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About Ranwer135

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ranwer135

    Looking for a mentor....

    I don't mind helping you out. :) I am kinda new too (also an aussie), but completely know the stuff about things like: cholera, hunger, thirst, blood, sickness, loot and their locations, etc. But, I happen to play ArmA 2 for 3 years, so I know Chernarus like the back of my hand. ;) If you like, add me on steam and I'll be happy to get you started tomorrow. (Steam name: Rawner135)
  2. Ranwer135

    ArmA 2/3 Veteran. Any Tips?

    Cheers for the info and tips, guys! I have followed your advice and managed to find some deadly gear (including a smoking crash site with an M4 and grenade). I also discovered that you can find feathers in chicken pens. I also found out that you can mend normal backpacks and armoured vests (including the press vest) with a leather sewing kit. :) Although, I find it strange why some powerful weapons get spawned in a few civilian buildings? But I guess this may be fixed with more rarity. And finally, does anyone know where vehicles tend to spawn mostly? I would love to find and repair a rusty car/truck with custom parts. :D
  3. Ranwer135


    Digging up an old thread here, I have a M1911 with a mag, silencer and tac flashlight. In PVP (during the night), the gun was certainly deadly as one survivor was dropped by two shots. I found mine in the police station (which by now, glocks are very common to find), but honestly finding a magazine can be like a needle in a haystack. Strangely enough, I found a full mag in a civilian 'food' house. On a side note, the devs will have to control the number of rifle/pistol spawns in civilian buildings (One town I found over 6 rifles and pistols in civilian buildings).
  4. G'day guys, My name is Rawner135, I am a veteran of ArmA 2 and 3 and currently giving DayZ a go (Also community modder for some big mods). For the past month, I have been enjoying the new experience of surviving in its Standalone, and so far it is looking great. But since I already know Chernarrus like the palm of my hand, is there any pro (already know the general ones) tips you guys might want to share? :) Cheers! Rawner135
  5. Ranwer135

    Yoda helps his fellow DayZ newbies!

    Ha,ha. Nice!