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About looplijuh

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    On the Coast
  1. Maybe not even steam workshop, just some way for players to add custom content into the game. I.E buildings, weapons, clothing etc. because then you could truly create your own character and write your own story. The fact that there are over 1,700,000 players means that the community is there for thriving player created content. In it's current form I would agree with BeefBacon and Steak and potatoes that it might not be quite ready, but this NEEDS to be implemented at some point, so I feel like we should get the community behind it so they can get it going as soon as its practical.
  2. Steam workshop could be a great addition to DayZ. Not only could people post crazy content that makes the game amazing, but if the developers took the time to see what players posted, they could implement them into the core game since its in early alpha. Maybe even use steam workshop as a platform for the players to help build the game. Obviously there would have to be a rigorous criteria for making into the final game, but amazing content has come from non-developers. Honestly it's taking them forever to update the game, so that's why I'm suggesting this. More content means more fun and more DayZ war stories that everyone loves. This could be the first step in making this a game that the player really makes his own. This game is all about the player surviving and playing a story that he or she creates. Why not make it even more personal by letting him create his own content into the game to make his story even greater?