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Everything posted by BeefBacon

  1. BeefBacon

    Improvised Water Proofing

    I'd prefer it if clothes just had higher water resistance values. Quilted jackets, bomber jackets, leather jackets, etc should be pretty water proof.
  2. BeefBacon

    What happened to the VSS?

    https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/229105-vss-and-red9-will-be-in-059-stable/#entry2308703 Same link has already been posted on this thread... shame. SHAME.
  3. BeefBacon

    Vest with weapon sling attachment.

    I just want the chest holster to be able to be worn over vests.
  4. BeefBacon

    Smear yourself with blood

    Drinking/eating animal blood I can understand, but covering yourself in blood seems incredibly unrealistic. It's honestly tantamount to that post-apocalyptic trope where people cover themselves in pots and pans and leather rags and call themselves 'raiders'. It's stupid. Nobody is going to react that way mere weeks following the downfall of society. Cannibalism arises out of necessity. Only the most mentally unstable Ed Gein types would douse themselves in the blood of their victims, and those people - would you know it - aren't all that common. 'Player freedoms' is a cop-out argument. "We should be able to skip and frolic from location to location, because player freedoms." "We should be able to smear vomit on walls, because player freedoms." "We should be able to sew people together because I am secretly Joseph Menge... ah, I mean playerfreedoms.exe." Reminds me of that slew of "we should be able to rape players and wear their heads as trophies" posts from a while back. Not as bad as that, I'll grant, but almost as stupid.
  5. BeefBacon

    What bird is this?

    Well, we're getting new sounds soon. That means we get a brand new looping bird sound and I, for one, cannot wait. In all seriousness the audio showcase sounds pretty good. But yeah, I have no idea what bird that is. If I never hear it again I won't miss it, though.
  6. BeefBacon


    I'd rather just see double carrying made easier. It's not something I do because it's such a faff so things might have changed, but here's a couple of features I'd like double carrying to include - though I've got a feeling the first one might already be a thing. -swap the gun on your back with the one in your hands without having to drop anything -when you use a bandage/eat something/ whatever your gun is automatically placed back in your hands. There's been a couple of times where I've absent mindedly cut a tree down or something and left my gun behind because I forgot/ didn't realise that I'd dropped it -the 'ghost' of an item (say a pistol that was in your inventory which is now in your hands) should remain in your inventory, much like it did a few patches ago. This should be optional, however. It's annoying to lose items because you happened to pick something up that filled the lost item's space, so when you go to put that item in your inventory you just drop it. On the other hand it's nice to have slots free up when you have something in your hands. As such I feel that being able to choose how an item is stored (by choosing whether or not to 'reserve' space for it automatically) would be the best of both worlds.
  7. BeefBacon

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Might give this a go. OP has to admit that it does look a bit dodgy - one of my first thoughts was that it might contain malware. However, if people have run various virus scans on it I guess I don't have any reason to think it's nefarious in any way. Is the data we send off automatic or can we choose to send it? I would certainly rather have the choice since I don't feel all that safe sending data off to a third party, no matter what that data is. Also are we able to see what files this program modifies so we can make backups? Can it be said now that if I happen to get a Battleye/VAC ban in the very near future, this is the culprit? ;D I know, I know, it doesn't hook into the .exe or .dlls or whatever, but software like this is always going to be suspicious to both people and anti-cheat programs. So yeah. I might give it a go maybe tonight, or I might wait and see what the general consensus is and so on.
  8. BeefBacon

    Bent knees

    Really wish I had a proper example of this. I'll probably play DayZ later this week so I'll try and take a screenshot/ video then. Anyway. When players are on a slope, both of their feet are touching the ground. In a lot of games you might see one foot get embedded in the ground and the other foot would float above it. Having feet planted on the ground looks much better than them clipping through or floating above it. However, characters in DayZ don't bend their knees in order to account for a change in elevation. One leg stretches and the other shrinks and it looks weird as fuck. It actually messes with my eyes a bit and makes me feel that uncanny valley level of discomfort when I see it. It is sort of a minor point - in fact it is a minor point - but I'd really like to see bent knees (rather than stretching or contracting legs), just for the sake of my sanity and to stop my brain from thinking the screen is skewed when I'm standing on a hill. Again, small thing, but it's something I'd like to see.
  9. BeefBacon

