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Everything posted by Accolyte

  1. Accolyte

    Is there any hope left? Please tell there is!

    Please stay on topic and refrain from passive aggressive posts, they have no place on these forums. I realise this topic is bound to attract pointless rants, but at least try to have a civilised discussion. Thanks
  2. Accolyte

    Black & White

    I admit I missed the part about a new character, he can still try doing that and see if that fixes it though.
  3. Accolyte

    Black & White

    That means you lost a lot of blood. You can regain blood by getting the healing status, which you can get by getting the hydrated and energized statuses, which in turn you can get by drinking and eating respectively.
  4. Accolyte

    "Dayz needs to be scarier"

    Let's just calm down, everyone, ok? No need to be insulting each other and stirring drama up.
  5. Accolyte

    JakeImpregnators Content

    I wonder why you'd say that <_< Moved.
  6. Accolyte

    When did they break Archery ?

    Yes, by clown I meant the actual clown at a circus. His skills possibly apply to there, hardly anywhere else though. His statements regarding to military use of archery are indeed laughable.. or cringeworthy rather.
  7. Accolyte

    When did they break Archery ?

    Lars Andersen is a glorified clown. I remember watching his notorious video only until the point where he says that target shooting never existed before modern competitive shooting. The archer in me quit right there. I like the lady in the video Whyherro posted though. She knows her stuff.
  8. Accolyte

    Where Is The New Engine At?

    Let's give him the benefit of the doubt and not steer the discussion that way ourselves and keep it to the appropriate thread, shall we? :)
  9. Accolyte


  10. Accolyte

    DayZ staff/devs/Bohemia show their love.

    Oh shush you. Don't create multiple accounts just to come here to troll please.
  11. Cheat's a cheat. If it's a legit cheat, then it's not a cheat. Don't blame your faulty logic on my ability to read, thank you very much.
  12. It's part of the game. It's part of any 3pp multiplayer game. If you don't like playing around it just play on 1pp servers. I will never understand why people need to constantly debate this since there really isn't any more to the discussion than what I've just said.
  13. It's not a cheat if everyone has access to it. I just wish people would stop saying this nonsense.
  14. Accolyte

    2 Global Bans

    It doesn't matter what you were doing at the time you got the ban. BattlEye bans are delayed. And yes, you get banned on all BattlEye protected games. There's no reason to keep known cheaters around in other games. Otherwise what Lok said. Just thought I'd clear this up.
  15. Accolyte

    Bug Tracker

    PM me your username on the site and I'll have it sorted for you.
  16. Accolyte

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Have you tried disabling head bob and motion blur?
  17. Accolyte

    Do Your Part: The Guide to Feedback

    Nicely written. Good job. I'd ask everyone to refrain from posting pointless rants/nitpicks in a topic that aims to help and guide people. It's really unnecessary. Can't we just have nice things?
  18. Accolyte

    Stuck in a building

    Another possibility is also searching the forums. https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/191410-dayz-support-stuck-characters/
  19. Accolyte

    Rewarding people that report bugs

    Mind you actually going undercover (so to speak) and getting access to private hacks off of very closed off communities is very different from reporting hacks. Hence why these "snitches" actually get paid for it.
  20. That typically happens when the hive/database crashes or when the servers aren't connected to it properly iirc.
  21. And how many of those times were you killed by a player or a zombie while logging out? How many times have you simply connected to a different shard? I've not had my character reset in months (nearly a year). Granted, I play very little, but still.
  22. That would actually be hilarious. :D Good thing I speak both. :lol:
  23. It can't be done. If you don't agree with that it is you who should offer solutions, not us. And as already mentioned this is easily countered by flipping the mute switch on your microphone or changing your default sound input device.
  24. Surely there are other survival games like this. You don't seem to understand the implications of what you're saying. How is DayZ going to prevent any and all microphone input without the push to talk button being pressed? That IS a rather big deal.
  25. I thought my answer should be satisfactory enough to be perfectly honest. You just can't have a game suppress other programs running on your PC. It's impossible. Well, maybe not impossible, but it's not something a company like BIS can do as it would turn the game into a malware program (like I said). Even if someone somehow mods such a functionality into the game, I can't imagine it attracting many (if any) players. It would definitely attract huge drama though. Also, I imagine that anti-virus software would go mental over this. Your example situation can be taken to literally any other game. In Battlefield I can call out the position of the person who killed me to a friend who's on mumble with me who then easily dispatches the foe and revives me. It is exactly the same thing, only there is somewhat less of an impact as in Battlefield/Quake/Counter Strike you get to respawn a few seconds/minutes later 'fully geared', whereas in DayZ it's kind of a bother I suppose, though I would argue it's part of the game and it is the thing that creates the tension the game gives you in firefights. You simply can't stop people from using 3rd party programs. It's simply not possible/feasible.