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Everything posted by SmokedUpJoe

  1. SmokedUpJoe

    thanks to you that ruined this game

    I don't know how U did it,3 times. Hurt my eyes 3/4way though. And I got it. He die'd. Needs to do again.
  2. SmokedUpJoe

    [VIDEO] Play DayZ! (A parody of Daft Punk's "Get Lucky")

    This totally deserves a Bump (got it on my Mp3 player now)
  3. SmokedUpJoe

    Dayz Standalone in animated form

    This totally deserves a Bump
  4. Yes That. sadly, is nothing that can be done. I for whatever reason have not had a problem with asshats, Yet.I know there there atm. Just have not shot at me.(Yet)
  5. SmokedUpJoe

    Simpsons in DayZ

    very cool... But... we all know Maggie is the best shot. she should be holding the mosin. edit- :rolleyes:
  6. SmokedUpJoe

    Thanks for the new Discussion area!

    I was starting to think was just Me. Everything is nicely shuffled around. Looking very nice for sure.
  7. SmokedUpJoe

    When you've played DayZ to much......

    Ooh what I would give for the bigass black one on the bottom. "think it'll fit in My pack"
  8. SmokedUpJoe

    0.44 being pushed to Stable

    Nice... So excited Now for Tomorrow.
  9. SmokedUpJoe

    Call Out SheepDog402

    Good Giggles as I was about to Google. :beans:
  10. SmokedUpJoe

    Binoculars now in Experimental Build!

    Ty :beans: Almost seems kinda small to Me. Was expecting 1x2 at the smallest.
  11. SmokedUpJoe

    Binoculars now in Experimental Build!

    Wondering the same here?
  12. SmokedUpJoe

    Binoculars now in Experimental Build!

    That is Fantastic news. very very exited now. Probably the only thing I feel like I am missing.
  13. SmokedUpJoe

    100 man US server

    I dunno , I am not EXP atm. but would think is the reason right there. Experimenting
  14. SmokedUpJoe

    100 man US server

    I really hope the 100ppl servers work out,and end up going stable in no time at all . Not sure if would like 100full up all the time,but I would always love being on 60ppl +.
  15. SmokedUpJoe

    My thoughts on latest experimental build

    Ouch... That's no good if is that bad.Half speed will be ruff.
  16. SmokedUpJoe

    Tie Bandanas around arms for easy team spotting

    i like it... Good idea for sure. :beans:
  17. SmokedUpJoe

    Constantly zoomed in - Need help ASAP.

    Nothing like that. Am giggling on it. I really only replied because I did it to myself a few month ago. was stuck zoom in for days before I realized what I did, thought OP may have done the same. But he fixed anyway before I clicked Post.
  18. SmokedUpJoe

    Constantly zoomed in - Need help ASAP.

    I read it. WHATEVER.Did not specifically say double click. I am sorry I tried to help.
  19. SmokedUpJoe

    Constantly zoomed in - Need help ASAP.

    I believe if U double click the +key pad. It is a zoom toggle. I kinda like the zoom locked on.
  20. I cant say how accurate this is...but Found this a little while ago and have gone back and read a bit there. I did note the Tactical Bacon was added to the list. so somewhat updated. And the site is nice too. EDIT- forgot the link. http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Consumables
  21. SmokedUpJoe

    Remove Zombies until they're fixed.

    It is just asinine to even think this... how people are not just flaming the crap out of this is beyond me. How can U possibly be seriosly asking to remove zombies from a Zombie Apocalypse Survival game, that is still in Alpha. I am so very very very confused and am now going to bed early. Hoping the world will make sense to me again tomorrow.
  22. SmokedUpJoe

    Sony announces h1z1

  23. Ya...I am digging it. Am so sure I saw a zombie 1hit kill a friend. was the female with the pink top,and she scares me now. I hope they become more dangerous, with individual zeds being individuals. edit- SMILEface
  24. SmokedUpJoe

    Did some spawns get removed?

  25. SmokedUpJoe

    Remove Zombies until they're fixed.

    Too funny... Giggles to Self.