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DayZ Standalone News

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Everything posted by DayZ Standalone News

  1. DayZ Standalone News

    Experimental Update 0.63.149887

    Uhhh this is a big one, finally "Fixed: Infected might teleport towards players"
  2. DayZ Standalone News

    DayZ Standalone Chernarus Rail System Map

    Hello Survivors :) Few weeks ago i were browsing through different types of Maps for DayZ Standalone and noticed none of them have a more detailed rail system just some thicker black lines without any detail, so i thought why not spend some time and create one on my own and so did i. Took me quiet some time, lots of in-game traveling, dozens of screenshots and plenty of ours in Photoshop. Imo it was worth it. Most people probably don't care about rail tracks in DayZ but for those who spend more time for DayZ and are interested in any detail its definitely more interesting. Since im in cooperation with iZurvive I've decided to share this Map with them to let them use it to be the first ones who got a more detailed rail system. Can't wait when its ready and we all are able to use it via iZurvive :) Here are some sneak peak pictures of my Map (download at the bottom) I would appreciate any feedback, there could be some mistakes but overall it should all be right. Download 422MB
  3. DayZ Standalone News

    Things I have yet to see in 0.62

    holsters are there, flashbangs mostly in clothes at car wrecks
  4. DayZ Standalone News

    respawn option while unconsciousness

    Hay Survivors, i wanna talk about an option what i think is not necessary and removes plenty of possible good situations who might lead to role play, conversations etc. The option to respawn and kill your character while being unconscious! I know the value of your character is not high at the moment, the biggest value is most likely time you've spend with it and your location (the more far inland the higher), still you should fight for your life and try to stay alive no matter what. When youre unconscious, get tied up what might lead to a cool story and you stay alive is more worth to me than anything else. Same if im not mistaken and its still a thing when youre tied up and youre able to respawn. The only way you should be able to respawn is when youre really dead in my opinion. What do you guys think about that? Are there other sides i don't see who might give this a greater sense? Did the devs said anything if this is already planned to get removed in beta? Im interested in hearing your opinion guys (correct me if im wrong somewhere ;) )
  5. DayZ Standalone News

    Exp Update 0.62.139835

    ohhh yess! cant wait to test them :O
  6. DayZ Standalone News

    Exp Update 0.62.139796

    noticeable changes? do you see the difference?
  7. DayZ Standalone News

    Exp Update 0.62.139748

    100% agree, i would love to play more frequently at night times, uses flashlights or torches but all this is no fun when most of the people uses the gamma abuse so they can see clear like it would be day time... right now all light sources are useless and no one uses them at all, sadly
  8. DayZ Standalone News

    Exp Update 0.62.139748

    ambient sound still way too loud when you come close to a city or buildings, it changes the volume from very good to too loud :/
  9. DayZ Standalone News

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    But still i cant really enjoy the nights when you play normally and you know youre in a huge disadvantage against those gamma abuser :( i really love the night time, it looks awesome and kind of scary now but the gamma thing ruins it for me
  10. DayZ Standalone News

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    Many thanks for this awesome info Baty! really really appriciated
  11. DayZ Standalone News

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    Im curious about this too, Baty?
  12. DayZ Standalone News

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    Thanks for the Update :( :( :(
  13. DayZ Standalone News

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    Thank you very much! This is always very appreciated
  14. DayZ Standalone News

    Q&A with Map Designer Adam Franců

    Hello Sumrak :) first things first great work youve done and your team, personally cant wait to see some changes on the Map near future. Are underground caves, mines or bunkers planned and even possible to create? More Islands? maybe? :D Possible to expand the Map in the future? What will happen with the debug area? will it stay clear of objects? Will it ever be possible to enter or get it blocked by objects at one point?
  15. DayZ Standalone News

    Q&A with Lead Animator Viktor Kostik

    What is the most difficult/complex Animation you have done for DayZ so far? And why? How many different Animations are currently available and how many will there be approximately?
  16. DayZ Standalone News

