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Posts posted by cgz_uk

  1. So guys I came back to give dayz another go and see how things have been going since I last played 2-3 months ago. Sadly it seems much worse from a control and general melee point of view.


    I noticed that actually hitting a zombie with the axe etc is almost impossible. With one stood still in front you, aiming at it is irrelevant because whether you actually register a hit seems to be random. If I aim at something at point blank I expect to get the hits! and 3+ hits to kill one is stupid.


    Secondly and most importantly mouse lag and input lag from the keyboard to actually getting the action to execute is the worse I've ever experienced in any game. You have to mash the buttons to get the right weapon out and often when it does execute the weapon is holstered again. This has always been an issue but seems far worse.

    As for the mouse lag it feels like i'm trying to aim with a serious case of Parkinsons Disease or one of others that causes uncontrollable twitches. I'm stationary and trying to aim at stationary object is such a fight in self. It lags behind and twitches so much I cant get the cross hair over the target and this is a new gaming mouse and keyboard setup and working perfectly on other games, again, aiming with a gun is almost impossible.


    For me, despite the good advances with content and AI pathing etc the actual playabillity of the game has deteriorated drastically since I last played SA.


    Thanks for reading, I hope this gets resolved.

  2. Both have their merits and bad points in my opinion but from my point of view having never played anything Arma related before I went in for Standalone first.


    Content and fun factor wise, the mods are definitely way ahead of Standalone and that is to be expected. But... performance, UI / Inventory / Animations and general functionally, SA wins by a large margin and is much much smoother. The little things like being able to shoulder mount a gun and still be able to switch and use an axe puts SA in good stead in my books. In the mod can't equip an axe without dropping a gun bigger than a pistol.


    And the bad, both have a lot of the same bugs and glitches and the sound.. the god damn sound is abysmal in both versions in terms of things such as Ocean and wind drowning everything out, random noises which are supposed to be generated from player activity such as eating, the cracking of twigs in a wooded area, fences knocking etc when no other player is around is very annoying.

    Zombies are terrible in both and we actually call some of them Terminator Zombies because some will snap you, bleed you and kill you with in seconds.


    Those are some of my thoughts on both.

  3. This is quiet an epic but sad track and I do like it. However what I don't like is the god damn roaring tsunami sound that the calm ocean front gives and the fact its the same sound you can hear on mountain tops miles away from the sea! I'm sick to the back teeth of it now, drowning out everything else including Direct Comms.


    Why this has not been fixed or separated from other sounds is quite the joke. It's is the most annoying part of the game by a long mile.

  4. The full accurate fix is this (im new to this game too!!)


    1. Go to reg edit and navigate to "local user" / Software / Bohemia Interactive


    2. Delete the entire Arma AO folder and close reg edit.


    4. Open steam as admin and browse library and right click on Arma 2 OA and select properties / Local files and click Verify Integrity of game cache.


    3. Launch both Arma 2 and Arma 2 AO up to the main menu and close (as Dayz commander does not see Arma AO installation until after you run first)


    4. Run Dayzcommander and click install / updates and click to install the latest version of Arma 2 at the top of the page.


    The game will then update to 1.62 and will be playable.

    • Like 5

  5. I mean seriously?? you resort to insult because you can't have what the devs have already stated will NEVER be in the game??? get over yourself and your idiotic self-importance - you are just another noob that can't take the heat in the game and you sir represent a tiny minority as evidenced by the overwhelming NO to this idiotic idea. I do so hope I find you ingame so I can just shoot you in the face with no dialog just so I can hunt down your new spawn and do it again... lather, rinse, repeat.


    Sorry Elle, that wasn't an insult and definitely not one directed at you. It's just a silly Northern UK mans term for saying I can smell an idiot a mile off and I certainly did not mean that you were the idiot. You say I represent a minority, however there are tonnes of posters saying the same thing about KoS being out of control.


    Lets not make this personal because I wasn't attacking you, even though it may have seemed that way.



    Let me just add one final comment to this topic in which the op's suggestion was popular. If we shouldn't be able to spot heros and bandits, we should, at the very least be able to see / spot / recognise our friends.

  6. The latest Frankie video sums it up perfectly. I don't want this to be an argument about Frankie, i could not care if it was Arnold Schwarzenegger playing it is the content of the video that is important. It has so much potential with the gun fight in the middle and you can see what a great game it could be but the rest of it also shows you why it can never be that great game.(If you have not seen it i recommend you go and check it out)


    Give someone a gun they will shoot you in the face rather then befriend you. Hackers on every server without fail, a massive failure on the developers part, they said they were going to combat hacking yet they have done NOTHING, absolutely nothing extra to combat hackers.


