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Posts posted by kingochaos

  1. have you updated your dayz commander today? (there wasa few issues i saw on the forums with it delting maps or some such) The other way would be to manually enable it in dayz commander, by going to settings/ additional launch parameters, then putting in -mod=@NC (if you installed it direct as nighcrawler instructed, or if you installed via commander try -mod=@DayZ_Namalsk

    It may just be this deleting bug that was fixed with last commander update?

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  2. Ok... a simple way around this is use dayz comaander tto install and launch yah game. What is happening, is either you dont have the two nsdayz pbo in the @NS/addons folder, or you dont have the mod firing from start up... which if you are using spirited machines arma two launcher, coulld be nothing more than needing to redrag the @ns folder from yah available addons and drop into your NS group you have created... but yah havnt givin me enough info to know for sure why its not running. ;) (how are you launching it)

    on re reading your problem, short of you havnt installed it, you simply arnt enabling the mod on start up, use dayz commander. (to do it through arma yah need to edit a file in OA with note pad)

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  3. Wooden bolts would split in the crossbow we have in-game.

    same goes for compound bows, if yah hit somthing hard it messes up aluminum arrows... i tried once using one o my kids wooden arrows in my 75lb eastern eagle... it shattered upon release. But im sure you could make good wooden arrows/bolts, the old ones were as heavy pull, if not more so than modern cross bows or bows... just slower release o elastic tension (they sprung slower, so uce a heavier arrow/bolt, travelling more slowly to get the energy... mind an old english long bow could be 90lbs plus.

  4. people should take this as an educational video... when you are stopping to check a loot pile, whilst you are silhouetted for 1000m in a 360 degree radius... its probably not the best time, to stop and make a cuppa... come back scratch yer bum, then role a smoke... it greatly increases the chances o yah survival experience being cut short! Same applies for taking a relaxing look at the scenery. Most o these deaths were assisted suicides. Plain and simple, if you have to silhouette yourself, make it quick, same with checking loot in EXTREMELY exposed positions.

    you sir, or maam, are an educator (even if yah music sucks... third wave ska would suit it better ;) )

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  5. How are you launching the game? I would suggest, first just using dayz commander to launch/install yah updates/mods. Its very easy to use. Pretty much self explanatory. If its still giving errors, its probably not launch parameters. Is it a steam version, or did you buy disks from a shop?

    (@ rooneye, it says arma 2 folder... but it has the OA .exe in there? Not the arma2 one? strange.)

  6. They did do this once, it was changed back with the next update(there was much wailing and gnashing o teeth going on. it also had beefed up Z's, i liked it!)... end o the day when yah prone, you may be harder for Z's to find... but youre not mobile enough if a player has eyes on you, you are an easy kill... I wont prone unless in a fire fight or something for this reason, i dont want to be taking that long in an area with Z's, and thus loot. Speed Aggression & Surprise is the best policy in my mind, for all things combat related, including looting.

  7. Lol... so what will give yer a better return for yah valuable bullet... a Z or a player? Simple economics mate, the second i have a weapon, i wont waste my ammo on Z's... it would be player hunting time. Hell at best from a Z you get a tin o beans, from a plyer, the sky is the limit... even a fresh spawn carries more than a good Z... a while back there was one update, that made the Z's have supper senses, and rared up the spawn on stuff (most noticeably, bandages) What it meant.. was the second you were armed yah went and killed as many players as you could, for their bandages.

    So, i dont think its a bad idea as such... but would probably have the opposite effect o what you think it would. Namalsk at the moment i think is a sweet setup... relative abundance o weapons... other supplies a bit scarce.. Ill kill yah for yah matches, or a heat pack, or a tin o beans.... For antibiotics, ill massacre a bus load o nuns! I do think it adds to the game, giving it a sense o desperation. But limit resources, it will increase competition for the resources(not necessarily a bad thing)

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  8. You fix it, by buying OA and Arma 2 again, deleting something else(people like a a challenge), then reinstalling from scratch... you prevent it from happening again, by not installing hacks, scripting, or trying to install free hacks(had yah key stolen) ;) either way, nothing dayz peeps can do about it, try crying to battle eye, they seem like reasonable characters :D

  9. What i posted, should fix this? So steam users..

    Step one,(this may not be necessary, but something i do if ive got registry error for these games anyway) delete you registry keys for OA and arma2 simply follow step five in this link EXACTLY http://www.veterans-...topic.php?20735 (you dont want to be messin with yah registry as a general rule, you can screw yah system)

    Step two, right click on yah steam .exe go to properties/compatibility/ check run as administrator box, click apply. fire up steam.

