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About TomatoSupra

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Watching you camp
  • Interests
    Anything to do with Toyota, Toyota Racing Development, or Toyota Motorsports.

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  • Bio
    88 N/A 5 Speed Targa Top Toyota Supra. Its my baby.
  1. TomatoSupra

    How could he.....

    This is what makes this game fun for assholes like me. Its so much easier to shoot someone in the back of the head after telling them you are friendly, then to go through the hassle of a firefight.
  2. TomatoSupra

    plese how i can BLOCK MEMBER

    What the hell is jocking? Is it like twerking for jocks?
  3. TomatoSupra

    AMD Vs Intel

    Woah woah woah. Stop it right there buddy, no trash talking. Lets keep it clean and educated please.
  4. TomatoSupra

    AMD Vs Intel

    Amd's is a stock chip on a OEM overclock. Of course you can OC an intel one to that extreme of a limit. AMD does it from the factory.
  5. TomatoSupra

    AMD Vs Intel

    Once again, talking about optimization. 5Ghz is 5Ghz. Intel hasn't hit that yet. End of discussion.
  6. TomatoSupra

    pig miracle SEE IS BELEVE

    What a nice piggy. I will just stick to tactical bacon from now on!
  7. TomatoSupra

    Please Help

    Be smarter next time? If your on the internet, and it sounds too good to be true, its too good to be true. Just log in, drop the gun and kill yourself and start fresh, you'll be fine.
  8. TomatoSupra

    Where are the birds ?

  9. I like the idea of zombie killing counter. But i would rather see something like a tooth or ear you can pickup from a dead zombie. Make some sort of badass necklace or something. Then you could keep track, without an annoying number on your screen. And telling you who you died from is kinda a dead idea. The fun/shitty part of dying in this game is the fact that you dont know if it was someone who you dont know, or your friend you were playing with.
  10. TomatoSupra

    "Interview" with Rocket

    Pin this. And commence the Lawls
  11. TomatoSupra

    Sawn off shotgun ironsight

    Lets just start here. Like my last post said, here is you, the one who is completely off topic, applying YOUR wrong ideas and saying that someone else is wrong because of it. Did i lose you again?
  12. TomatoSupra

    Sawn off shotgun ironsight

    My thoughts exactly. Your issue with this thread is the fact that you went off topic, and told the rest of the posters that they were wrong because of your incorrect statements. I don't care how right you think you are about shotguns, you misspoke, so i was correcting you. Its really not that complicated. And if you are not trying to snivle your way out of accepting that you are wrong, what the hell is with the massive paragraph?
  13. TomatoSupra

    Sawn off shotgun ironsight

    Oh good lord, now its getting good. So back to my orinal question. Why the hell were you talking about regular shotguns then? If "All of your content refers to the OP"? Your just digging yourself deeper. You made a mistake, own up to it rather than trying to snake your way out of it.
  14. TomatoSupra

    Sawn off shotgun ironsight

    Sweet... Lets Quote the OP, shall we, and remember what this thread is about. Oh, so you are taking of a COMPLETELY different subject, and only saying you were because i have proven you wrong. GG
  15. TomatoSupra

    Sawn off shotgun ironsight

    Nope, its a sawed-off Again, its a sawed-off Nope, the barrel has been cutoff the gun "Sights" "Sights" "Things" It seems you might have lost the idea of a sawed-off shotgun. A sawed-off shotgun has most/part of the barrel cut off. Which means the other part of your "Sights" is on the barrel you cutoff. What the fuck are you implying with this statement? It seems you do not know what a sawed-off shotgun is.