a failed experiment. Papers hinting that zombies are a failed experiment would spawn in the world. If the server decides that zombies are, I don't know, the literal walking dead then the appropriate papers would spawn. Now what would make these things actually valuable would be if these papers, much like maps, could be combined to somehow point the way to something interesting. A randomly spawned loot cache, for example, or a unique vehicle or weapon. That would be interesting.
Some of my best DayZ experiences have been where I didn't shoot on sight and ended up running with some random guy or being held up by a couple of friendly players who just want to trade. If only we could look at the face of the Governor and have 'bandit' pop up. Would have made the Walking Dead a whole lot more boring, though. I've seen a lot of 'morality' systems and 'hero/bandit' nonsense. They're all awful. I'll grant that yours is exceptionally well presented, but it's just as flawed as the rest, for reasons already outlined. Also what's to stop a player being friendly and getting a bunch of 'friendly' ratings from just shooting once people trust them? And what's to stop a clan or group of friends rating one another?
Yeah, I really enjoyed the scarce loot. I actually made a video about it. I started recording with the intention of showing how I starved to death in protest against the lack of loot. As I played I found that I was actually able to survive, and after a while I managed to find some pretty decent gear. It was the most fun I'd had in DayZ. The devs say they want a hard game, so I have faith that they'll come up with something challenging - some sweet spot between never finding anything and being energized within 15 minutes of spawning.
Actually looking at the bars it looks about right. .45 should be more common, however.
Yup, my dad was RAF. Trained on the FAL, though I think he calls it an SLR. Apparently he was selected as part of the Olympic shooting team, but he cheated by modifying the sights. He stuck a needle on the back sight so he could see the target better - of course that didn't go down well and he was disqualified ;D I remember a couple of years ago I was allowed into a small armoury at an RAF guard room. There were several FALs there, along with some kind of bolt-action rifle. The SA80s were kept on a gun rack while the other weapons were lined up on the floor, so I suppose it's unlikely that those weapons were used. I was also let into a sort of training simulation that used SA80s, so yeah I don't think FALs are used for training purposes. This only covers the RAF, though, couldn't tell you about the army or marines. I suspect they're the same, though. I'd like to see both the FAL and the L85/SA80. If I had to choose I think I'd pick the FAL just because there aren't any battle rifles in the game. Unless the SKS is one? I'm not a gun guy.
It's a shame that Chernarus won't be expanded, but notice there was no mention of other maps - so maybe a new official map will be developed. Of course once modding rears its beautiful head I don't doubt we'll see a lot of community-made maps.
I've got convinced to play 1pp more.
BeefBacon replied to SniperV (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
I much prefer 1st person. Firstly, I don't feel like I have to keep switching between 1st and 3rd to be on a level playing field. I usually enter 1st when I enter buildings, but if someone happens to be in 3rd, peeking round a doorway, then I'm fucked. I actually got into a firefight of a sort the other day. Was leaving a firestation when a RAK opened up on me. It only hit me 2 or 3 times and I didn't even start bleeding. In a panic, I fired off my flare gun (it was night) and ran back into the firestation. I then equipped my MP5 and waited. The sound of the flare masked my movements, so I was able to maneuver to get a good angle on the back door while having cover from the two big doors. I heard the guy close the front doors, so I'd know if he was coming that way. I waited a good 5 or 10 minutes without moving an inch. He must have thought I was dead. Eventually he inched through the back door and I was able to empty half a mag into him. Unfortunately I ruined everything he had. I waited another couple of minutes to see if he had friends. Eventually I sprinted out the back and out of the town. It was my first proper fight where I wasn't just killed outright, and it was fucking amazing. If that scenario was in 3pp we would have both been peeking round the corner. The fluke whereby I was able to trick him (I think) into believing I was dead wouldn't have worked because he would have been looking at me the whole time. He would have maneuvered himself to have the advantage because he'd be able to see me, so I would have countered. He wouldn't have risked coming in because he'd see that I was alive and well. 1pp is infinitely more rewarding. I'll admit that melee is a pain, but that is the only circumstance where I can allow the 'peripheral vision' argument. Peripheral vision doesn't allow you to see behind yourself, or over walls. If you're getting motion sick, I'm pretty sure you can disable head bob and motion blur. I know I did. -
Spawning bear trap/mine protection
BeefBacon replied to IgnobleBasterd's topic in General Discussion
Who on earth logs out in the shower in the barracks? Isn't that just begging to be killed while logging out? Or is that a server hopping thing? If I'm in a military base or even a town I always run for a couple of minutes to find a nice secluded bush or house that nobody would even bother checking, let alone surround with explosives. -
Hah. Saw that helmet and immediately thought "looks like the one from Oblivion". Yeah more variation and customisation would be great. I expect it's incoming - certainly a new painting system is in the works. I'd really like to be able to craft leather armour - something like a thick leather vest with arm protection that would be effective protection against melee, zombies and low-velocity projectiles but useless against a rifle round.
Spawning bear trap/mine protection
BeefBacon replied to IgnobleBasterd's topic in General Discussion
I find it highly unlikely that somebody will know which specific bush or generic building I chose to log out in, and if a freshspawn logs in on a mine then that's just a waste of a mine. Of course a bear trap could mess up a freshspawn's day since it'd break their legs, but honestly I think spawn protection would do more harm than good. -
Not really a new player, but this is something I just thought of and I was wondering if anybody knew the answer. Let's say I find a revolver and I store it in my jeans, but I have it in my hands. If my jeans are ruined while the revolver is my my hands, does the revolver become damaged?