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Everything posted by BeefBacon

  1. BeefBacon

    State of the game?

    No, no, there are plenty of videos. Depending on where you go you can find a good number of zombies, but not in the numbers you (and everybody, I suspect) are hoping for. I don't know when there'll be lots of zombies. The next patch is having a fair bit of AI work done on it so a higher zombie count might sneak in. .60 was the performance update - it's worth playing just to see how much better it runs. Beyond a quick gander, however, you might be better off waiting for .61 - that's what I'm doing.
  2. BeefBacon

    The Fundamental Importance of Honey in the Apocalypse

    Honey should spawn fairly rarely in houses, but should be relatively common out in the woods. It should obviously have a risk associated with gathering it. It feels like a bee suit would be a bit OP - basically making you immune to bee stings. As such there should be other ways to harvest honey from bee hives safely that poses a different risk or requires the consumption of some resource or other. Being able to keep our own bees would be neat.
  3. BeefBacon

    State of the game?

    Sort of. Yes. Obviously. We still have an alpha. The performance is much better, but not all that much has changed in terms of gameplay. The next patch will be introducing some cool new stuff, though, so it could be worth checking in on that. Watch a video of .60. There are plenty of them out there.
  4. BeefBacon

    Upcoming aircrafts discussion

    I don't even know if the devs have confirmed vehicle modding. If not, yeah I expect the modding community will leap on that. I'm looking forward to mods - even new maps I'm keen on. Chernarus is lovely, but something a bit different would be nice. I've only played the SA, so I didn't get to experience Namalsk or... Taviana? Those popular maps. Anyway, I'm going off topic.
  5. BeefBacon

    Server Weather

    This would be better as a suggestion. It's not a bad idea. We can see time of day, why not weather too? I suppose a downside would be that players would hop on and off servers more frequently. Servers empty when it turns to night because players can easily find a daytime server - so something similar might happen with weather. That only really affects public servers, though.
  6. BeefBacon

    Upcoming aircrafts discussion

    RPGs and some M...something AT Launcher is going to be included. They showed pictures off a while ago. As far as armour goes, the most I want to see is a Humvee - but I could probably cope with one of those early APC designs, like an M113 that were basically just armoured chassis with a machine gun on top. I'm keen to see what vehicle modification options we'll have.
  7. BeefBacon

    Upcoming aircrafts discussion

    If you want to squeeze your littlebird that you just spent 4 hours fixing up into a tiny gap between trees in the middle of a forest, be my guest.
  8. BeefBacon

    Upcoming aircrafts discussion

    I can't imagine some freshspawn is going to happen upon a fully functioning chopper on the coast and is going to fly around spotting camps. It will, or it should, take a ton of work to get a helicopter working. Also, I seem to recall, there will be more trees and denser foliage in future updates. I think the devs said they were planning on doubling the number of trees, or something like that. I don't know how big bases will typically be. I don't know if landing a chopper in the middle of one will be feasible. I don't know if there'll be secure storage options. Besides, if your base is in the middle of a forest, do you really think people would be keen on landing a chopper in that? You don't spend however long fixing up a helicopter only to risk crashing into a tree. I expect they'll be somewhat more common to begin with - in experimental, say - so they can be more widely tested?
  9. I don't know what legal issues might be involved with forcing the mic to always be on - it could be considered an invasion of privacy. Plus wouldn't you run the risk of fucking people over? Imagine running sneaking through Cherno and hearing "Timmy, take out the trash!" "Aw moooooom!" or broadcasting the constant loud hum of your potato mic. For people with good mics and who don't live with any people or animals I'm sure it'd be fine, but I don't want to get shot because somebody heard my dog barking. Plus, as people have said, it could be avoided with relative ease. It'd be nice if everyone only used in-game comms, but people will always use third-party software. Improving what we have, however, is definitely a good idea. The ability to whisper would be great, and the audio quality really should be improved.
  10. BeefBacon

    Smell System

    I think the text indicators are being replaced by icons. Smell has been brought up before. It's not something that you see much in videogames, for obvious reasons. If it can be implemented well I'd love to see it - maybe smells can be blown by wind, so you can smell a campfire downwind, and the wolves can smell you. Vomiting in the presence of corpses I'm not sure about. It takes a while to rot, after all, and Chernarus (but maybe not other maps) is set in autumn, where it'd be pretty cold - so bodies would decompose even slower. Besides that, vomiting would be pretty annoying.
  11. BeefBacon

    Guitar to the campfire?

    Yeah, Rommel was a pretty cool guy - as generals go. Brilliant tactician, cared for his men and opposed Hitler. Even people like Churchill sang his praises - he shouldn't be remembered as a Nazi. Guitar would be cool. Maybe have a system that allows you to play actual tunes - though I don't know how that'd look. I know Rust has a guitar, but it seems to be a pretty shit system.
  12. BeefBacon

    Arm the Infected!