    I don't see a good future for this game and it is a real shame because it could have been so great. I know exactly what dean meant when he said it was a flawed concept and i agree with him completely.


    Discuss and feel free to bash on me


    I guess the only thing I disagree with is the second to last sentence about the game not having a future. This game actually has potential to be an awesome success because of its unique survival nature. However, its true that the griefing KoS mentality needs addressing.

    Sadly though hacking has been and will always be an issue. I'm not a programmer but if you fix something there is always another way around it. No high profile game on this planet is hacker free and I've only seen 1 hacker in game up to now but at least Server admin in Dayz are awesome at responding to this threat and banning them.

    • Like 1

  7. This is a post apocalyptic game. There is no TV or radio stations. Even if someone with "good profile" as you say, that is famous and a nice person, does not mean that person would be nice still in this situation. You could see "arnie" and be like hey man lets group up! Then he will pwn you for your beans. The same goes for any person. There is no way you could possibly know peoples mindset just by looking at them.


    You should not ever be able to see names or anything. It makes it feel a lot more like an arcade game, rather than the real survival game it is. 


    Try playing Arma3 breaking point. It ruins it  being able to have groups, and see where your group is at all times. Not to mention if you want to play a hero you have to literally let people kill you constantly, like the survivors, nuetrals. if they come at you and you defend yourself and kill them you lose a lot of humanity, if you want to gain it you just have to let them kill you or have a bandit with you to have them kill them and hope they can kill them before they kill you. Not to mention if someone starts and KOS everyone they see, and they happen to kill 10 bandits, then boom they are a hero from KOS'ing. 


    As for your comment about most people wanting to remain anonymous, why would that matter? I don't give a damn if people know my name. I haven't changed my name once, and never try to hide it. If I was, (even though I don't want to) you can just change your name every time you log in.. So that does not matter. 


    I play as a bandit/promoter of friendship. Me and my buddy run around trying to talk to people. 80% of people will not even respond to us, so we shoot them after we give them plenty of time and explain how to talk voice chat and text, in case they are new.


    If people talk to us then we will help them out, give them stuff, join up with them if they want ect. So hopefully those people that refuse to try and talk will try to talk next time. 


    If people don't talk to us until we shoot at them, then they respond "oh fuck you guys ect ect" then I break their legs and bandage them, then yell at them for being rude and unfriendly, and all they had to do is say hello. 


    Oh and btw my ingame name is always JH so if you see me on the server make sure you say hello. 



    You see, from what I've read you're what I would class a proper bandit type. Attempting to communicate to suss people out before you go ahead and take out the risk by shooting them. That sir, is absolutely fine but a hell of a lot of people "don't show name" and just camp retardedly for hours just shooting people and more so the freshspawns.


    If y suggestion wasn't favourable then increase zombie numbers and their response is the next. Firing a gun especially a loud one,should cause a zombie Zerg upon you or to your general area. Currently in both SA and the Mod, you only really get up to 4 zombies coming for you. It would be a far greater number.

  8. ok yeah I didn't really read all of that but I just have one question - would know me or my disposition if you were sitting next to me on the bus? didn't think so. can we just drop this stupidity now???


    If there was a real Zombie apocalypse, break down of law etc etc, would most people run round shooting people on sight willy nilly ? No. By the way, I have a knack for reading people like a book and I can smell a C*** a mile off.

    • Like 1

  9. Strange, every full hardcore ive been in everyone has killed me, on sight, no talk, all trigger, even though im always friendly, rarely armed or even have a back pack. And im not alone, this game has lost alot of players in the past few month down to this. 40k were playing dayz consistantly not so long ago, now its peaking at about 23 - 27k. As far as i recall that is, not saying they all left to this reason, but, if you want a none stop kill fest, may as well boot somthing up you start on an even playing field with, like, all the rest of the shooters out there. Solutions are needed, i think the OP is spot on.  


    To be honest it the same on Dayz Epoch too. Everyone talks in side channel and you can make friends to team up but the minute you travel the map it becomes a KoS fest. That's because there is no real penalty for murder and no system to make "policing" fun or viable in game.


    As you say, you meet a stranger in a town/city/ middle of nowhere and they don't talk or respond in voice chat. A lot also say "Friendly" then still kill you. It's fcked up and a better reward/ punishment system is needed.

    • Like 1

  10. Bahaha my thoughts exactly. 


    Isn't it the exact opposite in real life? You usually can't tell if someone is nice, a rapist, a murderer, ect just by looking at them.. 


