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Everything posted by nl

  1. Prizes and availability of video cards are pretty much fucked up at the moment due to cryptocurrency mining...
  2. That's a nice temperature range but 52 degrees max like mine is well below limits and I don't think it really makes a difference for the longevity of the cpu. Mine has been running fine for 7 years now, often running at max performance. But I am good at keeping the fan and heatsink clean and every 2 years or so I give it new thermal paste. I also do this with my GPU / videocard. I think liquid cooling is the right choice when you start overclocking (a lot) or when you have a case that has trouble getting rid of the hot air, I have a high airflow case and I don't (or rarely) overclock. I may consider it in the future when I have some extra funds but for now I am not going to spend money on it because I don't think I have a problem to fix that warrants it. BTW how do you get 18 degrees when ambient temps are probably higher? I assume the liquid does not get cooler than room temperature?
  3. I don't think I want water cooling on my CPU. I have used a Hyper TX for a long time and was very pleased with it's cooling ability and noise production, my cpu never went over 52 Celsius. I have no reason to change anything about my cooling, with this case and 200 mm fans the system is quiet, just a low humm. Of course when the game is demanding the fans will spin up but I hardly hear that due to in-game sound. Also, water cooling complicates stuff, increases risk of damage (leaks) and because it still uses fans there's no advantage noise wise. Yeah, seriously looking at 1070, there's just so many variations these days of the chipsets.
  4. Will answer in English for the others :) Thanks! Yeah I know tweakers. The pc I built in 2009 (see signature) was actually mostly a copy of a system they assembled and tested, it's been a great system all this time. But nowadays they don't make and review custom systems as much as they used to which is a pity really. I understood they will publish another around september, not sure I can wait that long ;)
  5. Thanks for the effort @HaseDesTodes ! That is a nice list I can use to start from. I actually have a max of 1000 euro to spend, I thought 1000$ made a nice round figure. My judgement of AMD may well be outdated. It's just that I have always used Intel and was always happy with it while AMD people around me were complaining about performance, heat production and longevity. Like my current i5 750 which has been running since 2009 without a hickup, even overclocked. I just feel Intel is more of a sure bet. Same with NVidia, more developers seem to optimize games for them. But again, maybe this is all no longer true, I would have to do more research.
  6. Well, I don't need to replace the psu, my old one seems good enough for now. The way I figure this: CPU circa 250 - 300 GPU circa 400 MoBo circa 120 Ram circa 180 That would be about 1000 and I figure I can get decent hardware within these ranges.
  7. nl

    Shadowplay Fix?

    This issue seems to be fixed finally. I needed the latest driver for my GTX650 before it worked, but it does work for me now. Driver 384.94 date july 24th 2017 and latest Geforce Experience.
  8. nl

    Recommendations For A PC

    1500 $ should buy you a pretty good machine. Personally I would go for a NVidia card, most games seem to be optimized for them rather than AMD. Although CPU and GPU are at the core of your performance don't cheap out on your motherboard. CPU cooling and a good "high airflow" case with 200 mm fans will keep it all cool. Of course you should also run your OS from a SSD as well as demanding games like DAYZ SA. Use a HDD for storage.
  9. Why is the video so damn bright? Gamma?
  10. nl

    check it out

    That is a negative opinion and criticism on current development and that makes it a hit in my book.
  11. nl

    check it out

    It is in pre-alpha and the release will be alpha, so also far from being finished so no way of knowing as of yet how long it will take to reach 1.0 or how playable it will be in alpha. It does look good and seems promising. What I don't understand is why your post had to be a hit on Dayz SA, you could have simply made the post to introduce this game.
  12. nl

    Mouse Buttons

    I use almost all buttons, in my setup below I can control all basics in the game. That leaves my left hand completely free for drinking, smoking, picking my nose and so on.
  13. nl

    Dead Military Soldier ( Dynamic Event )

    Yeah, that would be the only scenario I guess in which it could make sense.
  14. nl

    Dead Military Soldier ( Dynamic Event )

    It's been a long time since the infection started and all people and military left the area. This is why all towns and raods are overgrown and most military vehicles rusted. By that time the corpse would most likely already have been consumed by the infected.
  15. nl

    DayZ Dev Team is lazy ?

    Well that's funny 'cause you are the one using question marks and sentences like "am I". Exact reason is the suggestion that the devs are lazy and not doing their jobs right because they are "partying", be it in their free time or not. Also you are hardly guessing but making all kinds of assumptions and basically your post is a rant we have seen many many times before on this forum...
  16. nl

    DayZ Dev Team is lazy ?

    The only person who is lazy is you, if you had done some research most of your questions would have been answered. Stopped taking you seriously after that sentence...
  17. nl


    Seriously, some people...sigh
  18. nl

    [Already in game]

    you can untie the bandana and make it into something new.
  19. nl

    I've gone grey

    It's the new equivalent of the "black face" phenomena. Restarting the game solves it (for a while at least).
  20. nl

    Not seeing Char in Menu screen.

    It has been like that for a long time, but you still used to see you char after you left a server but that disappeared too since 0.62 was released.
  21. If I ever get robbed I hope it's by you, most are not creative and simply kill you...
  22. nl

    Stable Update 0.62.140099

    Well, I did die after all, by suicide because I didn't want to wait for the inevitable and had my gear safe. I seemed to be getting better but after about 30 minutes I started to feel tired again and worn out, suddenly a red message "rumble in my bowels" it was going downhill fast after that. Took a revolver and shot my brains out. After respawn I didn't invest time in finding weapons, just eating and drinking to make it back to my stash. Big mistake, about one kilometer from my barrel with goodies I was suddenly surrounded by wolves and had nothing to defend myself but an axe, they ate me. Now I am again trying to go back to my cache. Cholera and wolves are bitches.
  23. nl

    Stable Update 0.62.140099

    Never saw red messages, I did have an orange sick status which is now gone.
  24. nl

    Stable Update 0.62.140099

    Well it looks like I may make it. My energy was 100% when I got sick and indeed hydration was going down fast. Found a jerrycan and a small lake, not ideal but it had to do. Emptied the jerrycan, filled it with water and drank all of it. That made me puke. After that I kept drinking until dark green hydrated and kept it that way. After a while my "sick" status was gone and I regained color. However, I do still get messages like "I feel worn out", but there seems to be more and more time between them. Not sure if it will be over now, I am still drinking lake water so maybe I am reinfecting myself... As soon as I think I can leave the lake I will go search for a pump, fill the jerry can with clean water, make myself puke again and get hydrated with safe water. Thanks for the help guys!
  25. nl

    Stable Update 0.62.140099

    found a barrel and stashed my most important items should I die, trying to survive now...