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About Zombriii

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  1. Zombriii

    Remove Zombies until they're fixed.

    My bad for the misunderstanding. I've had my fair share of zombies attacking me from the ground, and walking up into a house with a zombie halfway through the floor. It is frustrating, but as assholeish as this may sound, adapt and survive! But, really, I'm sure it will be fixed soon. I have hope.
  2. Zombriii

    zombie games and gender issues

    Hahaha idk the thought of no deodorant and a bunch of sweaty balls turns off any attractive essence those men could have.
  3. Zombriii

    zombie games and gender issues

    I think it more so has to do with personal interest. Not all women are into hard thinking games where you have to adapt and survive. It's much easier to prove your badassery by getting a dumb amount of kills on a game like COD (been there done that, I find DayZ WAY more fun) and screw the woman/Walking Dead tv show comparison. What about all the babes who read the comic?
  4. Zombriii

    Remove Zombies until they're fixed.

    I hate to keep this topic alive, but I think it's funny that people find the Z's so difficult in the standalone. They're vanilla compared to the Z's in the mod....seriously. Way more Z's in the mod, and they can climb ladders..CLIMB. Oh, come on guy! Where's the fun in running around and just collecting food and drinking from fountains? Live a little!
  5. Zombriii

    Elektro spawn gone?

    I don't see why this is such an issue. I have had the game for a month now and have never spawned in Elektro....I actually don't believe I've ever been there. Just play the game man.
  6. Zombriii


    Awesome! Thank you so much! I will shoot you a pm shortly, I won't be playing tonight but I at least want to familiarize myself with the Commander.
  7. Zombriii


    Just downloaded commander and the DayZ mod and DayZ Epoch. From here I have no idea what I'm doing........heh Can someone post me a link to a guide or some tips? Please and thank you, hope I'm not spamming!
  8. Thanks :) Tried both, Commander is definitely easier to understand and use!
  9. Zombriii

    The rarest sh*t I ever found

    I had a riders jacket once, and then someone slaughtered me :( I found a peacoat once too. Now I have a very unstylish raincoat that still gets soaked.
  10. Ugh I'm always paranoid Im going to come across that one other player and die...
  11. Zombriii

    Can you trust a stranger with a loaded gun?

    I met my first hero today who geared me up with food and water, and a weapon and even helped me find a backpack. My whole outlook on the game is changed! It's definitely more fun when you have a group to play with!
  12. Zombriii

    Zombie spawning

    I love the stealth approach in towns, it does work sometimes. But I finally found a water bottle, went to fill it in the pond in Polana (which mostly void of zeds) and then two spawned right on top of me. All I have to use is an axe which works well for the most part, but as stated before all spawns were already aggro. Bled, couldn't patch myself up because being chase, passed out, two minutes later I was dead. I am all for the amount of zombies, one even saw me in a window on the second floor of a building and that was AWESOME, but the quick spawning already aggro'd is a huge bummer considering that's not how it would really work. Otherwise this game is fantastic!