    Bent knees

    Yeah I wouldn't say it should be a high priority, but it'd be nice to eventually see. It features in a lot of games - Half-Life 2, STALKER and I think Fallout 3 are a few examples. I daresay it's not particularly difficult to implement but, as Odin Lowe mentioned, such a feature might be considered for the new animation system.
  10. BeefBacon

    Rocket's contribution

    Sounds about right. I don't know much about Dean but I doubt he has any history of game design. My understanding is that DayZ was floundering while he was on the team and then looked better when he left. He had one idea - and it was a really good idea - but he doesn't (or didn't at the time) have the experience to lead a team of professionals. Rocket's original vision of the game is sort of irrelevant at this point. I like the direction that DayZ is headed in currently, and I'm going to like it even more when modding becomes a thing and the community can tweak the game to suit specific playstyles. If DayZ's current direction wasn't Rocket's vision then yeah, him leaving was probably good for DayZ.
  11. Playing with my buddy. Took us a while to find a gun and ammo. Now we're both armed but not especially well. Not exactly rolling in ammo. Went to a couple of military bases and found nothing but boots. I see videos of people with inventories packed with ammo and I can only conclude that these people play for several hours every day. I imagine that most people play like I do (a few hours every now and then, maybe a couple of times a week). Weapon spawns seem to be pretty good as far as I can see. I wouldn't mind if canned food became rarer, though hunting and fishing should become easier in the process. There's not really any incentive to get meat because it's so difficult - that and I've not seen a single animal in .58. Fishing I've not tried though I hear there's something wrong with it, like you need a special knife or something. It's a bit like the bow. In the past I've worked hard to actually get a working bow and arrows. By the time I've got an ashwood stick I've already got a shotgun or something. By the time I've got a fishing pole and a cooking pot I've got a few cans of beans. If I didn't have those beans I'd never get to the point where I'd even be able to put a fishing pole together.
  12. BeefBacon

    pre .59 hype

    Though I think it's worth mentioning that, as I recall, they're working on interactable replacements where loot will spawn so hopefully the lack of loot around BMPs and such is temporary. I want zombies back. Buddy of mine just got DayZ and we've been playing it a bit. We've actually done insanely well. Not died once, got guns and stuff. Pretty good considering he's never played and I've not played in a few months. Anywho, we've both commented that it all feels very empty without zombies. We've never fired our weapons. I remember .55 or something where I found I actually had to use my gun quite a lot (initially, until I learned how to avoid zombies) and it was a lot of fun. I felt like my gun was a tool for clearing out zombies rather than as purely something for PvP. I'm hoping we see zombies in .59, even if we don't get hordes or fancy AI or anything like that. Just something to break the monotony of carefree looting.
  13. BeefBacon

    Base "things"

    Seems sensible. Certainly I'm against 'needing' sleep or sleeping while offline. Receiving a small, temporary buff for bothering to put together somewhere to sleep seems pretty fair to me.
  14. BeefBacon

    Limit brightness/gamma increase

    True, but it's extremely unlikely that somebody would actually need to set the gamma that high unless their monitor is completely fucked. If player A decides to play 'legitimately' and uses light sources to see in the dark and such, they are at a disadvantage when they face a player who decides to crank up their gamma - that is a major negative impact. As such player A will just crank up their gamma so they're on an equal footing, so then everybody is using what amounts to an exploit just so nobody has a disadvantage. This isn't good. A similar thing happens on 3pp servers where absolutely everybody wall peeks, because people who don't wall peek will be at a massive disadvantage.
  15. BeefBacon

    Limit brightness/gamma increase

    Adjusting screen gamma is unlikely to have the same effect as adjusting in-game gamma. It's also much more of a hassle. Your argument is stupid, like saying "putting in anti-cheat measures won't stop hackers, they'll just find a way to circumvent it". While that might be true, it'll make cheating or gamma exploiting a whole lot more difficult to the point that most people are unlikely to bother. The brightness settings are fine in my opinion. If I'm playing during the day and it's sunny out I crank up the brightness so I can see what's happening. Even when it's dark out I find that having a much higher brightness (around 3/4 of the bar, I think, I've not played in a while) is much nicer to look at.
  16. BeefBacon

    Can't tear clothes for rags

    Nothing like staring at the ground and reading "I have not found a thing" for 20 minutes while bleeding all over that pristine t-shirt you're wearing. Finding stones really shouldn't be that difficult. I'm fine with needing a sharp object to tear other items (hoodies for example) into rags.
  17. BeefBacon

