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Everything posted by BeefBacon

  1. Everyone can spawn, run into Cherno and KO a fully geared player, making them relevant. That isn't good gameplay. It might be quite difficult, but the number of videos I've seen where freshspawns just sprint around a geared player while they try fruitlessly to shoot a crack-fuelled Usain Bolt is astounding. The stamina system will reduce the numbers of these super-geared players, with inventories stuffed with ammo. It'll also reduce the ability to simply sprint across the map to hit some military base. I'd be in favour of military clothing being slightly reduced, but in turn military clothing should be pretty much the best choice all-round. There shouldn't be arbitrary restrictions. Civilian clothes, however, should be varied and common, which each clothing type having pros and cons. Hunting gear should sit somewhere in the middle. Warmth and water protection should be extremely important when choosing clothing. Currently the only 'good' civilian jacket is the rain jacket, which sucks. It makes basically everything else obsolete. Ideally players should carry a number of items of spare clothing. A rain coat for very wet weather. Quilted jacket if it's very cold. Maybe even different types of shoes conferring different advantages.
  2. BeefBacon

    I am slowly warming up... slowly and frequently.

    As far as I'm aware the status messages will eventually be completely removed in favour of a simple UI.
  3. BeefBacon

    Not Going Out Anymore

  4. BeefBacon

    Clutter The Streets

    Yeah I read somewhere that they'll eventually be doing 'destruction passes' which I assume means adding wrecked cars, damaged buildings, debris, stuff like that. As you say, it's no doubt somewhat dependent on performance.
  5. BeefBacon


    Oh, haha, I thought that was a Photoshop mockup. Awesome.
  6. BeefBacon


  7. BeefBacon

    Death Cam

    I'd be in favour of being crippled and bleeding out. Now I'm not an expert because I've not died before, but I expect that when bleeding out or getting shot in the stomach or something, you're more likely to collapse and then lose consciousness before death. As it stands death is instantaneous. I think it'd be neat if when we die (unless it's a headshot or something) we collapse and our vision fades as we bleed out, all in 1pp of course, and we shouldn't be able to move. The whole process should only last a few seconds.
  8. BeefBacon

    Crawler zombies

    I see, so you prefer to play a delusional madman who's had a mental break in order to justify what he sees as murder. It's not uncommon for murderers to justify their actions by describing their victims as sub-human, and in this case you're just calling them the undead. No doubt you are borderline a murderous psychopath who has had their moral compass destroyed by a global catastrophe and a lifetime of cognitive dissonance. Good job. Or, you know, videogames. Also you've seen 28 days later, right? Is every character a murderer? In regards to 'disabled' zombies, we're getting old man zombies and fat man zombies. No doubt some zombies will start as crawlers, who could be described as paraplegics who have fallen out of their their chairs (unless you want wheelchair zombies racing across Cherno). Children in videogames has always been a contentious issue. If there are children, it's very rare that you're able to kill them. Some countries have laws prohibiting children being in 'peril' in videogames, so most developers tend to avoid the subject all together. Most (if not all) games that I can think of that have children feature either invulnerable children, or children that are so mutated or demonic that they can't really be considered children. When it comes to a zombie game, invulnerable or demon zombies aren't really an option.
  9. BeefBacon

    Chemical Grenades

    What, like tear gas? Or maybe something improvised made with bleach or something?
  10. Or pour water into empty coke cans? Even empty food cans. Not sure how you'd make a lid, though, so maybe that isn't feasible.
  11. BeefBacon

    music and character narrative

    I wouldn't want music, but if ever music was added I'd prefer something more ambient and atmospheric as opposed to 'sad' piano music or some such nonsense.
  12. BeefBacon

    Mod zombies vs SA zombies

    Are you proposing that the devs steal the bloodsucker outright, or that they produce a monster that is closely resembling but legally distinct from the bloodsucker? I think I'd rather wait for a STALKER mod. Good job not pulling anything out of your arse there, champ. Mod zombies are scarier but I guess standalone zombies are more realistic... as far as realism can go when it comes to zombies. Besides, as had already been stated the 'zombies' in DayZ are infected people, not the undead.
  13. BeefBacon

    General ideas about how the game should be

    Well, because they're less powerful. I thought I made that pretty clear. The only pistols I've ever used are the CR75 and the revolver. By the time I've found a pistol and the corresponding magazine I've already found a rifle that'll kill in one shot. Now I guess a pistol might make a good alternative to a rifle if I'm looting in a police station or something, but by-and-large a rifle is superior in every way making pistols pretty much obsolete. So pistols are quite rare and worse than weapons that are considerably more common. Bar a few specific examples I can't really think of any reason why I'd even bother. As such it seems sensible to make pistols, particularly the less effective ones, function as babby's first gun, even if one-shot rifles being more common is more realistic.
  14. BeefBacon

