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Everything posted by kingochaos

  1. kingochaos

    Fuel Truck

    Yea, they got the ural fuel in takistan/panthera/fallujah and its great... if yah can ever find it.. But totally agree, the fueling in vanilla dayz is just tedious, end o story. If they had generators in game so yah can get the fuel pumps working, it wouldnt be so bad/ or a hose so yah can set up as syphon.. but with having to run back and fourth for half a friggin hour to fuel a chopper is just stupid >:( (i would use a bloody hose and syphon outta those tanks IRL, rather than ferry jerries, because im not retarded ;) )
  2. kingochaos

    "You have been kicked from the server"

    Kenobi is not wrong here, you can seriously mess yah system up playing with the registry editor... However, i stumbled upon this page http://www.veterans-...topic.php?20735 step five is explaining exactly what you need to do to delete you're ARMA OA registry. Then you need to make sure, you are running steam as an administrator, verify both games via steam... Run both games all the way through to the menu.. then you should be sweet to fire up via commander.
  3. kingochaos

    dayz won't launch :(

    You need to run the games as administrator (whats happening is a registry error), so if you have steam, right click on the steam icon, run as administrator. You might as well verify both games while yer at it (right click on games in library/ properties/ its in there somewhere), then fire both games up individually all the way to the menu's, (ARMA the OA) Then it should be sweet.
  4. kingochaos

    "You have been kicked from the server"

    My boy had the same issue with his PC, just had a look at it yesterday... i fixed it, by deleting the registry keys, running steam as administrator (important, it seems to have issues rewritting registry if yah dont) Doing the whole verify arma and OA through steam(it downloaded 4 files for OA and 1 for arma) firing em both individually up, all the way to the menu. Then shutting down steam and fired er up though dayz commander and it was sweet. I would try it first without deleting registry keys, and if that dosnt work, do that.
  5. kingochaos


    Loved the reddit guy :lol: good stuff.
  6. I dont like it... but do in a way at same time... i think having machine shops/ mills lathes available in the standalone would be cool.. and have the ability to fabricate parts, say build a reciever group for a double barrel, with a rotary catridge feed/ or top plate belt feed set up... im sure you can see where id be going with that.. so i think the finding parts in game is a sweet idea, but fabrication should be an option in the standalone as well... but with weapons normally being found intact, but wearable. (it would be an easy thing to modify a dirty ole .303 for example into something resembling a m14)
  7. kingochaos

    Addon dayz_anim requires addon CA_PMC

    It shouldnt matter, so long as you are not running six launcher(but i must confess, i have never used six launcher.. but do use commander, and arma2 launcher by spirited machine for custom maps n the like... but commander will install lingor, takistan and fallujah as well)
  8. kingochaos

    Bad version, server rejected connection

    Is yah beta up to date? Have yah tried wiping/reinstalling dayz files? My boy has had same issues, i havnt had a chance to have a look at his PC yet to suss what is up. (lives at mothers) So interested myself in the fix?
  9. kingochaos

    Osprey Highjack fail!

    Lmfao... good effort dude :thumbsup:
  10. kingochaos

    Addon dayz_anim requires addon CA_PMC

    You need to be running the beta version, download dayz commander, and make sure the game version is upto dat in the install/update tab and launche through that and you will be sweet. (PMC is private military company, there is a LITE version in the beta's, dayz uses stuff from it.)
  11. kingochaos

    need help!