    Adding a stamina system and decreasing ammo aren't just to make zombies more difficult to deal with - it's to increase the game's difficulty as a whole, independent of zombies - though they will certainly affect player-zombie interactions. Again, zombies will never be the primary threat. I fail to see why arming them would change that in any meaningful way. A stamina system won't make them more difficult. Less ammo won't make them more difficult. Better AI won't make them more difficult. However, giving some of them the ability to inaccurately spray bullets in your general direction? Basically unstoppable. I would wait to see how zombies measure up when they can knock down doors, players are affected by stamina, and there are more of them. Zombies as they currently are are basically just an annoyance. Arguably the main threat they currently pose is that they can draw attention to you, which other players can take advantage of. I don't know if those things will mean that zombies will pose an actual threat, but I suspect they will. If they're still harmless after that then I think yeah, maybe some of them could have guns - a bit like the zombies in STALKER. For now it's best to see how they pan out - it doesn't make sense to suggest a solution to a problem that hasn't even had the opportunity to arise yet. That doesn't mean this shouldn't be discussed, of course. Mum, dad, please stop fighting.
  13. BeefBacon

    Arm the Infected!

    He says THE real threat - not A real threat. What he's saying is that other players and the environment (hunger, cold, etc) are the primary threats. He expands on this by saying that AI is predictable, which means that players will always be able to turn that to their advantage. Players are not predictable, and so will always be a threat. I suppose he could have said "Ostensibly zombies are the main threat because this is a zombie game, but it's actually other players that you need to watch out for."
  14. BeefBacon

    Arm the Infected!

    I disagree. You won't be able to outrun zombies as easily when the stamina system is in. You won't be able to hide as easily when they can bust through doors. You'll be overwhelmed when more of them are added in, and you won't be able to just shoot them all when ammo is rebalanced. I really doubt that you'll just be able to circle strafe to avoid their attacks too. That sounds like a threat to me. I don't think zombies should be able to use guns. Basic tools maybe, but never guns. It would be nice if military zombies occasionally carried things like pistols, ammo, grenades and so on, but nothing that they can actually use. Zombies hiding and camping in buildings would be cool, though. Would be neat if they did things other than wander aimlessly in the streets.
  15. BeefBacon


    If we can set the cap, or if it's optional, I see no issue. Seems like a pretty good idea. Just as long as they don't do something stupid like tie the physics engine in with the framerate...
  16. BeefBacon

    New Item propose

    Are people being purposely obtuse? He's not saying that an economic system should be introduced where you can go to a safe zone and buy an AS50, he's saying that money, as an item, should be introduced. If players then decide "let's use money in a player-driven trading system" then that's up to them. They could just as easily use sheets of paper, or pumpkin slices, or whatever, but it may be that they decide to use the money item instead. I doubt we'd really see that - bartering is a better way of doing things - but I can definitely see a money system potentially popping up on certain well-regulated servers. If players decide it has no value, it will have no value. I don't see any particular reason why it shouldn't be implemented, but I've got a feeling it'd just be another near-useless item, especially given how easy it is to find books and paper.
  17. BeefBacon

    Make Chernarus an Island??????????

    No, really. I'm pretty sure the devs have said it takes place in the Arma universe - an alternative timeline, of course. Besides that, it takes place in Chernarus - the fictional country in Arma 2. It'd be like setting a game in Cyrodiil and saying it's not in Tamriel, and Elder Scrolls? What are those? As for the division thing - I can see where you're coming from. It's a legitimate concern, but maps will always offer different things. I've not played the DayZ mod, but I'm sure people still play Chernarus alongside... Taviana? Namalsk? They're all popular maps that offer different things - I doubt Chernarus will be rendered obsolete, not for a very long time, anyway.
  18. BeefBacon

    Make Chernarus an Island??????????

    The devs have stated that they're not going to expand the map any further. I don't know why, but that's what they've said. It's possible that they'll change their minds - but it might be an engine limitation thing. I'm not too fussed about the lore - I'm just pointing out that Chernarus is a fictional country and not a region of the Czech Republic, and that established lore dictates that Chernarus is part of the mainland. It's not especially important, I just waned to point that out. It'd be nice if Chernarus was an island, sure. I certainly wouldn't be against it. However, I'd prefer it if they designed a brand new map that has been designed as an island from the ground up rather than, as I said, just slapping a coast around Chernarus.
  19. BeefBacon

    Make Chernarus an Island??????????

