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Everything posted by BeefBacon

  1. BeefBacon

    Additional Food Items

    I'm sure that's all true, but wouldn't that lead to an overabundance of food? It might require some preparation, sure, but it's not very difficult to build a fire. Hunting and scavenging for pre-packed food, however, can be challenging and risky. Apples and berries interfere somewhat with the survival aspect of the game, so I hope they'll be balanced. If acorns or whatever are balanced in the same way (say each bush or tree has a limited supply of food that can be harvested) I could get behind it. In fact it'd be excellent, because pooly equipped players will be restricted to apples and berries, while players that have pots and pans and matches will have access to more food. I'm definitely up for MREs, however.
  2. BeefBacon

    from a loner to another

    Honesty, I'd just get a mic. In my case the mic on my headset broke for some reason, so now I use the inbuilt mic of an old webcam. Works fine, though it's not the greatest sound quality. If you stop to type in chat you're liable to get shot. A lot of people also don't trust people who don't talk back - so not having a mic in itself can be seen as hostile in some way.
  3. I don't think you know what criticism means.
  4. BeefBacon

    Always spawn in a costal area on login

    I can't wait to trek from Cherno to Tisy, stop for 30 minutes to make dinner and then make that trek all over again. I can't wait for the server to reset so I can make that trek again. That sounds like so much fun. Transportation would become almost useless. It'd be fine if you happened to run across a fully functional car on the coast, but good luck if you're trying to repair a car next to, I don't know, Stary Yar and then you have to log out for whatever reason. Why is a surge of coastal interactions a good thing? The vast majority of interactions happen on the coast - all this would do is limit interactions further inland. If you don't like server hopping then play on private servers. I don't understand why solutions to server hopping are almost always batshit - yes it's an issue, but how is this a good solution?
  5. BeefBacon

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Lights don't cast shadows, so they shine through walls. I hope they fix this - I think more people would use lights at night if flashlights didn't light up half the city as you look around. Would also look amazing. When playing last night, I noticed very little, if any, in the way of rubberbanding. Was shooting this guy, and he wasn't sliding around or anything stupid like that. Anyone else notice an improvement in that regard?
  6. BeefBacon

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Not a terribly friendly lot on experimental. Ran into some fellow near... Sverograd? Svetlogosk? Something. Big city near the middle. Bumped into him in the road, and I said "hello!" and he ran off. That's funny, I think, so I follow him, do the wiggle dance. Son of a bitch pulls out a shotgun "oh" I say, so I run off. That's when I hear *CLICK* *FRANTIC RELOADING*. I don't know if he forgot to load his gun, or it jammed, but I took the opportunity and shot him 4 or 5 times in the chest with my magnum. Doesn't phase him, though, so he runs off. I run off too, so I can reload. I then give chase, but I can't find him. I then see him gunning it down the road, like 200-300 meters away. He turns and fires his shotgun, which harmlessly plinks around me, so I shoot at him with the four .22 rounds I have for my sporter. Missed every one, but he runs at me. I pull out the scorpion I found last night and fire 10 rounds into his chest. "You fucked up." I say to his lifeless, bastard body. Would have made for an excellent video, I assure you. I have no idea how I survived. He must have been fumbling with the controls, because one shot probably would have killed me, especially at the range we were at initially. I'm not sure how I didn't kill him with the revolver, but he was bleeding. Last night I got shot at from behind, but I'm not sure where from. I ran around in circles before hiding in a building that had a vantage point over a police station. I see him running across the field, and I'm just about to take aim before the server goes down. My only friendly encounter was when I was a freshspawn. We talked about our frame rates, and how amazing .60 is. I miss that guy.
  7. Well, I doubt there's all that much you can do about it. The devs are aware of this issue - even I had it once, though I got no error box. You'll probably have to wait for stable - it's issues like this (among others) that are keeping .60 in experimental.
  8. BeefBacon

