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About willrobinson

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. That "crap" isn't being worked on by the guys who can fix desync, fps lag, zombie path finding, ect ect. They have groups or departments who work on only specific things. Would you lime the modeling team to stop work until the programmers solve all their issues?
  2. The community needs to stop complaining about problems the Developers are already fully aware of, that's all I'm saying. Like rubberband lag and Zombies that walk through walls. Those people are acting like the devs are robots who have no mind of their own and will sit in off mode unless you yell at them. That annoys me, they are working hard every day on this game, so many people think nothing is happening just because they can't see it happening.
  3. You do know the developers play the game too right? They already know exactly what's wrong and needs to be fixed. Unfortunately some problems take time to work out, I mean damn that should be obvious. You need to have confidence in the team, they want to see a great game too, even more than most of us I'm sure.