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Everything posted by SmokedUpJoe

  1. SmokedUpJoe

    Can't join empty server

    for Me... not familiar with map. Not just newbie to game But Map. nice to look around without getting shot @ (NOT that I mind)
  2. SmokedUpJoe

    Can't join empty server

    ya... Me too. I have kinda given Up on empty servers, trying to find my way around empty map more than electro dethmatch. have been hitting low population servers 2-3 ppl. no problem. not a fix ,but something
  3. SmokedUpJoe

    Servers times and player count is getting stuck

    So just complaining to be complaining, Start server @ 6am and know will be restaring befor 10am LOVE the EDIT
  4. SmokedUpJoe

    How to get max fps with my computer?

    To be a litle more helpful than the last guy... I am not thinking is much to do ATM than deal with. I hate to say ALPHA but maby true here. Game has a lot to do/add/fix before asking these things of it. have to finish game before can fix FPS for all. I have an almost exact system as you. 660ti is all difference I see on U. and not much more I can do to improve(that I know of). edit- I like EDiT
  5. SmokedUpJoe

    Servers times and player count is getting stuck

    I cant help ... but, Is it getting stuck at that time after It reaches that time?( IE- It starts @10am and 4 min later things get weird) could U maby start it at a diff time? don't think will help but am helping watch a server for a friend and just wondering if anymore Info.
  6. SmokedUpJoe

    To The Chaps I Met in Elektro

    Ya It IS. Beans for All.
  7. SmokedUpJoe

    Aluminum Bats

    Ya ... into it. some serious hits on that. much more brutal than a wooden bat for sure. how should be against an axe, IDK. the melee seems like will be awhile before is solid. Other than the fireaxe I dont think anything is all that good/useable.
  8. SmokedUpJoe

    Forum bug - button not working

    is not working with CHrome. just tried, Dunno how to help tho. \I use FireFOX and is working fine.
  9. SmokedUpJoe

    Zombies in the next stable build....

    Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger. (and no more walking through walls)
  10. SmokedUpJoe

    Can we expect more Options in Melee?

    would be nice for sure, and could also use the same action key for the bayonet attack and/or butt clubbing from a rifle. pistol whipping anyone? :rolleyes:
  11. SmokedUpJoe

    Decals, Stencils, and Spray Paint

    not to rip the rest ... I was just thinking this same thing about the color. the lack of simple color to the spay paint is kinda a bummer. blue red yellow can do so much. EDIT- I like to edit
  12. SmokedUpJoe

    Never noticed it before...

    lol... I cant wait to log and check that. :D tomorrow
  13. SmokedUpJoe

    Forest sighting

    That is just too frikkin funny... BEANS gotta know where that @ cuz then I would know where am going hunting first with the Bow! EDIT- MORE BEANS
  14. SmokedUpJoe

    A few small suggestions

    4) Ability to modify at will the face of the character- so very very happily looking forward to this :D
  15. SmokedUpJoe

    Please implement - Non-lethal Weapon Toggle Option

    I so believe this has something to do with the date. if not... to each is own I guess. not a great idea imo. try using a Baseball Bat if U cant shoot to NOTkill.
  16. SmokedUpJoe

    Field Glasses

    I would love this. Something that seems so obvious. thinking should allow use of LRS with no mosin. just use of scope in hand.
  17. SmokedUpJoe

    Alien on map?

  18. SmokedUpJoe

    Alien on map?

  19. SmokedUpJoe

    Firehouse Slaughter of a Whole Clan

    very Nice.
  20. I love the new fun that is had with the zeds. but a lot of work needs to be done still so. I like most cant wait till thay are not clipping walls/floors. In a long time from now, when it matters and a vote comes up about this exact thing, I hope am still enjoying the zombie threat at that time. :)
  21. SmokedUpJoe

    <Name> killed by <Name>

    Ya... Bad Idea. NO thank you. NO
  22. SmokedUpJoe

    Do you read notes in game?

    I haven't found one yet. I keep leaving them for others. I try to leave them with thing, so they look like U should read them. Like next to a m4 with acog and handguard flashlight and 3 60clips I just left somewhere. With a note.
  23. SmokedUpJoe

    my leg is in pain........what do i do?

    ya... the morphine did do it I guess. while in today the pain seems to be gone.
  24. SmokedUpJoe

    my leg is in pain........what do i do?

    I dunno if is gunna kill, but have this happing to me too. Is like an running around on an almost broken leg. Have already gave self morphine, didnt seem to help. Have already eaten a bunch of pain pills and still "my leg is painfull' not sure of what else to try if anyone has a suggestion I would also like to hear.