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Managed to connect after an hour and managed to play for a bit under an hour before the server reset. Managed to reconnect, sort of, and got a 90-second countdown, but it kicked me off at 20 seconds. Tried to reconnect but the server was full, so was a bit miffed. Shit happens, though. Last time I got on I played for about a minute before it crashed, and got a framerate of about 35 when looking at the city (I'm not good at the city names - there was a steep road leading up into town from the coast where there was a pier and cranes and stuff). This time around my frame rate never went below 40, and averaged at around 60 with a peak of 80 or 90. To begin with the fog was thick, and then it got even thicker before fading out. It was atmospheric and amazing. I didn't encounter any major bugs, though my shoes got ruined and my leg got chipped when I was walking inside of a building. Items in items is really good, though I never found more than one item in a container. Found a backpack with one can opener, found some trousers with one stack of .380 and a jacket with one stack of shells, a protector case with one epipen and so on. But yeah, now that I've had the chance to run around I'm thoroughly impressed by the frame rate (given that it's only the first optimisation pass) and the general graphical improvements. May give it another go tonight, but as it stands I'm happy to wait for stable now that I know the extent of the improvements on my system.
  9. BeefBacon

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    https://forums.dayz.com/forum/151-060-experimental-bugs-repro-steps-screenshots-videos-and-crash-dumps-massively-helps-development-thanks-for-your-support/ Temporary bug report place, I recommend you post there.
  10. BeefBacon

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Finally joined after an hour. Played for a minute, froze. My thoughts: Oh God it looks so pretty. Medium-ish settings, looks absolutely stellar. Was very close to a city, and fps didn't go below about 35 - hovered around 60 when not looking at the city. Not great, but a vast improvement considering that I used to get that on pretty much the lowest settings you can have turned even lower using the .cfg, so if I get the chance I think I'll tweak things. On the menu I consistently got 90 to well over 100 fps, whereas before I would struggle to get 50.
  11. BeefBacon

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Sweet mother of God.
  12. BeefBacon

    [Opinion] The Value of Base Building?

    People seem to be under the impression that DayZ as it currently is is representative of how it will be. "What's the point in camps? I can just sprint across the map in 10 minutes to find an SVD and 20 mags to hunt freshspawns since there are no zombies or wild animals, and if I die I can just gear up again because there's no penalty to death!" You won't be able to move from one side of the map to the other on foot with any speed. You will be slow, and you will need to stop to look for food unless you really stocked up before you set off. You will have to evade zombies and wolves, and if it comes to it you might have to expend one of the 8 rounds you have for your peashooter in order to stop something from eating you. You won't want to die, because then your soft skills will be lost - and maybe there'll be another penalty for dying, who knows? Shelter of any kind will protect from the elements and from threats to varying degrees. Being able to build a shelter that you can defend that is away from a town or a city will be extremely valuable. Finding a house in the middle of the woods that you can fortify could be even better, though such houses appear on a map which might not be ideal if you wish to remain hidden. I seem to recall one of the devs saying that the new renderer might mean more trees and thicker foliage, meaning that hiding in the woods might actually become viable. Has a chopper spotted your base from the sky? Well good on them for putting a billion hours into getting a working chopper and then hovering in the sky without getting shot at. I will probably never bother building a proper base. I might end up barricading something with my mate, but I don't think I'll ever put the time in to build anything substantial. Others might, though, and I'd love to see that.
  13. BeefBacon

    Fix dev tracker

    I don't know if this belongs in suggestions, but here goes. It's quite self-explanatory, it'd be nice if the dev tracker worked again. I liked having somewhere I could check for little updates from the devs - Twitter, Trello, Reddit, whatever - without having to go digging through irrelevant stuff to find a nugget of interesting information. The last post was on the 22nd of January, but there was a post almost every day before then. Not everything was super interesting, but there was plenty of stuff there that was like "oh, that's cool." I say 'fix' dev tracker because I assume it's broken since the forum redesign/hack/whatever.
  14. BeefBacon