    As I recall, the devs poo-pooed this idea. Not sure why. It's been suggested before. Chernarus is a fictional country, not a region of the Czech Republic. The Chernarus map is only a small part of the whole of Chernarus - a region called South Zagoria. The events of Arma 2 are canon in DayZ - US forces are deployed in Chernarus, where a civil war is ongoing, in opposition to the rebels and the Russian forces that back them. DayZ takes place some time after Arma 2, which is why we see all the burnt-out tanks, old crashed choppers, things like that. That being the case, Chernarus cannot be an island because it has already been established that it is a part of the mainland. The edge of the map is ugly as sin. A mountain range would be a pretty elegant solution if not for the helicopters. Simply adding coastline around the map wouldn't really work anyway, unless you want to totally rip up the geography of half the map. Remember that the further inland you go, the higher above sea level you get. Putting a coastline at the top of the map would mean you'd either have to have one hell of a cliff face, or you'd have to lower the elevation of the entire north of the map - and that probably isn't ideal. Somebody else has already made this point - it'd be better if there's a map made from scratch that is designed to be an island, rather than just putting water around Chernarus and calling it an island.
  20. BeefBacon

    Chernarus Needs Fire Stations

    I'm okay with the buildings. In a small region, buildings are going to look the same. Where I live, the buildings in one village look pretty much the same as the buildings in the next village - so that makes sense. Having said that, as you say, colour variations on houses would be nice, even if they're exactly the same model. However, the interiors should be unique. It'd be much better (though perhaps not feasible) if all buildings were completely blank on the inside by default, and all the furniture and decorations were placed manually by the level designers, making all the buildings unique, at least on the inside.
  21. I agree. They should either remove the majority of the wells, or make it so that wells spawn randomly. That is to say, you can't just go to a village because you know for certain there is a well there - it's random like police cars and heli crash sites. The spawns would have to be permanent, though, since it'd be weird going to a village that had a well 10 minutes ago which has now despawned. Wells should be super valuable, and should serve as hotspots for player interactions. Put a well in some random village in the middle of nowhere which is the only reliable source of fresh water for miles around. Boom. Instant new NWAF. Previously unvisited locations would become valuable spots for a reason other than military loot. As it stands you can find fresh water everywhere. Hydration may as well not be a thing. Boiling water to purify it should be a major component of the game. Water purification tablets should just be a portable water boiler, if you like, so you can just pop one of those in instead of having to set up a fire and get a pot and all that. As a side note, it could be cool to allow us to build wells when basebuilding is a thing. Depending on the location of the well (I'm not sure how water tables work but I assume you'll have to dig pretty deep if you want to build a well on a hill) it could have a different yield/capacity. I saw a while back a video on how to build a well. You need a few meters of tube that you hammer into the ground (there was a way they got the dirt out, I don't recall how), a pipe to reach to the water and a pump. On the other hand maybe it'd be better if you had to take basic resources (such as water) into account when setting up your camp. In regards to zombies and food, yeah. There'll be many more zombies, and I expect the stamina system will prevent you from just outrunning them forever. Hiding in buildings won't be an option because they'll be able to knock down doors. As such, finding pre-packaged food, and supplies in general, will become a lot more difficult. I expect we'll see an expansion of the hunting and foraging mechanics to compensate.
  22. BeefBacon

    New bleeding mechanic

    We don't know that. Blood splatters, decals, whatever, have been in games for a very long time. They exist in some form in the Arma games. I'd be surprised if blood splatters weren't implemented, and I expect the blood particle effect will be changed at some point. In fact I think there's supposed to be some new particle system coming in at some point, so it'll probably be addressed then. As for the bandages - you're probably right. The devs really don't like clipping, and bandages would be very likely to clip. You never know, though.
  23. BeefBacon

    Go home hyperthermia, you're drunk

    See, I've really not had this problem. Having said that, I am aware that overheating is currently an issue, so I am making sure that I wear light clothing - shirts and that. While I've been wearing a shirt, I've not even gotten hot.
  24. BeefBacon

    Gear getting destroyed

    I hate the item damage system. If I get shot in the leg, everything in my trousers should not burst into flames. There should be a chance for one or two items to become damaged or ruined, but not a near-certainty that everything will be ruined. Things like food should never become ruined, but they should lose their contents. Maybe if a can of peaches gets 'ruined' you stand to lose 20% - 90% of the contents, as though you've opened them with an inappropriate tool. Zombies should be able to damage clothing, but not their contents. Ruined and damaged clothing should have considerable drawbacks - reduced protection from the elements, perhaps. Currently I think the only drawback is they provide less physical protection. Given that you can repair clothing to a worn condition, pristine clothing should be far superior to worn clothing - and so players should spawn with damaged clothing to make finding new clothing a top priority. The way stacks are handled should be changed as well. The only way you're going to ruin 40 rounds of loose ammo is if you send them through a grinder. However, I would like to see wetness play a role in damaging items. Some items should be immune - why would a sealed can of beans become damaged by water? Why would a bottle of water? Ammo and guns should be damaged very slightly by water, especially if they get soaked rather than damp. Rice and cereal should also degrade, and wet sticks, matches, paper an so on should have a high chance of failing to catch fire. Electrical equipment (rangefinder, flashlight, cattle prod, whatever else) should also have a good chance of becoming damaged, and a small chance of becoming ruined if used while wet. I digress however.
  25. BeefBacon

    Modern melee weapons and swords

    I can't see a Chernarussian farmer owning some kind of fancy tomahawk. He'll have a splitting axe, or a hatchet, or a splitting maul. He won't use freaking carbon nano-fibre throwing knives for hunting. He'll use something cheap and practical. However, if this sort of thing might be used by soldiers as part of their field kit then I could see it being military loot.