    Maybe I just need to get my eyes checked so I can see peoples names and their current mindset just by looking at them. 


    Aight so I guess you wouldn't recognise any "known" mass murders if you saw them in street or barrack Obama / David Cameron if you saw them in the near distance.........


    At the end of the day, some of you people are just trying to remain 100% anonymous in order to grief because you know damn well if the system I mentioned was implemented proper hero's and anti bandits would keep hunting you criminals down.


    Lets go back to the previous example. You would definitely be able to recognise our hero Arnie Swartzenegger or Barrack Obama out and about because they have High Reputation / profiles as is the case with maJor criminals, they too get different high profile reputation for the terrible acts they commit. They end up all over the news and are thus recognisable to the general public and forced to go on the run if not already caught.


    This survival game should have these kind of mechanics if you will, using the humanity/ reputation system currently in game (which needs reworking as per my suggestion).


    As others have said, I'm not saying we should be able to tell who you are at 2000m unless scoping or using binoculars ^^ but it should be absolutely possible up to a certain range.


    Edit Lets go through it again.


    If for example a player has 5000+ Humanity (I prefer calling it reputation) this player would be declared as a hero and the name would be highlighted in Blue text if you see them at:




    200m (with belt tools)

    2000m (with belt tools)


    On the flip side a player who relentlessly kills will easily fall into the Bandit negative Reputation at -5000. A Hero ranked player would see this character at the ranges above and there name highlighted in Red and vise vera with hero spotted in blue.


    Anyone between -5000 and +5000 Humanity would be viewed by the system as a neutral player and would remain unrecognisable via the above (as players currently are when they "don't show name").


    This will give hero and bandit more meaning in the game and not just hero trader perks. But to make sure people cannot abuse the humanity system to kill enough zombies to stay out the Bandit ranks. If someone is persistently murdering non bandit players they should face a persisting and increasing penalty to the amount of Humanity they earn back from killing zombie / other bandits. Hero's should also get a huge humanity bonus for killing Bandits and a massive drop in humanity if killing a neutral as defined above.


    The only thing i'm struggling with is a bonus system for Bandits. Maybe it could be access to totally unique vehicles/ clothing.


    It's only a suggestion though.

  11. People are forgetting one thing. In real life, lets say a Zombie Apocalypse did occur......you'd be able to indentify people be that a 2 metre, 20 metre or 200m with binoculars. In Dayz you have no bloody idea who your shooting at. This we need to know!.


    Force show name & Blue = +Humanity, Red =  -Humanity. Then the jobs a good one.

  12. Hi guys


    I bought access to the alpha because having not played any of the versions nor any Arma games, this Stand Alone has got me completely hooked. So I would say it is definitely worth the money and well worth buying especially if you haven't played arma or arma mechanics and the various dayz mods.



    Having since switched to Arma II Dayz Epoch (to get the full expected content) it's clear that the standalone removes a hell of a lot of the issues with buying multiple games/ expansions and installing all the various mods.


    I'm now really looking forward to getting vehicles, more weapons etc and base building so I can switch back to Standalone. I know it lacks in content right now but the potential is UBER. They've done an amazing job with things such as open up buildings, shouldering / holstering of weapons, a much improved inventory, you just don't really appreciate all unless you've actuall played the arma II mod version which I hadn't until after getting SA.



  13. Its a pretty small vicinity. I usually cant hear people eating/drinking from more than 3 houses over. And thats only sometimes.


    yeah righ, ive sat in a completly open area and stll heard people eat, drink and snap twigs. Sound in sa defo needs work. Go to Mod version and you can tell which direction  and how close the sounds are, Not in SA U CANT.

  14. Okay so I bought and installed Arma II and Operation Arrowhead and a few of the most popular mods like epoch and after sorting the bad serial error I managed to get a good game session going.


    However after a while and the first server reset came, I keep getting Battleye Corrupt data #3 error and kicked from server. I deleted the regedit entries, reinstalled Battleye and copied over the latest files from the battleye site to the correct locations and logged in again successfully. Then the server reset and when I reconnected I got the damn #3 data error again. WTF is happening.


    I've read a shit tonne of forum posts around the web and cannot find a resolution. I really do not want to fart about uninstalling battleye and deleting reg keys ever server reset and don't wanna have to keep changing servers and starting over.


    Help! pls.