    Modding should get regulated

    The point is that DayZ was a mod of Arma 2. What if BI had decided Arma 2 should have limited modding? Perhaps there will be a DayZ mod that creates a whole new subgenre of game. It's not terribly likely, but limiting modding in a game that came about as a direct result of the mod community seems wrong to me. I can see where you're coming from. I'm hoping that we don't see modding until, at the very least, DayZ at its core is finished, and they're effectively just bugfixing. If they release modding when DayZ is as unfinished as it is now, vanilla will disappear before it gets a foot in the door. Some mods will be silly. They'll feature tanks and helicopter gunships - and that, I think, is what you're afraid of. Don't forget, however, that there will also be a lot of incredible mods; perhaps mods that are even more survival-focused than the base game, or mods that simply expand on vanilla with new weapons, clothing and locations. Vanilla will eventually fall to the wayside. I'm hoping that it sticks around long enough to influence the mod community, and the community as a whole, to keep the original focus - survival - and build upon it with different ideas and themes rather than going the F-22 and Thermal AS50 route. I personally think that a Fallout or a STALKER-themed mod would be amazing (I've said that many times, hopefully it'll influence modders on a subconscious level). It could be silly, or it could go super survival mode. I guess we'll see, but heavy restrictions on modding isn't the answer to making sure people make the 'right' mods.
  15. BeefBacon

    DayZ Q&A: Design

    What feature would you love to see implemented in DayZ that you know will never make an appearance? (maybe it's too ambitious even for DayZ, or otherwise isn't feasible, or just doesn't mesh with the rest of the dev team) Are there plans to create a brand new map once Chernarus+ is finished, or is it at least something you'd like to do? Are there plans to 'seal off' Chernarus with, say, a mountain range so the map doesn't abruptly end with an immersion-breaking plain of nothingness? When DayZ finally hits 1.0 and the modding community is active, what mod would you most like to see? (perhaps a Wasteland-style mod, or maybe a STALKER or Fallout-themed one, for example) Is 3pp 'wall-peeking' something you intend to address further? If so, how? Given that guns will be rare and melee weapons and tools of various kinds will be quite common, will melee combat see any kind of update? Do you intend to add, say, blocking or directional swings, or just generally make it more interesting than it currently is?
  16. @IkaikaKekai The devs aren't expanding the current map but they've not, to my knowledge, ruled out releasing a completely new map. Don't be an arse. Arizona could be cool. Hot days, probably cold nights, array of environments - deserts and forests, plus good potential for varied terrain (hills and rocks and that). A map where a proper city is the central focus could be nice - something like The Last of Us where there are trees and deer and that in the streets. People can still hunt animals and chop down trees and farm and so on, but they're in the middle of a city. I don't know if that'll ever be feasible, but it'd be pretty cool.
  17. BeefBacon

    no luck finding any kind of ammo

    Easy fix. Drop your gun in favour of something else. You will instantly start finding ammo for the gun you used to have, but you will never find the gun you dropped.
  18. BeefBacon

    House Suggestions

    There won't be house building like there is in, say, Rust. The devs, I think Hicks specifically, has said that this is to avoid these huge ugly box structures appearing all over the map. I concur. Building is horrible. We will, however, be able to build things like scrap walls and gates - like a walled encampment. We will also be able to barricade pre-existing structures. Having, say, 30% locked doors would be great - maybe even more. Doors should 'respawn' as well, so they can become locked if they were opened before. There would still be plenty of loot for players that aren't equipped to open locked doors, but there would be even more loot for players who are willing to take the risk to bash down a door (it is loud, after all) or who have a lockpick.
  19. BeefBacon

