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Everything posted by liberator260

  1. liberator260

    Why wont people play in the night ?

    As I have experienced, I've played a few times through the night and only caught hackers that somehow see light playing in night servers. Therefore, I do not recommend you play on night servers until they can find a way to counter this "hack." Also, the fact that your vision doesnt adjust to the night nor does the moon brighten the ground even a bit makes it impossible to see a single thing in the dark... Lighting in the game for night time needs to be completely reworked... this includes flood lights and such
  2. liberator260


    As most of us know, the DayZ Mod has multiple mods within itself, henceforth I was wondering if the game will eventually have game modes like those such as epoch game mode. Also, will the game eventually have it set for 1 character per server rather than 1 character for the entire hive???
  3. I have a question about the NE airfield and snipers, before the recent patch, I was sniping perfectly fine at 800m out from the west side of the NE airfield, but now I cannot see my bullet strike the ground, spark the metal off the hanger, nor see the hit off of the western 2 story. I was wondering if the recent patch increased the distances, increase bullet drop, or maybe if it is a recent glitch/bug for that to happen...
  4. liberator260

    Recent Update... Sniper Question.

    Haha! exactly what i was thinking! the M4 is soooo overpowered now Thank you Elle!
  5. liberator260

    Recent Update... Sniper Question.

    Lol no, this was like 3 days ago
  6. liberator260

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    I'm not sure if they did anything with bullet drops or something but i can no longer see my shots hit the floors anymore at 300+meters out with my mosin with all pristine attachments... Before the patch I was able to see my shots hit walls floors buildings etc.
  7. liberator260


    What is going on with the desyncing?! I keep getting killed because of this stupid crap! FIX IT NOW! FIX THE ZOMBIES! you are idiots if you think the zombies are not too sensitive being able to detect anything with in 600meters
  8. liberator260

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    The other day, 3 hackers teleported behind my sniper position on a full server killin me and my buddy 800m away from the airfield, meaning they would definitely not have know where we were exactly. This being said, the game and its ANTI HACK system is completely crap and yet they dont seem to be more focused on that and more focused on proceeding with the games physical upgrades... DO NOT JOIN A FULL SERVER!
  9. liberator260

    Mosin VS M4

    The Mosin is technically better if you actually know how to aim with it although lately I've noticed that its sorta messed up with its damage as I had a headshot yet the person did not die twice which is ridiculous. Meanwhile the M4 range is messed up as it goes further than 400m when set on 100m(maximum) This of which I hope will be fixed soon b/c it is unfair that the Mosin has massive bullet drop and the M4 has almost none for now.
  10. liberator260

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Can we have more backpack space or something, its going to be impossible to hold all the stuff soon if more medical needs are going to be introduced with the fact that zombies make u bleed far more easily now with more zombies as well