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Everything posted by SmokedUpJoe

  1. SmokedUpJoe


    I like the idea... but ... seems problematic. Been on this life a while now and wouldn't want to be tripping over My hair.
  2. SmokedUpJoe


  3. SmokedUpJoe

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    THis seem like an obvious. never got why there is not a new one. one for exp ,another for stable. @almost Page100
  4. SmokedUpJoe

    [VIDEO] Play DayZ! (A parody of Daft Punk's "Get Lucky")

    Havent even finished ... Very Nice... too funny :D
  5. SmokedUpJoe

    Who has never played DayZ mod?

    Never for Me. SA only and loving it. and probably never will for the reasons above. every time I go to see a vid or watch someone streaming it, it just doesn't feel like is for ME.
  6. Nice TY. Is what I did. Just maxed it out,but wasn't sure that was what was doing.
  7. SmokedUpJoe

    How do you shoot?

    @people. :rolleyes:
  8. Kinda A Curiosity Bump ... Bump am wondering about this setting here. Just got a new pair of head gear and wondering what this setting does?
  9. SmokedUpJoe


    Yes... that's it. Like Shad0H4wk says. double click the left ALT. couldn't remember what it was default.
  10. SmokedUpJoe

    Drag Dead Bodys

    U can check Pulse for sure already. and It does say [PLAYERNAME] something something ,something.
  11. SmokedUpJoe

    Drag Dead Bodys

    Am thinking its gonna happen.With all the talk about ragdoll physics and what not.
  12. SmokedUpJoe


    I think it is one of the ALT buttons. one is Look the other is Free Look I move mine around but thinking U just need to hit one of them and will be good to go.
  13. SmokedUpJoe

    I just realized ricochets can kill. :)

    Bummer. I found out about ricochet bullets when I shot a friend by accident. Luckily I only broke his legs and knocked him unconscious. and I was able to just fix Him up with what I had on me. only needed new pants.
  14. SmokedUpJoe

    Dayz Standalone in animated form

    Super Frikkin Hilarious! ---MORE Bean's
  15. SmokedUpJoe

    Status bars question

    dunno about almost all of what U are looking for for an answer...but Had this happen to a friend of mine, right in front of me. We were all geared UP. All pristine all the way around. And that same blond\pink top zombie just ran on up and whacked him. 1Hit Dead. I try to avoid her now.
  16. Am believing it is 3x1 3 wide 1 tall edit-- maybe its 4x1 tho :rolleyes:
  17. ya... wondering the same today. I was green across the boards as well and ate a real lot of busted stuff and never reached "stuffed"
  18. SmokedUpJoe

    Remove Reloading from "F" and scroll wheel

    Yes... into it. My fingers will never reload in any game without reaching for "R" and the ability to do it in so many other ways does screw with me. Doing the wrong thing at the wrong time... No Fun. ... like the weird walk that comes from right click because it thinks is aiming nothing. screw'd Me more than a few times as well.
  19. SmokedUpJoe

    Wich vehicles do you want to see in the SA?

    Yes That Exactly.
  20. SmokedUpJoe

    Wich vehicles do you want to see in the SA?

    Busted Up, Rusted Out Junkers. I know ppl wont like My Opinion. Dont think should be any tanks/helies. Older cars and trucks. that dont require onboard computer. or ever A manuel too keep running. can I get a Willy Or even the 2TON in the back
  21. SmokedUpJoe

    Admin maybe kicked me?

    Ya ... idk, or dont get it. I have a server I could be doing this on. I would rather play the game. DIE and do it again.
  22. SmokedUpJoe

    Admin maybe kicked me?

    well sounds like a Combat Restart to Me. The other person(if was admin on server) didnt wanna loose the time spent and All that hard work gearing Up. lol Dont get it.
  23. SmokedUpJoe

    10 Second Replay Upon Dying

    I wold LOVE this. . I dont wanna know who killed me i doont wanna get to much info atall. So and So( i REALYT DONT CARE) sniped Ur ASS from the factory ,while U where a Bambie. i would like to know but' a god idea of feeling the death.
  24. SmokedUpJoe

    Can't join empty server

    TY, hunt man. got map.( a few. am still checking for best for me.)(IZURVIVE IS ON TOP for me atm} a lil diff when I want to runn around getting me bearings not ge3tting shot at is kinda nice ... to knoW can check map and not get shoT@ as a newb. I Cant complain.