    New 3PP Camera

    I've not played for a few weeks but I did use the new 3pp camera in experimental. I don't really have a problem with it, but it doesn't do much to reduce wall peeking - of course it is a first iteration. I'm not sure if it's new but I really, really dislike that I can't look all the way up. It feels quite restrictive. Short of something quite complicated, 3pp is always going to be exploitable. I don't know what exactly the devs have in mind so I'll wait to see what happens, but I'm not expecting anything that will make 3pp less of a peek fest.
  18. I keep Skype running in the background for work stuff. I guess I'd just have to run Skype on my laptop or phone or tablet like literally everybody else would in order to hide my third-party comms. Yeah, it sucks that people can use third-party comms. I've been caught out by it before I have no doubt, but there's no viable way to curb it. The headphones thing is certainly the best idea I've seen since it's largely non intrusive, but it'll penalise guys like me who leave Skype open in the background, and it won't affect players who really want to hide the fact that they are chatting with their buddies.
  19. BeefBacon

    Server Specific Characters

    I only play on private hives. Better community, no server hopping, no ghosting and many have active admins who are able to get rid of hackers or at least warn players that a hacker is active. I recommend you give them a go since it sounds like exactly the thing you're asking for. Let the scrubs play on public. Let the fools have their tar-tar sauce.
  20. BeefBacon

    Faith in Day Z: restored!

    I've not watched the whole thing. I'll probably put it on in the background while I work or something. I saw the vehicle section with the new cars which look nice, and I saw the base building segment. I like the direction they're going with the basebuilding, and I like that the huge impossible structure thing was addressed. While I've not played the mod or Rust or whatever, I've seen videos of massive square bases built up on mountain sides supported by, like, a single stick. It looks stupid. DayZ's base building might be slightly more limited in terms of the sorts of things we can build, but I think that's a good thing. DayZ seems to be more focused on fortified camps rather than building Barad-Dur out of logs. I like that.
  21. BeefBacon

    Abundance is Realism

    Abundance is boring. Having just enough to get by is what makes the game interesting. Might not be realistic, but there are plenty of aspects of DayZ that aren't realistic. Finding a high capacity vest and, I don't know, an AKM with a magazine is great and all, but it's not so great when everybody else on the server also has an AKM or an M4 or something because 'abundance'. What's really awesome is finding a high capacity vest when all you have is a gun holster, or an AKM when you've got a trumpet and a half-full AKM mag. The most fun I ever had with DayZ was, I think, .55 when no food was spawning. I'll admit that the apple picking was boring as fuck, but having to look everywhere to find stuff, scrounging up a couple of rounds to put into my badly damaged backpack and having to sneak around zombies because I wasn't carrying a fucking armoury was fun. There's a balance to be found for sure. Having too much is almost as boring as starving to death as a freshspawn 5 times in a row. By making food and such abundant you may as well get rid of the hunger and thirst system entirely and turn DayZ into that H1Z1 Battle Royale thing.
  22. BeefBacon

    Notification of item dropped from your hands

    Yeah, can be an issue especially in 1pp. I've thought about this before since I occasionally find a hatchet or something as a freshspawn and end up losing it because I ate something. I hope they eventually do away with the text updates and go with icons or something more elegant.
  23. BeefBacon

    ACH spawns

    The plate carrier doesn't currently provide any protection. You'd think they'd at least give it a placeholder protection value or something, but no matter. I'd be fine with some fancy new helmet. The more gear and stuff the merrier. If it can reliably stop some kind of powerful round then it should be rare - so crash sites make a sensible spawn location.
  24. BeefBacon

    Unconscious timer

    What the shit do you do? I'd have no problem with a timer, though it'd be better to have a maximum knock out time of, say, 5 minutes to avoid this alleged half hour wait. People don't know how long they'll be knocked out for in real life, sure, but being unconscious means you're, you know, unconscious. You're not staring at black wondering when you're going to wake up. That being the case it could be beneficial to have a wait timer.
  25. BeefBacon

    Near Death Experiences in 0.58

    Yeah I love the accelerated time. Hope it becomes a permanent fixture. People still leave servers when it goes to night but they don't completely empty like they do usually. I stick it out since they don't last that long (though I do admit to using the gamma exploit since I don't really want to be blind for half an hour. I don't crank it up all the way, though, just enough so I can see). I'm hoping they introduce new lighting and shadow effects soon. They'd look awesome and it'd mean people could use lights inside buildings without lighting up half the countryside.