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Everything posted by kingochaos

  1. I shall offer some constructive advice... you need to punch yah mate in the face :thumbsup: It will make you feel better about this situation :D
  2. kingochaos

    always shot on sight - what am i doing wrong?

    Aye, its a bit like that. The trick is to have all the advantages(to sound like a broken record in this thread)... EVERYONE is friendly, if you have a bead on em, and they arnt sure where you are... not to say they stay friendly when they figure it out. I got sick o being shot in the back o the head by friendlies around june, so now my idea o being friendly is not killing them, and vice versa. I team up with clan mates, and dont kill new spawns... And certainly dont kill someone who has shown good intentions, but i dont let em get to close, and sure as hell dont team up with them... But my son does team up all the time on my account with strangers, somehow? So it can be done.
  3. kingochaos

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Use dayz commander... its easier than explaining ;) But the first post has links to sumraks site, and the download links. And installing tthis way is still pretty simple(if i recall correct, yah just extract zip to OA, and it creates correct folders, then just enable mod, through yah launcher, or by editing yah start up parameters... its just easier to use commander.)
  4. kingochaos

    Blood: Let's get this right

    You're talking shit... what the thread author is proposing is to make it more realistic, but across the board. Rather than specifically targeting one player group... did you even read his proposals?
  5. kingochaos

    Solo Transfusions Done Right

    ive given myself iv's o saline before today (cheats way to stay hydrated) yah dont need a pole , just stick it in an arm or hand vein, and either hold end o bag with mouth, or if yah really need a smoke, use left hand for bag, leaving right hand free to roll yah smoke :thumbsup:(can be hard to get a vein if yah really dehydrated though) Hell if a junky can do it, anyone can. Edit in my point, you dont need special gear... If yah got the gear and know how to do someone else, you already should be able to give yerself a bag... But they shouldnt fully regenerate health. And come with risks ( septacemia)
  6. kingochaos

    What do players REALLY want?

    Yea, spawning with gear is not so cool, its the hunting for treasure while fearing for yah life that makes this game. Custom loot tables are all good though, and servers with plenty o vehicles seem to populate well.
  7. kingochaos

    Downhill Development in DayZ

    Indeed, its supposed to be some kind o disease (mutated rabies?) I think the Z's are fine, i like fast Z's...the Z's from world war Z look awesome from the trailer, they should make em like that... super hive mind Z's :thumbsup:
  8. well... If they are going to realease in batches... I suppose the logical thing wouls be ro go by timw zones... So new zealand first. Yah know, cause its the logical way o doin it.. cursey my fat fingwrs and amart phones being designws for peoplw wirh lil stabby fimgers!!!
  9. kingochaos

    Temperature Icon flashing and not working

    turn god mode off? try that :)
  10. kingochaos

    Banned from all NZ servers hosted by Orcon

    orcon have their own forums if i remember correctly, may pay for yah to have a quick google and hit em up in there. And ohh for shame takin stuff from hackers >:( But yea i can see how that can happen (i admit i once took a coyote pack a talking rabbit dropped at my feet once... and its possible he wasa hacker :rolleyes: )
  11. Are you calling his mates brothers girlfriends uncles car mechanics little kid brothers best mate a lyre? Deems is fightn words :o
  12. im all tact ;) Dont disagree with yer there, or yah point on the m107.
  13. kingochaos

