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Everything posted by Accolyte

  1. Accolyte

    Why i can't play dayz

    Like others have said, I think this is a problem on your side, not DayZ's.
  2. Accolyte

    I hate DayZ but I love it so much...

    As I said, crashes should go onto the feedback website where you'll be asked for crash dumps which will be looked into. It is normal (expected) for a game to run poorly while it's still in development. Alpha or Beta. There's numerous warnings displayed about this before you can even load into the game. I'm sure the devs would appreciate any new information you can give them on the feedback tracker.
  3. Accolyte

    I hate DayZ but I love it so much...

    No, he's completely right. Are these critical performance issues making the game unplayable? Unplayable as in the game doesn't start, becomes unresponsive or crashes, not 'zomg my fps be low'. No, ergo the issues are not critical from development standpoint. If you ARE experiencing actual critical issues, as in the game doesn't start, becomes unresponsive or crashes, go to feedback.dayzgame.com. And they will help you out. I would know ;) You can think that, but that doesn't make it so. Let's keep the usage of words 'fankids' and similar as well as any unfounded assumptions to a minimum, please. If you want this topic to stay that is.
  4. Accolyte

    DayZ is the greatest game ever made

    Oh c'mon don't be like that. :beans: I mean't it in the best way possible!
  5. Accolyte

    DayZ is the greatest game ever made

    http://lmgtfy.com/?q=slavsquat <_<
  6. Accolyte

    DayZ is the greatest game ever made

    I think you'll change your mind once (if) they add the slavsquat animation.
  7. Accolyte

    DayZ is the greatest game ever made

    Your post was hidden as it was pointless and unconstructive. You did better on your second attempt. Just don't moan about moderation in your posts. If you have a problem, contact the moderator in question and we'll be happy to explain.
  8. A fully released game, yes. It is the nature of game development where adding new features breaks some features that were added previously. That is why features are continuously being added and only the most major problems are fixed. That is why optimisation is the very last step in game development. You don't want to optimise the game only so that the next added feature completely breaks it again.
  9. Accolyte

    so much for the struggle

    Good to hear, but I'd suggest you tone down the trolling a bit if you want to keep enjoying them. Same goes for everyone else btw.
  10. Accolyte

    My character got wiped....

    If you PM me your username and email address I can have that sorted for you at least.
  11. Because then people won't complain about how unrealistic it is for loot to disappear if the body is still there :lol: I do agree that having dead bodies around helps the atmosphere though.
  12. Accolyte

    Persistance... yeah

  13. Being able to retrieve your dead body after respawning breaks the persistence even more imho.
  14. Accolyte

    Switch to AAA engine

    I'm sure it's just as simple as you're imagining it.
  15. Accolyte


    Your search for the term autorun returned 49 results http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/161669-i-dont-understand-why-there-is-no-auto-run-key/
  16. Accolyte

    kind of stuck in a rock

  17. Accolyte


    Also tone down the font size, jeez. :huh:
  18. Accolyte

    Animal AI

    If you look through official DayZ videos you'll find that most (if not all) of them have comments disabled. Reading your post, I can somehow see why that is.
  19. Accolyte

    Since my other post got deleted..

    That almost sounds like stuff you should (shouldn't) do in real life doesn't it? :lol:
  20. Accolyte

    dayz admin fix new resolution bug fuck sake

    Whoa now, why don't you settle down? The resolution guide should resolve pretty much all resolution issues (if they indeed are resolution issues). If it doesn't go here as Durrhunter suggested. No need to start multiple threads on the same topic. Do have a great day now, friend.
  21. Accolyte

    jeu buggé mais acheté demande de remboursement

    Nobody here can help you. You will have to contact Steam about a refund.
  22. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/220962-dayz-is-not-showing-any-servers/
  23. Accolyte

    New DayZ Youtuber

    Do not just post a link to your channel asking for subs. Post your videos in the gallery section. If people like what they see, they will subscribe on their own. Also, I hear reading the rules before posting helps. ;)
  24. Accolyte

    please help someone new to the game

    Please do not create duplicate topics. Thank you. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/220714-i-cant-get-the-game-to-work/