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Everything posted by qww

  1. no i did not say that, i said you have to be skillfull to try and stay alive
  2. stating that server hopping is pathetic is constructive, although i wouldnt expect a person who defends server hopping to understand that viewpoint
  3. op. i dont understand why you expect or want guaranteed safety in dayz, go in an empty server if you really need to play safe-dayz. why are you so against using a little skill and judgement to find somewhere safer to do your crafting experiments, or to meet people who can work with you to achieve a basic common goal.
  4. of course i wont waste my time playing the video that you put in your reply to me, i know you have no real come back because you and everyone else knows that server hopping is pathetic as much as i know it, but you still do it anyway. i cant stop peioepl doing it, but making excuses as to why you do it, is even weaker than doing it in 1st place.
  5. server hopping is pathetic,
  6. ive seen loads of topics about this exact subject now, and every time i reply that i think the map looks good, i dont want to see it changed too much from what it is already, what do people expect to see here? map looks desolate, and not over the top, so far, its good, im sure some things will progress too, but i like the understated look.
  7. if you play the game properly you will come across items naturally, testing stage or not. i am not going to explain why server hopping is sad, think what you like.
  8. qww

    Where do I find the AKM?

    op, how about just playing the game, and finding out for yourself?
  9. its sad how many people will bother to server hop just to find an item,
  10. qww

    No one cares about the new city?

    i couldnt see anything about it in the changelog when i updated? am i confused here? are you talking about the new city in north? is it in stable? why cant i see it in changelog? thanks, and sorry for all the question marks
  11. qww

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    ok, sure its easy to find food, but we are just testing the game in the way they want us to, they can alter loot spawn whenever they want to, when they think its right. i find not hearing gunshots is what make the games difficult to play at times, but easy food? no problem here, we are just testing game, it really isnt an issue, because both know that it will change in future, and its not making the game unplayable.
  12. qww

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    balance is not as important as testing, i am shocked that you actually think what you typed makes sense or is relevant at all.
  13. loads of people wouldnt play thsi game if they had to play it first person. im happy to let those noobs run around on regular as it keeps the game in sales, i dont understand why they want to run around in 3rd, and i dont want to understand, but they arent causing me any problems so its no big deal. it would be nice to see more busy hardcore servers, while there are always a couple in europe that are busy (except very late at night)
  14. qww

    My plea to remove military gear

    no im not missing any point. you shoot someone just because of the way they look, then claim only 12 year old with shoot someone who wears a jeans and tshirt.
  15. qww

    It's getting lonely and barren in NWAF

    i dont see any problem here, im sure many things that will affect player movement will change as testing continues
  16. it was a cheater yeah
  17. qww

    My plea to remove military gear

    op, as you shoot on sight anyone with an m4 or military gear, that makes you one of the people you talk about, who only sees the game as a death match.
  18. qww

    Ambient noise still broken?

    in my view getting sounds working is more important that anything else that is currently not working properly. while i think this is already the best pc game ever, sure lag and desync are annoying, and wall glitching is horrible, but sound? its almost as bad as not being able to visually see whats going on on the screen, to me. the gun sound is bugged, you are not always hearing gun sounds from correct directions, distances, often you are not hearing any sound at all. its the same for everyone
  19. qww

    Is it worth carrying an axe?

    others might have already replied this, even in current stable set up, fire axe is still most deadly against zombies, some other melee weapons will 1 hit kill at times, especially from behind when zombie is not alerted
  20. qww

    Player killed or accidental death?

    the gun firing bug is to do with not hearing gunshots when a gun is being fired. someone probably did shoot at you in the woods that time, id say,
  21. qww

    only playing 4 the lulz

    i dislike when players play music and sound effects over the voice channel, terrible game play in my view
  22. i just got kicked from this server -rf- dayz server 24/7 daytime - high loot - [german] it put me back to the server list with the window saying something like "you were kicked from the game reason: battleeye global ban f457474" not those numbers but something like that, i totally panic and restart steam then try to join another server , with no problems thankfully , just before the kick i had just shot at someone who i had just observed through binos kill a new player with an m4 at the factory, they had moved up to the small room on the top of the tec building and were prone, when i took the shot with mosin and pu scope from approx 350 - 400 meters west in the hill. i saw the player instantly stand up then disappear behind the wall so im not sure if i killed them i duno if it was a death animation or not it was too far away. questions, 1 - i dont know if its possible for admins to know who shot at them or killed them as i have never had anything to do with game servers. 2 - also is it possible for admins to write kick messages like the one i just explained? ive never seen a kick message before, im not sure if ive been kicked from a dayz server before at all actually. thanks for any explanations.
  23. qww

    The worst ideas for Dayz

    steam achievements
  24. qww


    i say no, because panic and clumsiness do not need to be simulated, they already naturally occur in game? the player will panic and become clumsy when theyre in a bad situation, and if they dont, its because they are a more experienced player, and have learned to overcome the panic and clumsiness
  25. qww

    WHY are the big buildings not big?

    i really hope we do see more enterable rooms and buildings,. because i want to have to fear buildings more, and currently, with hospital for example, theres 1 set of windows on 1 side that you have to actually check, the apartment blocks are cool i guess. i love chapaevsk, just hope for smoother gameplay in the built up areas.. i want to have to check the tower on teh temple and the churches for snipers, etc. the way the buildings are big, but the enterable space is small is a shame, even tho of course theyre still miles better than any other online game (while bf2 project reality had some cool maps and buildings)