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About z0mbi3jesus

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  1. Interesting, do go on...
  2. z0mbi3jesus

    Bandits ruin this game

    Welcome to DayZ Maw Fugga!
  3. z0mbi3jesus

    What is this Bullsh*t?

    Should have juked....
  4. z0mbi3jesus

    How to convince a friend to get dayz

    There are 1.7+million players in DayZ. You can make friends. You may get handcuffed and force fed some sh*t first, but you will find like minded people....www.dayzsingles.com? = D But on a real note, "you can lead a horse..." blah blah blah, but the community here is large enough that you DON'T have to play alone.
  5. z0mbi3jesus

    Suppressor's (RANT)

    If I were a dev, I would be insulted...
  6. z0mbi3jesus

    I the game doing it on purpose?

    I am a NEW character....I found a dead body (my old character). Sucks that he died, guess I'll take his gear...