  15. There is almost no challenge of survival in this game




     a bandit blows your brains out there goes 3 more hours of effort


    Does anyone else detect the hypocrisy here ? Lets think about survival, You will head to a town or area you know or hope will contain resource to aid survival as will many others including KoS players so once you have stocked up, would you really set up camp there ? knowing that you could be jacked. No, you'd get your stuff (be it cooking utensils) and head off to a nice quiet area out of town. (hopefully base building will come to Dayz SA)


    Zombies, despite being low in numbers are also a key point to watch. Quite a few can aggro you even at long distance or agro another player and give your position away alerting other players to your presence. Personally it would be more frustrating if the swarms were enormous, however I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that numbers were reduced for performance reasons and if they do increase them post ALPHA they need to fix the "moving through walls" glitching first. Otherwise it wouldn't take much for a small group of them to kill you!

    • Like 2

  16. 1) Can I run more then one character? If so how please?

    2) how do you trade? Simply leave it on the ground?

    3) Since this is alfa I am assuming that duct tape, matches, wood and the like are useless...am I right or wrong?

    4) How do I fill my canteen from a well or is it even possible at this point?

    5) Game seems fairly easy (not to many zombies inland and very few other players) am I on the wrong server?


    I know I'm being a noob but the answers would help, thank you in advance.


    Edit, sniped by Jack. Cheers :D


    1. This aint no multibox your ass off game. It's survival and you are meant to have one character. If killed you start at noob spawn with no loot.

    2. You can leave it on the ground or you can switch items between player inventory if close enough.

    3. Alfa ? is this l33t gramma ? Someone else will need to be more specific about this. Currently, duck tape has no uses that I know of however, just like Dayz Mod I would assume that in future you'll be able to bind ammo magazine together and restrain people etc. Matches + Wood + Stone are to make fires. I'm pretty sure I saw someone make a fire at a petrol station and blow it up in videos but that could have been dayz mod.

    4. I have not been able to fill canteens from water sources. However, you can fill those plastic bottles up at ponds etc.

    5. Easy lol. Wait till you break a leg and swarm of Zombies comes after you.... Or you stop for a second to do something and bang your dead! Seriously though, on a full server its not that easy specially when you spawn and come up against kitted out players with guns n shit and as for zombies, im pretty sure they did reduce the numbers for stability reasons until things are optimized.

    Oh and wait until you get lost and cant tell where you are (even with map) :P


    I'm pretty much a nub buts that's what I've learnt so far.

  17. Sticks are too rare man. The ones I have been lucky to find have always been in the Big open barn type buildings and the large storage unit that has one metal staircase and metal walkway around it. The empty sheds and shacks littered around are always loot-less without fail!


    If the guy really doesn't want to restart the best bet is for you to go to a high loot building or outbuilding  and go to empty servers. You'll find one a whole lot quicker.

  18.  Dean hasn't somehow forgotten all of those features between making the mod and going across to the Stand Alone. I'm sure most of the mod and the best bits of the mods mods will make an appearance within SA given time. If vehicles won't be in for at least 4 more months you can get a vague idea of the time scale here! SA isn't going to be complete for a while, the warning message that appears everytime you start the game makes that pretty clear.


    Yeah I fully understand the game is incomplete and in alpha stage and it's great that we can buy access to "test the game". What I'm saying is that I've haven't played arma ever before and I do like the control system because it not stupidly blistering paced like BF series for example. So having no experience I just wondered what we are likely to expect.


    Anyway, I've had a bit more content fill today. I stuck with populated servers, found a pristine mosin early on and some round and set off on a hike east then north to the airfield. I prefer this route because there seem to be less die hard killas. On my way I bumped into 3 players. The 1st was one of those seemingly harmless types that run at you. Paranoia kicked in and he swiftly ended up with a fire axe in his scull. I warned him to back off. The next was weird. Some dude was prone and just spinning in a circle in the grass, no communication so I though he had problems, maybe a broken leg so I planted the fire axe in the back of skull.

    The 3rd guy, well lets just say he never saw me so I positioned behind him with my mosin aimed nicely and asked him to stop and stand there being as he too had a mosin and fireaxe on the shoulders. He turned to face me wave then put his axe in hands.. I assumed he click the wrong button and actually meant to pull his mosin on me. Needless to say I pulled the trigger to the yelp of  "friendly". He was ammo'd up to hell but sadly my one shot ruined every item in his inventory /sadface.


    One other bit of content I liked in the spray painting of stuff. I was watching some of FrankieonPC1080p videos and in one he painted his mosin which turned out a dull green all over. So I sprayed mine with green paint and it came out a cool looking camo color! sweet.




    It seems that applying paint can give various design outcomes, is that right ? I did actually spray it black before green :) Anyways next content for me shall be a nato peacekeeper or anti-bandit I think ;)
