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Posts posted by kingochaos

  1. If ive learnt anything of amearican tv, its that every second house in any and all eastern block countries, is owned by a russian mafia boss, with a massive arsenal, a penchant for torture, and facial scars... there fore the desert eagle should be in chernarus!


     Also, the deagle, is an amazingly accurate pistol! sure its heavy as all hell, kicks like a mule, but its gas operated, probably got the most consistent breach/firing pressure of any repeating pistol. Ive had a few plays with one in .44 mag, it was awesome!

  2. I dont think dayz every claimed to be a simulation therefore these new changes are welcomed by me.


    What I am getting from this is that you need a weapon with all of its parts and in good condition to be able to hit anything at extended ranges ?


    If so its good.

    Thats cool, but they should just make it that you hold it less steady. If its a chewed out bore/rifling, fair enough for randomness, so yah need a new barrel. Im just of the opinion there are better ways to implement it is all.

  3. A few tips for those who truly want to play friendly. 


    1. This tip is the most important, never run up to someone shouting I am friendly. If you want to make contact do it from a position that is easy to retreat from and offers plenty of cover. 


    2. Watch an area before entering. If you wait a minute before entering a town you might get a good idea of whether or not players are present and they might even tip you off to their intentions. If you see someone running around with a person stalking them you might be looking at a bandit stalking a survivor. 


    3. Do not mindlessly help a person being chased by zombies if they are armed with a gun unless you follow tip number one. Zombies are not that difficult to kill and putting yourself in an exposed position to help is probably going to end in your death. 


    4. Stop waving at people who are approaching with M4's, your best chance at survival is making it difficult to kill you. Many other players do not care if you are friendly or unarmed. 


    5. If a player chases you 90%+ of the time they are going to kill you. If they tell you they are friendly they are most likely lying. Good news is a good percentage of people are bad shots and they run slower than you with a gun equipped. 

    Good advice... and if someone calls out they are friendly, shoot them, they are lying, you bastid Z jesus :P ;)

  4. Haven't been to Afghanistan but spent some time in E Africa and have a pretty decent working knowledge of AR and AK variants.

    Re muzzle flash, it's a Video game ferchrissakes. Is it a bit exaggerated? Sure. Does it bother me? Not at all. As it stands there are FAR too few consequences to firing a weapon in SA. Anything that ameliorates that is fine by me.

    I'm getting a distinct "Waahhh, I miss my semi auto silenced no recoil invisible and weightless AS50" vibe from this.

    Im getting a "more realistic is better than more arcadey vibe from this".. Arma 3 is from the same company, even has people who have/are working on both games, and a good following of people who are more into the less arcadey games this company publishes... Arma 3 weapons handling at this date, is vastly superior to SA. But it is a full released game also. If i wanted arcadey Z survival, id buy warz or what ever the hell they are calling it now.


     As to consequences to firing, that will come when Z numbers are lifted, and behavior is refined.  Artificial shit to try and force behavior/play styles, is just that,  shit.

  5. Those last 2 pictures use hollywood aspects. FPS Russia is a completely fake show. It's been proven time and time again.

    Dont be hating on kyle!!! I think that guy is very entertaining, he may embellish a bit, but he can shoot!!! So what if his accent is fake :rolleyes: 

    (i mean i notice, that he can be a lil liberal with his ranges etc, for instance the .338 AR, wasnt 1000m, quite a bit less than a seconds flight time(should be a bit longer than a second), closer to say 600m... but still, putting three rounds through the jug before it empties is good shooting, no two ways about it.)


     And yea, those muzzle flashes from the screen shots are a bit ludicrous. I like arma threes muzzle flash, as good as any game, frame rates will always make em more noticeable than irl. 

  6. Loving how the weapons arent completely super accurate unlike the mod.


    It works because these survivors arent highly trained soldiers just regular civilians.

    Seriously thats some crazy logic... most hunters can shoot... same as farmers... Its not actually that difficult. Your level o training shouldnt effect the ballistics, thats just being silly. Do like arma three, and have gun sway, dependent on stance.


     In saying that, shooting accurate out past 500 with something like the mosin, should be near nigh impossible... even with a decent rifle, out past that 500, ammo starts to play a big role as well as the condition o the rifle


    DayZ sets the M4's spread to 0.1

    compare and contrast with the the m16's 0.00125 in ARMA2


    chaps, stop spamming the forum with your anecdotal evidence

    Yup... i wonder if its deliberate(maybe supposed to be badly worn barrels?)... i notice the canteen bottles hold, 10 or 100ml... i forget, but obviously they should be 1000ml

  7. Yea... totally with gews on the mosin argument... rifles wear their bores, an old rifle has had a lot o rounds go through, and will not shoot tight groups, short o replacing the barrel... a 5.56 i would NOT call a great round past 300m... any wind past there and theyre all over the show, and dropping off fast.

  8. What in the hell kind of 8 pound shovels are you using?

    A good post spade weighs as much ;)  about five and half feet long and steel handle, thick blade... weparo might be a fencer . Either way, rifles dont weigh piss all in the larger scheme o things

    • Like 1

  9. Not anymore :(


    Okay, so maybe a mosin is heavier as a shovel. Still.