    General ideas about how the game should be

    I suspect food is common for now for the purposes of testing. I don't think CLE is configured yet either, so that won't help. That and hunting and foraging seems bare bones. I rarely see animals of any kind. On the rare occasion that I've actually been able to kill and skin one I've not been able to cook it - though I think cooking is easier now than it was a few patches ago. It's sort of DayZ tradition to spawn on or near the coast. I'm happy to keep with that tradition. However, I'd like all players to spawn soaking with ruined or badly damaged clothes. Your first priority should be drying off and finding new clothes, not sprinting to NWAF. That'd also make tracksuits, doctor scrubs, etc actually useful to some extent. I'm not keen on spawning with food. Running zombies are better. I'm hoping that when a stamina system is introduced simply running away from them won't really be an option unless you've got a big head start. You should have to shake them off, hide inside buildings, hastily barricade or try to fight them off. Of course ideally you'd never attract them in the first place, which is where stealth comes in. Pistols should be way, way more common. That might not be super realistic, but pistols (and low-level rifles like the trumpet) should be relatively common when compared to Mosins, Winchesters and other weapons that can easily kill in one shot. The Makarov in particular should be pretty widespread. Magazines should also be far more common, but spawn without ammo. People can carry all the magazines they like, but without ammunition they're just wasted space.
  15. BeefBacon

    Scorpion Too Big

    I like 3x2. Just slightly bigger than a pistol, which sounds like a good balance between size and firepower. It'll outclass most pistols no problem, but pistols will still be smaller. All making it 2x2 will do is make it the 'best' pistol. Having it 5x3 or whatever it is now just makes it hands down the worst SMG. As a side note, it'd be nice if Makarovs and magazines were more common. It seems that better pistols are easier to get working. The Makarov is easily the worst pistol, so it'd be nice if its general shittiness was offset by it being relatively common and easy to get up and running.
  16. BeefBacon

    DayZ SA Modding: A New Map

    Huh? Microtransactions? Have you been talking to EA again?
  17. BeefBacon

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Has anyone figured out why people just sort of stand there? It's weird. Tried shooting one in the head and he didn't seem too bothered by it. Tried to drink from a cooking pot and it got stuck in my hands. Even got "cannot remove item from hands" so I had to relog. Zombies seem brain dead. They wander around and don't notice me. Fired a gun and one sort of lamely shuffled towards me. Only saw 3 in Cherno. I'm assuming all the weirdness has something to do with testing zombies and server load.
  18. BeefBacon

    I'm done with 0.58

    Eh, this post just reflects what a lot of people have done without needing to whine about it. 0.58, as patches go, isn't bad but the lack of zombies and the time since the last update are putting people off. Hell, I was playing DayZ a few weeks ago with a friend. We were running through the woods and realised "what's the point?" like all we were doing was running from town to town. No objective. No real threat since we had somehow avoided everyone for days. So we decided to just leave it for .59.
  19. BeefBacon

    Let all cars* be random.

    I'd like there to be more dynamic events. Maybe a burnt out military or civilian convoy with random semi-valuable loot strewn about. If things like humvees and UAZs spawn good loot, I'd have no problem with them being randomised. If they spawn fairly mundane loot, however, they should be static.
  20. This. I think I made a post about nutrition a while back. I think if people want to live off canned food then they should be able to, but there should be drawbacks associated with it. Living off the land (hunting, fishing, farming, foraging) should be more difficult and time consuming, but yield greater rewards. I don't know about foraging, but if foraging could be expanded in the way you described (food is available but it needs to be processed/prepared in order to be edible) I'd totally be in favour of that. I'd argue in favour of respawning food, however, even if it only respawned every few hours. On top of that, though, I'd say that foraging should be made easier in the sense that you shouldn't have to spend five minutes staring at a shrub in order to find a lonely berry. Instead you should be able to find a few berries relatively quickly, but then that bush is depleted for a while. Also, as a side note, It'd be neat if there were poison berries. Now I know there are poison berries, but everyone knows which berries are poisonous. Instead there should be several colours of berries (and mushrooms, whatever) and on each server whether a berry (or shroom) is poisonous or not is randomly selected. We can then find survival guides in the world that tell us what is and is not safe to eat. We can't meta-game it as easily because each server is different, and perhaps changes upon reset (though I don't know what should happen to the food you already have in your inventory). I have flown a helicopter. I could probably find a user manual to refresh my memory as it was quite some time ago, but I at least understand the basics. I couldn't fix one, though. But then I couldn't fix a car. I've never fired a gun. I've never made a fire without a match. I've never skinned a deer. I've never filled a blood bag. I've never applied a saline bag. If you don't have the time or resources to repair or fly a helicopter... don't repair or fly a helicopter. However, if you have a large camp, a lot of people, a tanker full of fuel and you know there are a bunch of helicopter parts on an airfield, why shouldn't you be able to repair a helicopter? Are you telling me that everyone who washed up on shore is some sort of Navy SEAL / Bear Grylls hybrid, but it's too far fetched for us to fix up a helicopter? In regards to the RPG, I expect it'll be of use against vehicles. Humvees or beefed up buses, for example. I expect you'll have a bit of trouble killing a humvee with a .22 rifle. I don't expect it'll see very much use outside of squad play since I imagine it'll be quite large, ammo will be rare, it'll be heavy, etc etc. Still, it's nice that it's going in.
  21. That may be true, but wouldn't it kind of negate the survival element if food was so plentiful? "Oh no, I'm starving, time to pick one of the 100 sources of food I'm surrounded by." Even apple trees and berry bushes make starvation a non-issue. Everyone was bitching and whining in .55 because nothing was spawning, and there I was fully energised and hydrated with a pack full of berries. If berries and such were limited (but respawned after an hour or two, maybe) then I could see your point. As it stands, however, food is unlimited and it is everywhere. Hopefully the devs will address that. I'm pretty much in favour of RPGs and helicopters. I actually hope they add a few kinds of helicopters - preferably big ones. I never played the mod, but I get he impression that helicopters were kind of a big deal.
  22. BeefBacon