    PAX take-aways

    Hicks mentioned he hoped there'd be some rain. You'd have thought they'd use some sort of debug build to allow them to control the weather. I was watching the Mount and Blade Bannerlord gameplay footage a while back. In that they went along a set path where things were spawned ahead of time, so they weren't running around like headless chickens looking for something to show off. I feel as though maybe there should have been a script or something that meant it'd start raining an hour in, or that a fully working vehicle would spawn in Kamy or something, so they could get around quicker. Instead they just ran along the coast. When they got to Elektro and were able to show off the zombies that was really good, but most of it was just running. It would have been nice to see Cherno as well, but they had technical difficulties - plus... Jamjar? And the other one? Anthony? Whoever. They were sort of pissing about a bit. That's fine, but I think Hicks was probably very conscious of the time they had left - that last disconnect they had just before entering Cherno was horribly timed, so that was a shame. The biggest thing I took away from it was the visual improvements, the steadier frame rate and - unexpectedly - the new zombie behaviour. I never thought zombies would actually be able to vault over obstacles. No longer will I be able to hide behind ankle-high obstructions to avoid ravenous zombies.
  20. BeefBacon

    PAX take-aways

    The zombies looked nice. Ignoring the grey ones, of course, it was pretty cool to see them vaulting over stuff. Combine that with the animation they showcased of a zombie knocking down a door and it seems that zombies will become a lot more manoeuvrable. Frame rate was hard to tell, but it looked pretty stable. There were a few massive frame drops but besides those incidents it looked like a pretty solid frame rate across the board. The fog was nice, but I would have loved to have seen how it looked from a hilltop. A lot of people seemed to think it was just a lower view distance, but really the fog is volumetric. Lower altitudes have a layer of fog. The coast is the lowest (I assume) so it has a lot of fog. Awesome, and it looked lovely, but it should have been shown off. UI is okay. It doesn't seem all that different from before, it's just got a new skin. It doesn't make very good use of space, so hopefully it's not by any means final. The hotbar colours were a little bit garish. Random items in containers and random weapon attachments is a good. No new weapons is disappointing. I've never found a FAL or an VSS or anything even remotely fancy, but it's cool knowing those weapons are out there. Hardly the end of the world, though. Carrying backpacks (and seemingly any item) in hands is good. It seems a lot of new features are dependent on things like the player controller. When these foundational features are in, I expect we'll see a lot of things like diseases, new animal AI, stamina and so on. I get the impression that a big hurdle has been passed, so .61 might see more tangible progress. Maybe we'll see .60 next week. Maybe.
  21. BeefBacon

    PAX take-aways

    I thought Hicks said Tisy base was in, just no contamination?
  22. BeefBacon

    DayZ at PAX East 2016

    So far I've not seen anything that I wouldn't be able to put up with for an experimental build. The loot spawning is definitely a problem, but I'm not sure what else is stopping it from hitting experimental. Grey zombies aren't exactly a gamebreaker.
  23. BeefBacon

    dayz standalone single player mode

    I don't think they'll be adding a proper single player mode, but they will be adding a sort of single player so mod developers can test their mods. I don't doubt that someone, somewhere, will develop a proper single player mod of some sort.
  24. BeefBacon

    Dayz Porn

    We know the map won't be expanded, but some of these ideas are really good. A historic town with a castle and the remains of walls would be amazing. An oil tanker out at sea, anchored or something, would also be amazing. Rocket, years ago, said he wanted proper rivers. I hope we'll see that.
  25. I've no doubt that people would play on a server that, say, somehow has a bug that makes high-end loot spawn more commonly. Just because people are playing it that doesn't mean there isn't a problem that needs to be solved. Now you could argue that the 'problem' of 3pp is subjective, and I suppose that it is - but you can say the same about that high-end loot server. I don't see why the ray-cast occlusion would be unacceptable, provided it worked properly of course. Literally everybody would be happy save for the people who demand the ability to wallpeek, but how long will they remain playing once they can't just sprint from the coast to NWAF without becoming exhausted and starving to death, even if they can wallpeek? They use DayZ as an open-world deathmatch game, but that isn't will DayZ will be. I don't think that wallpeeking has any place in a hardcore survival game.