    Step three, in your game library right click on OA/properties/local files, click verify integrity of game cache. Wait for it to do its thing(maybe have to download some files) Repeat for Arma 2

    Step four, run arma 2, all the way until the menu displays, shut it down and repeat for OA.

    Your registry should now be re written, if you get an invalid key error, it will be because steam is not running as administrator, so it wont be rewriting the registry.

  10. Dude, this sounds more like a registry issue... Are you running the steam version? have you tried verifying the game cache for both AO & arma 2, then running games individually (as administrator, so just run steam as administrtaor, or the .exe for both games as administrator) to rewrite yah registry? (or failing that, deleting registry keys for them both, doing the same, to rewrite the registry keys)

  11. Because Dayz Commander has made everyone fucking lazy and no one will do anything until it is available on there.

    Yea... truth is i wont update til DZC does... just because everyone i play with uses it... and in all honesty i got absolutely sick to death o talking people through installs and setups before hand, i like spirited machines arma 2 launcher, you would think its fairly self explanatory... but apparently it is not! So im a fan o DZC just because it saves me countless hours o extremely frustrating BS, yah can just say "install commander"... and the rest they can figure out for themselves.

  12. Namalsk probably could run of 1.7.3(may cause bugs, but it is using the dayz version in you @dayz folder).... the others, are using an older version of dayz than the last one i believe( the way the Z's act is a give away, i dont recall exactly the build number, but i think it was early 1.6's)

    I should edit in here, that installing 1.7.3 will only affect namalsk of the other maps

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  13. In this link, step 5 tells you how to delete your registry keys http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?20735 After this has been done, load up Arma2 all the way too menu, by itself, then repeat with operation arrow head .. (make sure you run the games as an adminsitrator, so with steam, right click on its .exe, click properties/ then compatibilty, check run as administrator/ then click on apply. if its not steam, do the same, but to the .exe's for arma2 and operation arrow head)

    By all means try changing yah beta version first, but this should fix any corrupted registry keys.

  14. Ohhh lingor.. yea the Z's in lingor and fallujah are the ones from about 1.6.2 (dont recall actually... if im being honest... but ill pretend i do recall) And theyll spot yah from 250m, smell yah through walls etc... but i like those Z's... oh and the leg break knock out thing... there is a chance o that every time you are hit by a Z with blood below 10000

  15. OK ithought the NV and GPS are all broken, i found one broken and i hope they will be removed...snipers are in? a shit..pvp 1 shot kiddies are soon going to this map

    Its the PvP that makes dayz... you should consider investing in Skyrim, i believe it is this kinda game you seem to be alluding too wanting to play(or the fallouts etc there is a whole genre of these games... dayz is not amongst them..

    Ill shoot yah on sight in a heavily populated server... just because the resource base will be being spread too thin, and i NEED yah beans... on a lower population server i wont hunt yah down... its a safer bet to avoid conflict, and still stay supplied as the odds of the resources being stripped are less.. but this game is built on the paranoia of that sniper, or that bandit, being around the next corner, its what makes the game great. trusting someone who says they are friendly will probably just get yah a bullet in the head. If paranoia is not yah thing, maybe look at a different game, rather than trying to change a great game to what is already everywhere in the gaming market. (its great with mates... but believing you can trust a stranger in side is just naive)

  16. AT the moment... i have 3 pairs o working nvg's.. so they are defiantly still in the game.. if yah check the loot tables they are still there, same percentage as before.. just twice as likly to find broken ones is all.

    Yea aeroquois wreaks are still in the game(i believe sumrak is taking them out).. ive seen as50's on em and l85 aws, but the thermal part o the scope is disabled.

  17. I found, that re dragging the @ns from available addons and redropping it into yah ns folder in addon groups fixes this issue with spirited machines arma2 launcher (i assume it has something to do with yah having had ns running before the dayz addon, and the directory or such in the arma2 launcher dosnt self refresh with the added folders? err either way, it fixes this)

  18. I have the exact same issue... when i launch it through spirited machines dayz launcher(vanilla namalsk runs fine through it though... but it runs sweet when launched through dayz commander... all yah need to do is add this -mod=@NC to the additional launch parameters under settings (so yah just drop the nsdayz pbo;s into the addons folder in the @ns folder)

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