    1.7.5 - Cows will now run for their lives

    Well if they want to get all realistic n shit... perhaps blood bags should be dropped down to 500mls... so about 1000 blood(if loosing 12000 is death) In the field... so a chance o septicemia, without antibiotics obviously(which would be death, very quickly ) And so long as yah not starving, blood slowly regenerates on its own... it seems this is all about penalizing a particular play style.. whilst encouraging another... kinda something that has been expressly spoken against by rocket himself... A group already has a large advantage over an individual... If they keep getting messed up by individual "deathmatchers", it speaks volumes o the players within the groups skill level...
  14. I hate how the comunity is starting to sound like the bf3 forums.... and wanting to balance weapons n shit... a 7.62/308 should f you up. A dmr is a great rifle. If you are being constantly sniped by noobs, perhaps you need to adapt yah play style. It has been stated by rocket in this thread that they are changing the weapons tables,to more realisticly reflect weaponry found in life... i hope they have thrown in .300 whinchester mags, .30 06s, 338s or some o the super high velocity stuff, like the ole .270 they f shit up compared to a .308. Time will tell i suppose. But it will piss me off no end if it ends up with weapons being nerfed n nuked because whiners like in bf3. Not all weapons are equall, deal with it. End rant :P
  15. All the joe blogs are either zombies or Zombie lunches... thats how evolution works... survival of the fittest... so the average joes are all dead at this stage o the apocalypse ;) (i suppose if theyve been in a coma floating on their backs in the ocean for the last three weeks ... with their mouths open being rehydrate by passing squalls, an average joe may still be alive... but he will run around screaming friendly over voice... and subsequentially be shot in the face one street into cherno... so no average joes) And yeah.. take on helicopters aint that hard to fly
  16. kingochaos

    Dress Code

    I hope they have leather undies.. and gimp masks... and studded leather chokers, and studded suspenders... cause everyone knows this is the proper attire for us bandits in a post apocalyptic world! ^_^
  17. kingochaos


    Time for a new graphics card mate :( I ditched my 9500 many years ago as it was laggin my system... that card will be holding yah back.
  18. kingochaos

    DayZ Lagg, Fps-problem all i have tried!

    Go google ram disk for dayz dude... I dont have issues and am running it on just a 7200rpm hrd drive... but i run my system of an ssd... and will be getting a few more now they are reasonably priced to run games off, and another for FRAPS... but ram disk is a free option to get around the fact arma is a bit limited by read speeds on hard drives. (if you are running yah system, and games off the same harddrive... and its not a raid configiration... this is probably the issue.)
  19. kingochaos

    Most of these are a joke.

    Yea i agree with yer on this... and im a bandit. I dont mind being killed, because i enjoy searching for treasure! I just dont play on servers that start yah kitted out, there are plenty conventional private hive servers. (i havnt played chernarus in many months, so soley play private hives)
  20. Hell, i brought take on helicopters a month or two back... with the sole reasoning that i figured there was a good possibility, they would use the controls from that.... and who knows... they may add a large city map in the future too... :rolleyes: So bring it i say
  21. kingochaos


    first thing id do if i were you, is to use steam to verify the integrity of your game caches for arma and oa. just go tosteam games library, right click on arrma go to properties etc (follow yah nose, im on a phone i dont recal exact path... but should be close enough)
  22. kingochaos

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I quite like the changes... Although i think i should be able to eat the blood suckers! They look like they would taste like chicken... Just because the evaporating animal issue needs of settin.. Or fixin.. Other day i went through two rabbits, one cow, one goat and a pig before finally got a sheep who didnt vanish into thin air. And had starved to below 3k blood at that stage. I had bAsically gone lemgth o map at that stage . So the rare animal spawn. Would be sufficent.. If half o them werent ghost animals.. That vanish before yah eyes... End gripe
  23. kingochaos

    Make Sniping more realistic

    Ive never played the ACE mod, ive never been in recon(was a rifle company scout though)... i have how ever dropped two outta three goats once at 900m with a .270(maps work fine for ranging IRL and in game) ... and some how managed to do it without a spotter. Id be curious as to what your realism is like? With a bipod and say a 6x-25x-50mm scope, its piss easy to fire a ranger (you have about a seconds flight time, heaps to refocus from recoil) adjust and send the next one down before they hear the report from your rifle. IRL a lot o people suck at shooting... but its because they flinch with recoil in my experience (last second shutting o eyes and flinching, in anticipation o the kick to the shoulder) . How exactly do you model that? Im all for windage... but you cant see/or feel the wind in game, unlike IRL. Im not a sniper in game, but i dont have a problem with them either.
  24. Your registry has been corrupted... just go through to yah steam, right click on OA and arma .exe, properties/ local files/ verify game cache. then run both games individually up to the menu (ensuring that you are running steam as administrator) to rewirte yah registry. hopefully this will work... other wise you will have to delete your ARMA & OA registry before doing the above steps. Ive posted links before on how to do this, but dont have time right now to locate them. (the other posts... about 6 of them would be in people posting similiar issues, but probably under heading o "kicked from game" or similiar.