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Everything posted by nl

  1. I would think that with the budget BI has for Dayz hiring a few professional translators won't be such a big deal.
  2. nl

    Exp Update 0.63.147489

    Experiencing constant connection lost" and "character locked in database" again, I thought these issues were solved? Also many servers I am unable to connect to, especially 1st person servers.
  3. nl

    Where is the DayZ population?

    Possibly you are right, however, you are factoring out new players who never played the game before (both mod and and SA)
  4. nl

    Where is the DayZ population?

    I'm still here, waiting patiently, occasionally playing a few hours, checking the forum almost daily. Although part of me feels disappointed about progress I still have faith this will be a platform for many iterations. I am actually mentally prepared it may take another 2 years from today for the game to get into full swing.
  5. I think by now it is an issue Bohemia is aware off, assuming it is caused by DAYZ or Steam I would expect there is a fix soon. BTW, reinstalling Dayz and updating to 0.63 seems to have fixed the issue for me.
  6. Just had BSOD myself when starting DAYZ. Didn't have it yesterday when I played a few times. (experimental) And Dayz got uninstalled in steam... Edit: reinstalled Dayz, version 0.62 just CTD's after loading main menu. Am now DL'ing / installing 0.63 exp. Edit 2: so far everything fine with 0.63 again...
  7. nl

    Internationl dayZ trailer 2018

    Show 'em this (not my production):
  8. What is truly absurd is you putting this much energy into a game you don't even like. All this time you could have played a game you actually enjoy instead of wasting your own and our time.
  9. nl

    The state of current gameplay

    Well that escalated quickly...
  10. nl

    Visited the DayZ map IRL today

    Pictures or it didn't happen :)
  11. Most things are easy once you have learned how to do them. Don't forget the wolves, in the past few months I died more often because of wolves than players. Not sure yet about the future but I have heard talk about bears, also talk about roaming hordes of infected. Who knows, maybe they even develop a Sasquatch with an extremely low chance of spawning but capable of high speed and great strength ;) You'll know you have killed a badass when you find Sasquatch steaks in his backpack...
  12. nl

    Game that shows no sounds what so ever

    If you have no sound in-game it is a problem of your system, not the game.
  13. (and fish, grow edibles, search for apples, hunt) For a long trip to find for instance military stuff you would have to prepare, make sure you assemble enough food for the trip. In short, all Dayz intended you to do, being a survival game.
  14. The game is not in its full state yet, no point judging it at this stage. Many features are not in right now because we are basically testing core mechanics like server performance and client stability, also the loot economy is not in its final stage yet. You should wait until the game hits beta some time this year.
  15. nl

    Exp Update 0.63.147368

    I had the same issues until I increased quality settings, I use the settings in the pic below and have good performance, there is an occasional stutter but I don't think that is hardware related.
  16. I never said I want any chance of ever getting "KOSsed" to be eliminated from the game, these are words that are put in my mouth. I completely agree that it is the very chance of getting killed on sight tremendously helps to add to the atmosphere of DAYZ and a constant feeling of threat. What I did say is that it annoys me that 90% of the encounters I have follow the same boring, predictive and unoriginal pattern.
  17. nl

    Safe Mode.

    In safe mode only basic hardware drivers are loaded so no way your system would be able to run DAYZ SA without graphics drivers (and the other drivers it needs to be able to perform).
  18. What I am "crying" about is the boring behavior many players show. Explain to me where the fun is in spawning in, finding another player and start a fist fight? It will be over in one minute and you gain nothing with it except potentially ruining the fun for another player who tried to interact, help even. For example: I was trying to make my way to Balota to see the re-designed airstrip, I encounter a fresh spawn, ask him if he needed food and dropped an opened can for him, result - fist fight.... Another example: I have basic gear and swam to Balisti Island. I encounter two freshies, I wave in greeting from a distance. They ask me where they are and I tell them. I ask if they need food and again one behind me starts stabbing me with a knife. I have many of those examples. They have no repertoire except killing other players. They have no idea what else to do when there is exploring, experimenting, interacting. It indeed is unimaginative, selfish behavior and I am sure they are the same people coming to this forum complaining there is nothing to do in the game because they lack any form of imagination or are simply afraid to risk interaction. And to you sir I say, "if the shoe fits..."
  19. 1650 hours in the game and probably 0 hours on the forum or you would have maybe understood the phase the game is in right now.
  20. Does anyone know if the offline mode will ever get persistence? I know offline mode will stay as a modding tool but it would be kind of cool to be able to practice base building and so on without the chance of getting raided.
  21. Also, next time check "proper version match", that will ensure you only see servers you can actually join.
  22. nl

    [ERROR] You were kicked off the game

    In steam you can have the game files verified, it may restore some missing files.
  23. nl

    system specs

    How much is your friend asking for his system?
  24. nl

    system specs

    You should be alright, keeping in mind that the game is still in alpha (beta soon) and many things still need to be optimized.
  25. nl

    The worst game ever

    Well fortunately you can rest assured you did your utmost to help it become a better game! Thanks for taking the trouble to post your experience.