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Everything posted by nl

  1. nl

    BattleEye client not responding.

    Do you see me formulate an apology anywhere? I don't know about you but I will give my judgement about the game WHEN IT'S FINISHED.
  2. nl

    BattleEye client not responding.

    Sounds to me like you still have plenty to learn about this game, like where it's likely to find people and ways to not die of thirst. Well whatever, your loss.
  3. nl

    BattleEye client not responding.

    Be patient and join a full server, those don't seem to have the BE problem. The only reason you see low and medium pop servers is BECAUSE they have the BE issue.
  4. nl

    0.63 Stresstest is shame

    I don't think you really understand what the stress tests are about...
  5. nl

    0.63 Night looks awful

    @Bings (DayZ)probably has the same issue as me, my nights look the same as his and daytime is way too bright. I have brightness in the game set to 0% and monitor brightness at 25% and it still looks too bright. And I noticed I am having the same issue again as in early .62, Nividia Shadowplay making dark recordings which was eventually solved but is back with .63. Not sure if at the time it was solved by Dayz update or a Nvidia driver. It is like playing in the day time and having forgotten to turn down the gamma exploit. Using the latest NVidia driver 397.31, previous driver same issue. GPU and monitor specs in signature. It is almost like the changes to settings I make don;t apply and all just defaults. You can kinda see in these pics what I mean, this is at 0% brightness. All look overexposed, obviously light colors most, in 0.26 it's much more balanced. In-game it looks even brighter. https://imgur.com/BsOe0cR https://imgur.com/trTzs83 https://imgur.com/J6robmD
  6. Maybe I'm wrong but Dayz uses only 1 core of the CPU? So I was thinking that his single core has a higher clockspeed than my i5 had, he has a "younger" GPU than I had (although I had a Ti - 4 GB VRAM) and the same amount of RAM, which is why I would assume he could play the game roughly with the same performance as I could. OP asked if he would be able to run the game "decent ish". But I agree it would maybe also depend oin what he wants from the game, I'm a PVE player myself, maybe the limitations would be more clear in PVP type play. What are you thoughts on what further optimization may mean for performance?
  7. I don't completely agree, with the specs I mentioned above I had around 27-35 fps in towns and up to 70 in open areas, but I did have an SSD. I can imagine performance will vary from system to system, my older system was actually holding up pretty well even only 6 months ago, running for instance Battlefield 1 fine on medium settings. Same with Rise of the Tombraider. In Dayz I had clouds off, ambient occlusion off, shadows at low, low AA, I think high textures, anyway I had to play around with the settings a little to find the right combo of performance and eye candy. But more importantly, we will see a lot more optimization in the rest of this year which will probably make the game less demanding for older systems.
  8. Yeah, as you long as you don't max things out you should have a good enough gaming experience. Used to run it myself on an i5-750 @ 2.6Hhz, 8GB DDR3 RAM and GTX 650 on more or less medium settings.
  9. nl

    Ball to play football/soccer

    I can already imagine the sniper trying to hit the ball...
  10. nl

    Add sidechat

    no chat for me
  11. nl

    Micro Stutter

    Due to optimization I'd say. I'll play around a bit with my settings and maybe delete my profile folder, all in there should be stock but who knows, the game was clean installed about two months ago. I would like to hear from guys with a comparable system like me or better and if they experience the occasional stutter. BTW, I also had these stutters on my previous system (also during 0.62 ) with settings on medium to low but of course much older hardware (i5 750, GTX 650 Ti 1080p, 8 GB RAM, DAYZ on a somewhat older SSD) so that makes me think it's in the game itself. Playing on a empty or medium full server doesn't seem to make a difference. The temps of my CPU and GPU never get above throttle thresholds. BTW the G-sync does it make it less pronounced but it is still noticeable.
  12. nl

    Micro Stutter

    For some reason the game is not running 100% smooth for me. Even when having around 70 fps there are still some stutters for me. Clouds on normal makes it a bit better for me too, but still not completely smooth. I have most other settings as high as possible, I would say my system is more than strong enough. Sure I know optimization is still not done in 0.62 and I am looking forward to see how performance is in 0.63. System specs in my signature.
  13. I didn't expect a thing, no worries.
  14. nl

    Replace the Child Breifcase

    When I am a fresh spawn I'll take a child briefcase gladly! You will find a replacement soon enough or the materials for an improvised backpack (well in the current game state)
  15. nl


    Having played almost 1700 hours in a game that is not even finished yet nor full-featured says it all I guess. I have no doubt DAYZ SA will be a platform for amazing experiences for years to come.
  16. nl

    Melee attack while sprinting

    They should make the axes and such throw-able, that would solve the problem of cowards running away (and coming at you with your weapon ;) )
  17. I had a character that never stopped trembling and would never get hot. At one time I got very cold but got back to normal status after which the trembling hands never got away. All the time I had maximum health, hydration and energy levels. What I tried to get rid of the trembling: -constantly sprinting (literally hours on end) and while receiving the "I am rapidly warming up" message I never got a hot status. -no damp or wet clothing or items -sat at a fire for a long time (15 sticks, 4 logs) -used at least 4 splints to heal hidden damage -was wearing an m60 jacket and plate carrier Now it is kinda nice to be able to sprint full time without ever getting too hot but using a scoped rifle sucks when you tremble. I killed my character and started with a new one (not trembling)
  18. nl

    Shaking / trembling bug

    Yes, many times. I had this bug during many sessions. I tried the splints many times. Didn't try painkillers nor morphine. On this specific server (private hive) I play alone. Of course, I was hit by infected multiple times and had to go back to a healthy status but the trembling remained. Normally I guess I would have made a report but I don't want to waste dev's time while we wait for beta.
  19. nl

    cannot open

    did you google on the message? I did not read myself but it seems more people had this error in the past, also related to ARMA. https://www.google.nl/search?dcr=0&source=hp&ei=GWBJWqycD4XXwAKrv4mgDA&q=cannot+open+'dta+bin.ebo's&oq=cannot+open+'dta\bin.ebo'&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.33i160k1.1521.1521.0.3859.
  20. yeah, because everybody plays DAYZ sa, a survival game, just for the firefights -_-
  21. nl

    Shaking / trembling bug

    well I was drenched before and already sat by a fire. What you mean F2? Do surrender animation and this fixes bugs?
  22. nl

    Local servers - Connecting failed

    Sounds like it, or maybe they are blocking certain ports? Could try to give your ISP a call and see what they say.
  23. The game is not optimized yet, so even with my "more powerful" system I experience the same but probably less than you. (The game probably won't feel smooth until beta or some time after) What may help is: -run game from SSD (faster to load all objects in a town) -don't use the very high objects setting but set it a bit lower. -don't set all settings to low because that way all the work will go to your CPU and not GPU, you card should easily handle higher settings.
  24. nl

    Seen in height

    Do you mean you want a map? You can find one here: http://www.izurvive.com/ Or do you want to make screenshots from a "bird perspective?" Not sure how to do that.
  25. Some houses have fireplaces you can use, craft a fireplace and place it in there and ignite.