    EDIT : A mosin weighs 3.4 to 4.1kg. Maybe you don't use shovels often? :P

    Yea, rifles, assualt rifles, even lmgs (about 6kg.. distinguishing between lmg vrs gpmg's... gpmgs are a hand full on their own), arnt that heavy. There is no physical reason someone couldn't carry two. Even if they made it you could only strap a spare weapon to the side o higher tier packs, and it takes a lil longer to swap em out.

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    The degradation on weapons doesnt seem active at all, but again, only what ive heard, player killing will degrade weapons a lil faster then zombie kills. So far its just attachments that i have to replace.


    Where did you hear that? Seems like a lil on the big load o bollocks side o things, for rocket to do that?

  11. give it time... military bases will become death zones. Right now, because after they are looted nothing respawns, people dont hang around. If its made so it does, expect to have to fight your way in and out. Not even considering the Z's, which no doubt will also be more of a problem at them once they are fully implemented.

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  12. There are plenty of rifles that cannot fire both .223/5.56 or .308/7.62 interchangeably safely...


    If you use military ammo in a civilian weapon not designed to withstand the pressures, you will not be a happy bandit.



    So yeah, next time you want to correct someone make sure you're right.

    Rubbish, military ammo is cheaper, and normally lower velocity than civi ammo(in .308 anyway... .223 is a rabbit gun).. where is this coming from? i mean a .222 and a 5.56 aint the same, and you can fire em outta the same rifle, but it isnt safe. A .308 however is EXACTLY the same cartridge.  Civi stuff, has vastly greater choices o loads and bullet weights than military. But it is EXACTLY the same cartridge. Hell i been shooting for 30 years, ten years military. Im not guessing, ive fired both, had both, looked hard at both. The only discernible difference i can see in the brass, is with military rounds, they crimp the primers in. (to prevent chances o it poppin out and causing a jam, but no good for reloading)


    Edit.. the cartridges are identical, and black label factory load civi stuff is higher pressure.... military is generally steel core fmj, hunters use noslers (softnose/ lead core, jacketed) etc, which would be illegal by geneva convention, cause they fuck shit up big time in comparison to fmj.


     Edit2 ive found plenty o stuff on net now, that i can see where people think its different, and i stand corrected.  http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2007/09/03/308-winchester-vs-762x51-nato/


    " OK --- Let's address the oft-posed question "Are the .308 Winchester and 7.62x51 NATO one and the same?" The simple answer is no. There are differences in chamber specs and maximum pressures. The SAMMI/CIP maximum pressure for the .308 Win cartridge is 62,000 psi, while the 7.62x51 max is 50,000 psi. Also, the headspace is slightly different. The .308 Win "Go Gauge" is 1.630" vs. 1.635" for the 7.62x51. The .308's "No-Go" dimension is 1.634" vs. 1.6405" for a 7.62x51 "No Go" gauge. That said, it is normally fine to shoot quality 7.62x51 NATO ammo in a gun chambered for the .308 Winchester (though not all NATO ammo is identical). Clint McKee of Fulton Armory notes: "[N]obody makes 7.62mm (NATO) ammo that isn't to the .308 'headspace' dimension spec. So 7.62mm ammo fits nicely into .308 chambers, as a rule." You CAN encounter problems going the other way, however. A commercial .308 Win round can exceed the max rated pressure for the 7.62x51. So, you should avoid putting full-power .308 Win rounds into military surplus rifles that have been designed for 50,000 psi max. Reloaders should also note that military ammo often is made with a thicker web. Consequently the case capacity of 7.62x51 brass is usually less than that of commercial .308 brass. You may need to reduce recommended .308 Winchester loads by as much as 2 full grains, if you reload with military 7.62x51 brass, such as Lake City or IMI."


     And mosin o course dosnt fire 7.62x51 irl... but 7.62x54R

  13. Bike Helmets reduce the damage by bullets to the head but do not stop them, it may stop you from dying but you'll get knocked out which in this version of the game results in the same thing but I shot a guy in the head with a bike helmet (with an M4), he didn't die then shot another guy without a bike helmet and he died straight away.

    Cool, now we need you to shoot a guy with a kevlar helmet in the head, and one without and get back to us with the results.. :D

  14. I rekon it needs meth.. my character is always grizzling about feeling tired n shit >:(  Now if there was meth he'd be bouncing from town to town, raving to him self, like, umm errr... a meth head i suppose... but better than his belly aching... or alternatively, a slap self button, so i can slap him awake... i think my guy would pass out with one beer.

  15. No, you need to empty the cardboard box, then load the rounds into the gun

    Yes, what this guy said... you need loose rounds in your inventory to load.


     And .308 and 7.62x51 are the same round... same as .223 and 5.56, its just using metric and imperial descriptions o the same round ;)  Not first time ive heard them described as different, they are not. (although obviously a hunter would not use fmj... dosnt do enough damage)


    Edit second paragraph obviously at other dude about calibers.

  16. 1 yes, limited number, not final function


    2 Yes


    3 Yes


    4 It runs really well on my rig, and im sure there will be more optimization to come. (im not top end pc... not bottom by a fair way either... soo this one is relative.. im on a i7 920 @3.8 with gtx 580 8gb ram.. so any o the later stuff will cream it i would think)

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  17. What steak said... but make sure your not in a control tower when you place it on the ground, and med kit disapears through floor, and you end up running around like a head less chook for a few minutes desperatly trying to find it.... not that thats happened to me :rolleyes:  But you know, just in case.

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