    Suggestion: Headlamps on Hats

    That'd be kind of great. I'd actually say pretty much all hats, rather than a select few.
  23. BeefBacon

    Pick up the pace

    I think most people do. Hell, I remember being a wee lad waiting for Half-Life 2. Waited for like 2 years (an eternity at the time) and practically exploded when I saw something about Half-Life 2 in some gaming magazine a friend was reading on a bus to school. Oh Jesus, I remember when my brother was building my first PC and I asked "will it be able to run Half-Life" and he said "Yes... Half-Life TWO." I exploded again. Those were the fucking days. Now everybody has to be privy to every single step in a game's development. Imagine if they'd done that for Fallout 4. Imagine how angry everybody would have been from, like, 2009 or whenever it started development. "OMG Bethesda are unprofessional hacks who can't develop games quickly enough for me." Obviously that's symptomatic of early access, and it's sort of understandable. People like to be reassured that their investment was worth it - but then they were made aware of the nature of early access. They knew that development would take 2 - 3 years, but they bought in anyway, and then they whine thinking the developers owe them something. Now if it gets to the end of next year and we're on .60, yeah I think people have earned the right to complain at that point. For now, however, DayZ seems to be more or less on track. That's good enough for me. Having said that, some more info would be cool. I, for one, would love to know how the new renderer is doing, or the new animation system. I'd also like to know, to some extent, what the new renderer will do. Dynamic shadows for fire, for instance? New particle effects? I'd also like to know more about the new sound module, or whatever they call it. Then again, maybe that will all be covered in the next status update, which they say will be a big one. Who knows.
  24. BeefBacon

    Various Suggestions and multiple player feedback.

    Stop adding clothes? Replace clothes with full sets? Choose what set we wear at spawn? Brilliant. Play the mod. Zombies are making a comeback in .59. Yeah, you heard him, devs. Stop purposefully creating bugs. Fixing one bug and creating 50 more doesn't make any sense according to this guy, who should know because reasons. Gardening will be useful once food is scarce. Currently it isn't, therefore gardening is near-useless. Eating and drinking is simplistic. Time consuming, maybe, but still simplistic. Guns are pretty common. Mosins are pretty common, as are most civilian weapons (though I've not found as many Winchesters, Blazes and repeaters) I'm pretty sure military bases spawn military loot. You can tell, because people have military loot. I actually agree with the HUD thing. The text display sucks. Selectable spawning? Ooh how about a buddy system where you can spawn right on a friend? Yeah let's remove gear degradation. This one guy speaks for all of us, and he says nobody likes it. No, I think it should be changed. Pristine/worn/etc is a horrible system. I'd much prefer, say, a percentage system. Optimisation will come in time. New renderer. Etc. Of course they plan on finishing the game. Don't be stupid. A delayed update and a seemingly slow development time doesn't mean they've stopped making the game. Games take time to make, usually a few years. DayZ's development seems slow because we are witness to every update. Games are usually announced a few months, maybe a year before they're released; they've usually been in development for a few years prior to that. Most of DayZ's development time has been going into the engine, which is why it might seem like there's not been much progress. They're laying the foundations still. Yeah the ragdolling is shit. I'd prefer if they'd just left it out because it clearly isn't finished and doesn't really add to the game in its current state. DayZ is supposed to be difficult. It isn't, but it will be. Survival will be a major element, as such what you wear will be important, how you find food and water will be important and so on. It sounds like you just want the mod, which is fine, but the Standalone isn't the mod. If it was just a slightly polished version of the mod what'd be the point? The price tag for early access? Yeah, I do actually think it's a little bit high, but in fairness it was considerably lower. Hell, H1Z1 is supposed to be free to play which puts DayZ's price into perspective a little; they're not charging literally infinitely more than what the game will cost at release. Anyway, welcome to the forums.
  25. BeefBacon

    Breaking all the rules

    Who the hell can? ;D It isn't easy shooting somebody wearing rocket skates. I prefer to jog around rather than sprint. Once I have a backpack I prefer wearing stuff like jeans and checked shirts rather than military gear. I tend to stick to improvised backpacks as well, rather than going for the massive ones. The game, in this state, is much more enjoyable if you impose limits on yourself. I recently tried a Slav playstyle with a friend. Tracksuits, flat caps, baseball bats and leather shoes - plus a taloon bag. Was the first time I had a loaded gun in a chest holster.