    Exp Update 0.61.137076

    There are some really good fixes right there! good job guys
  17. DayZ Standalone News

    Exp Update 0.61.136737

    Yes i also did spend all my time while playing since the patch is out just to find the backpack, went over several military areas multiple times and no success. What i think is it either spawns at heli crashes or theres an issue with the spawn.
  18. DayZ Standalone News

    Is DayZ now a Survival Simulator? [0.61 discussion]

    Wait what? really? i seem to missed that completly, thats cool
  19. DayZ Standalone News

    Is DayZ now a Survival Simulator? [0.61 discussion]

    After they fixed the Apple Tree bug they really have to think about the % chance you getting an apple out of an tree, or a berrie out of an bush, or a rock out of the ground... in my opinion the chance is too damn low at the moment. MAybe if the chance getting an apple wouldnt be that rare maybe they would use the tree correctly instead of using the glitch, but who knows.
  20. DayZ Standalone News

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Looking foward to help you guys too.
  21. DayZ Standalone News

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    I got a really important topic what should be a must have for the future. My question is: Will it be possible in the future that the grass will render from a far distance too? not only in a player radius of (for example) 100meters. For my opinion its really really important for many things like hiding and optics 'n more
  22. TEQUILA !!! TEQUILA !!! TEQUILA !!! I want to Introduce you our brand new Server, called: Tequila for free in Elektro | PvP no Rulez | 4h restart http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ IP: 50Slot, Private Hive, No Rulez at all, means you can play like you want, how it should be in DayZ. Be a role, Bandit, Hero or just a Survivor. Everything is allowed. Main PvP Town will be Elektro because there is free Tequila. Every 4h restart and several times a day manually loot respawn. No whitelist. We also got a Teamspeak to meet each other and talk. uk-voice2.fragnet.net:10003 Sponsored and hosted by Fragnet. Huge thanks to them. They are awesome. http://clients.fragnet.net/link.php?id=86 So i would really appriciate if you join, you and your friends and enjoy the free Tequila in Elektro with us. cheers rob :)
  23. DayZ Standalone News

    Tequila for free in Elektro | PvP no Rulez | 4h restart

    Like your DayZ with a little kick ? Then you need the Tequila In Elektro server! We're inviting you to join the adventure on our Private server. 50 slot private server, UK based so great ping for EU, 3hr Day 1hr dusk time cycle. 4hr restarts so the loot is fresh, Active admins, Active Ban list against Hackers/cheaters PvP, All Playstyles welcome, No Rules, DayZ the way YOU want to! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tequila-in-Elektro-DZC-Server/1591574731094772 So join us for a "shot" or 2 in - Tequila In Elektro - DZC IP - 185 16 86 37 port 2602 Tell your friends and make sure to add us to your favourites ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hay Leute :) ich wollte euch meinen Server etwas näher bringen. Auch würde ich mich freuen wenn dieser euch gefällt und er sogar in euren Favoriten landet. 50slots, Privat, guter Ping, aktive Admins, 3h Tag und 1h Dämmerung d.h. alle 4h restart + paar manuelle restarts falls loot nicht respawnt, durch Fragnet wurden uns 2 Hofixes bereitgestellt das den Loot ein wenig fixen soll (0.57), eine große anzahl von Partner Top 10 der DayZ Server, zusammen haben wir eine große liste an Hacker Guid's die dadurch keine chance mehr haben auf den Server zu joinen (stetig wachsene liste), PVP keine regeln, spiel DayZ so wie du es für richtig hältst. Falls dir der Server gefällt würde ich mich um ein "Gefällt mir" und evtl ein Feeback als Beitrag freuen. :) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tequila-in-Elektro-DZC-Server/1591574731094772 Tequila in Elektro - DZC | PvP | 3h day - 1h dusk IP: 185 16 86 37 2602 - Server liegt in UK. Gametracker http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Mundpropaganda ist sehr erwünscht :P Vielleicht sieht man sich ja ingame und trinkt einen Tequila am Lagerfeuer. grüße rob