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Everything posted by cgz_uk

  1. cgz_uk

    Newb..What do now ?

    Yeah I fully understand the game is incomplete and in alpha stage and it's great that we can buy access to "test the game". What I'm saying is that I've haven't played arma ever before and I do like the control system because it not stupidly blistering paced like BF series for example. So having no experience I just wondered what we are likely to expect. Anyway, I've had a bit more content fill today. I stuck with populated servers, found a pristine mosin early on and some round and set off on a hike east then north to the airfield. I prefer this route because there seem to be less die hard killas. On my way I bumped into 3 players. The 1st was one of those seemingly harmless types that run at you. Paranoia kicked in and he swiftly ended up with a fire axe in his scull. I warned him to back off. The next was weird. Some dude was prone and just spinning in a circle in the grass, no communication so I though he had problems, maybe a broken leg so I planted the fire axe in the back of skull. The 3rd guy, well lets just say he never saw me so I positioned behind him with my mosin aimed nicely and asked him to stop and stand there being as he too had a mosin and fireaxe on the shoulders. He turned to face me wave then put his axe in hands.. I assumed he click the wrong button and actually meant to pull his mosin on me. Needless to say I pulled the trigger to the yelp of "friendly". He was ammo'd up to hell but sadly my one shot ruined every item in his inventory /sadface. One other bit of content I liked in the spray painting of stuff. I was watching some of FrankieonPC1080p videos and in one he painted his mosin which turned out a dull green all over. So I sprayed mine with green paint and it came out a cool looking camo color! sweet. It seems that applying paint can give various design outcomes, is that right ? I did actually spray it black before green :) Anyways next content for me shall be a nato peacekeeper or anti-bandit I think ;)
  2. cgz_uk

    Newb..What do now ?

    Well everything you expect from survival in todays world. Vehicles (obviously fuel would have to be limited), being able to build bases so I don't always have to risk spawning into camper noobs who geared up via server hopping and where I can stockpile supplies. Sticks, a wide spread resource that shouldn't be confined to isolated rare spawns. Better sounds because right now you can hear fences being knocked, guns reloading, cans popping and food eating and cannot tell where its coming from. The person might not even be anywhere near. Cutting out the fake noises too.. Go on a dead server and you can still hear people drinking and reloading ammo etc. Better interaction from players. Of all the people I've met only two have not killed me. If this were real survival most people would not kill on sight even if law and order had broken down. Please do not take me for a whiner. I'm just asking what more to expect in regards to what the full game might offer and it follows the trend of the arma mod version with the above mentioned base building and resource gathering then that is cool. By the way I'm not slating the game, this the first die/start over game I've played and am pretty addicted. Also, hopefully in future they will put a system in place that stops dead server gearing up, then there wont be as many newb spawn campers.
  3. So after getting past the "break leg and crawl" and "Starvation" era I am now constantly faced with backrape on friendly servers by people I cant hear. I am always wary and check my perimeter but for the past few hours now when I find a quite spot I look and listen and hear nothing, then we I do something like eat or something suddenly Im shot once from behind and game over. Now I'm stopping in areas where there a no surpises. So where are these players appearing from ? and wft am I not hearing their footsteps or anything ? even crouched my footsteps are loud so why are they able to quietly get behind me from out of no-where ? I don't get to see them nevermind hear them. if someone is running about I should atleast hear them no , footsteps, rustling of clothes or items ?
  4. I've only been playing a couple of days and it was pretty much fine. In the past hour though, its started crashing to desktop. Now it does it more or less as soon as I join a server.
  5. yes mike.. all quiet and1 shot and immediate death. So presumably head shot from no where (in a building corridor with no rooms). I did check the area before moving and settling to eat but again I heard nothing to suggest anyone was moving around .
  6. Hello Im new to the game over night and was 72mins into the game and stuff went weird. First of all I killed a zombie then dropped down from a small balcony (no health warning etc) and every time I try to run forward it goes prone(I checked settings were correct too). Then straight after suddenly I got sync error and now no servers are showing in the server list. I basically can't play if I can't see the servers. Has something gone offline ?
  7. cgz_uk

    New player - Server issues

    Thanks guys. What about blurred screen ? Is that to with slowly dying of hunger ? The only problem is im stuck in middle of nowhere now with no loot around. Where would I find sticks ? I have a torn top already though. Cheers