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Everything posted by Nugiman

  1. Nugiman

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Same happened to me a few days ago, but in a military base. It is the jail-building, second floor, the room with the beds. I had mates around me and they were looking after my corpse…I layed down on the ground outside the building. There must be a glitch that you can suddenly (and without even moving!!) fall out of the building and die immidietly, breaking your legs. Thank god they removed all my gear before my corpse disappeared, so I quickly ran across the map and got all my gear back within an hour. This must be fixed! I hardly move in that room anymore now, anxious of this happening again...
  2. Nugiman

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I like the new features of this update, but one thing really makes it nearly unplayable for me: The de-sync bug. Running in a group of 3 people yesterday, the de-sync happened about every 10 minutes and lasted for about 1-5 minutes. Always "he guys, where are you gone now?" and then "oh, i cant even change my weapon…de-sync!!" After 1 hour we all disconnected because of frustration, this bug really kills the fun. The update shouldnt get in stable version yet with this bug. I hoped they only release it when the major bugs are killed, which did not happen. I only tried the experimental 2 times, but always uninstalled it because of the de-sync bug. I preferred to play the "old" stable version instead. Now I am forced to play stable with this bug. I'd rather prefer having an "update" which brings us back to the 0.37 version than having to play with this….