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Everything posted by Accolyte

  1. Accolyte

    Time to ditch the Torch/Flashlight

    I obviously know how people exploit on night servers. And the flashlight being a beacon for bullets is kind of the whole point of it at night, it's supposed to make you think whether or not it's safe to use it and it's supposed to keep you stressed thinking about that. I do hope that gamma exploiting gets fixed somehow and it would be nice to have servers set to real time as it used to be in the mod to limit people's ability to just play in daylight 24/7.
  2. Accolyte

    Time to ditch the Torch/Flashlight

    Alright. How do you charge your phone without electricity? Also keep in mind that the point where you start in the game is quite some time into the apocalypse so it's not like you charged it to full just the day before.
  3. Accolyte

    Time to ditch the Torch/Flashlight

    I quite liked the point someone on here made some time ago. You only have a flashlight on you so new players wouldn't be completely lost upon logging onto a night server. If it wasn't for that, you would start out with nothing. What's the point of a mobile phone? There is no carrier coverage without electricity.
  4. Accolyte

    vehicles in for christmas ? beta?

    Hmm.. I worded that wrong. My bad. I did just woke up when I wrote that post lol. What I meant that it it hasn't been a year since release.
  5. Accolyte

    vehicles in for christmas ? beta?

    What are you even on about? Pay close attention to the words in bold. That means more than one year from release. Not from whenever development started. I am quite chilled, but that doesn't have anything to do with this discussion does it? Please let's not degenerate this thread into discussion about who's mad.
  6. Accolyte

    vehicles in for christmas ? beta?

    Well, the thing is, my opinions aren't uneducated. They are very well educated actually. Although they are mostly opinions nonetheless at this point. As I already pointed out. We are not longer than a year into development It hasn't been a year since release and the quote does not mean that it should take just over a year. It means what it says. More than one year. That could very well be 4574100 years. Thanks for jumping in, Brian!
  7. Accolyte

    Where's the action at?

    Sigh, can't we have one nice thread without pointless bickering, friends? Settle down, stay on topic, please.
  8. This is not really the place to ask. I would ask BIS directly as this is essentially a branding issue.
  9. Accolyte

    vehicles in for christmas ? beta?

    And how does that quote indicate that it's supposed to be released this December? The game was released last December.. and it's supposed to take more than one year. Am I missing something? Even if it was in fact easy to do, why would they spend time working on something that they would have to rewrite from scratch later anyway? That would be a bit of a waste of time and time is a fairly expensive commodity in game development. The fact that someone imported a model into the game means very little (not to mention that they essentially had to hack into the game to do so, violating ToS/EULA in the process). And even if the devs did import vehicles from Arma2 or whatnot, then you'd be complaining that your car is not pretty enough/the damage model is rubbish/the physics aren't realistic, etc. The game is in development, features come into the game gradually. If you can't deal with the fact that the feature that you oh so desire is not in the game yet, the best bet would be to wait until they do implement the feature. Bitching about it doesn't do any good to anyone. They will not change their roadmap because of the vocal minority nor should they. I'll just restate that you have no idea what is being done and why or how difficult it is. Please stop presenting your uneducated opinions as facts.
  10. Accolyte


    If you have evidence of a person hacking or you get a hold of actual hacks, please report these to the forum team using PM. Do not create topics about hacks as they usually end up as bashing sessions and serve no purpose. The particular hack you're describing has been discussed to death already. I mean c'mon. The same topic was on the first page.
  11. If you have evidence of a person hacking or you get a hold of actual hacks, please report these to the forum team using PM. Do not create topics about hacks as they usually end up as bashing sessions and serve no purpose. The particular hack you're describing has been discussed to death already.
  12. Accolyte

    SO F***ing tired of Weapon cleaning kits!

    I don't really see the point of this thread. It also has a negative vibe already. Lockerino.
  13. Have you checked that your .cfg is not set to "read-only"? Also, moving to troubleshooting.
  14. Accolyte

    vehicles in for christmas ? beta?

    No it wasn't. They said that it's basically the best case scenario, but nothing that people should take as a definite release date. That's your opinion only. Don't say something can be easily done when you have no idea what that would involve. Thanks.
  15. Accolyte

    any updates for ETA of release?

    Well I didn't mean to imply the devs don't know. I meant that nobody outside the company knows. DayZ devs never really disclosed any fixed dates for anything as far as I'm aware so that's quite intentional on their part.
  16. Accolyte

    any updates for ETA of release?

    The point is, that nobody knows. I'm not exactly sure what you're expecting people to post aside from speculation, friend. ;)
  17. Accolyte

    Please just add an auto run toggle already!

    Can't you make a simple macro if you have an expensive keyboard? My expensive keyboard can do that.
  18. Accolyte

    any updates for ETA of release?

    When / Will the Game : ( insert question here )... As seen in: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153735-frequently-asked-questions/
  19. Accolyte


    That is untrue. What Dean said in the articles you're referring to is that he considers himself an idea maker and therefore wants to leave once all ideas are in the game (essentially upon reaching beta). The "not seeing eye to eye" part basically means that he's not afraid to argue with the higher ups to get what he needs for the project, which doesn't necessarily mean that they don't see eye to eye. Either way, I don't see what Dean leaving BI has to do with whether the devs will fix or implement anything at all. Anyway.. you're strolling a bit off topic, so I'll ask you to stick to the topic and discuss these things in another thread.
  20. Accolyte

    Reporting servers

    If you refuse to report servers, you don't really get to complain about such servers being out there. And as it was explained yesterday (might have been even you, but I don't remember) things have changed. BI never had a report section on here. That was back in the days of the mod. There were no contracts between companies in place then. Today BI contracts several companies and it is a part of their contract to police their servers so to speak. BI has no direct control of the servers themselves therefore it makes no sense to report these servers to them. It literally is no effort to send an email to 5 addresses at the same time. If you're using a decent email client you can just enter these addresses once and then just add more replies to that "conversation" without ever having to input the addresses again (gmail does this for example) which is pretty much the same thing as posting the message onto a forum. Really, you have no reason to complain. The option to report these servers is right there, you just choose to ignore it.
  21. Accolyte

    Private Shards

    I think that's it, yes. 1. Yes 2. I believe they're shards also. 3. I have no idea. Nobody does really, afaik.
  22. Accolyte

    Private Shards

    I don't really know what's up with the name change, honestly. I think it might be because you will be basically using a part (shard) of the central hive that is hosted by BI and you won't have direct access to the database itself. That's just me guessing based on what's said in the dev blogs though.
  23. Accolyte

    generic fall damage death

    To be honest you can easily break a bone by falling from 20 feet.
  24. Accolyte

    Status Report - Week of 06 Oct 14

    He's right though.. no need for that language either way.
  25. Accolyte

    Private Shards

    I don't really know anything about private hives or modding. The shards will be specific to your server(s). Your private server(s) will be on a different shard than someone else's server therefore you will have different characters for your own shard and some other private server.