    Head SE(aimin for nw af), and raid and hunt on the way? ;)
  12. kingochaos

    How to install DayZ/Lingor/Takistan/Fallujah

    More info needed... are you using a launcher? (six/dayz commander/ arma2 by spirited machine etc) because what you are describing, is the mod is not enabling on game boot up, six launcher or dayz commander should do this automatically, if you are firing up the game just manually, you would need to edit start up parameters, same if firing up through steam.
  13. kingochaos

    People who moan about bandits / the inability to survive

    Ohh man... nah its like suppossed to be realistic man... yah know, like through out human history power vaccums, have only ever led to drum circles and spontaneous out breaks o camp side kumbaya man... like yah know... and whats more, in the real world man, like guns they dont exist an stuff.. cause i havent got one man.. so there is the proof man... so they need to get rid o these military type guns man, because theyre like only real in games n stuff like.. not in the real world man... i mean what would military weapons be doing like in a zombie apocalypse, like as if they would call in the military or something with their guns and stuff to stop a zombie apocalypse.. no way man.. it would all be rainbows and hugs and cute lil furry animals man. I thought id preempt yah beat necks. ;)
  14. kingochaos

    Box lure?

    It will be a hack box, loaded with weapons and items... yah wont get banned from takin crap from em, but best to just leave emm, dont encourage thwe douches.
  15. kingochaos

    artisanal bomb, cheat or legal?

    I assume its just a satchel charge by the look(pipe bomb whatever). yeah they are legit.
  16. kingochaos

    9 Dayz Ideas

    malaria is a mosquito born disease(pretty much in the tropics), i think you are thinking of cholera. ;)
  17. kingochaos

    Looking for a Deathmatch/PvP server!

    They all are arnt they? :rolleyes: The best ones are the ones with side chat enabled though o course for this purpose, it gives it a whole new level o satisfaction when yah can see the rabid ragings yah have caused :thumbsup:
  18. kingochaos

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    Ive had all the normals, yah know, house ate me, door chopped me, accidently jumped outta chopper instead o auto hovering etc.. But stupidest would have to be when i was trying to see how fast i could get a push bike going, and went down an ever so slightly too steep o hill, and i crash and die...( they can do at least 107km/h... but apparebtly free fall isnt counted as speed)
  19. kingochaos

    How many gb is Dayz to download?

    Dayz is bugger all, 100mb or so... arma 2 OA is lots... 15 + GB (i dont recall exactly, but lots and lots)
  20. kingochaos

    Littlebird vs the UH1H

    The lil birds should have mini guns on em... why in hell does everyone want this game balanced? Its beauty is in the fact its not balanced, its suppossed to be hard and unforgiving.
  21. Use dayz commander... end o thread. It will download and install fallujah, lingor and takistan, and browse and run them just fine You could also use other launchers to manage yah mods more easily, i use the arma II launcher by spirited machine.
  22. kingochaos

    Solders to shoot at ?? Active Mill base ?

    Obviously the helicopters are being piloted by zombies, as they perform duties that have been drilled into them... but as the disease, time further degregates the brain tissue, even these drilled in reactions leave the Z's... and they crash! Why else would there be zombie flight crews roaming around the crash sites i ask yah?
  23. kingochaos

    Having to zero your weapon

    Yea, the deviation between users is from shooting technique... A LOT o people pull right and/or up/down (right handed users/lefties normally go other way) But yea, agree, zero is zero.
  24. kingochaos

    DayZ Weapons - A Question?

    I dont think there is anything wrong with kids going to rifle clubs and the like, i was shooting from 8 at our local small bore rifle club (and hunting with the ole man and what not). And i take my boy hunting with me, and let him shoot my lil ruger .22 well supervised o course. The nut behind the butt is where the danger comes from, if proper weapons handling is installed in children from a young age, and proper respect taught about weapons, its a good thing. There is no practical need for a fully automatic weapon, other than combat in my opinion.
  25. kingochaos

    Addon dayz_anim requires addon CA_PMC

    PMC is private military company, it has the higher resolution graphics etc with it, i believe there is a lite version/free ware one that is normally with the like steam purchases o Combined ops. And it turns out with a google was a part o a patch 1.56. If i was you , i d try downloading this, installing, the updating to latest version o beta. But first id just ditch sixlauncher, and download dayz commander. (google is yah friend) and see if just running it will suss yah issue. ill just edit in a link to the patch for the PMC lite patch http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12777