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Everything posted by qww

  1. qww

    DayZ SA's current state in a nutshell.

    whats unrealistic and foolish about dayz combat. in your own words
  2. qww

    DayZ SA's current state in a nutshell.

    this game isnt even out yet, and is online multiplayer game, in a 225+km area, where desync is currently a big issue.... posting some kid running around a big group of players in third person with an axe, then making your expert analysis that this games combat will always be broken, that videogame you just posted above, are you seriously comparing that to dayz?
  3. qww

    Discussion on the "Hide body" option

    sometimes i will run to my body if i spawn close enough, but i dotn think players shoudl have a "right" to their lost items at all players who wana keep items shoudl stay alive. hide body is fine. as a new character why would you know where to run to anyway? the game is surviving, you can enjoy finding new. not sprinting back to pick up your lost items
  4. qww

    A Challenge

    it is not a challenge to survive with a weapon, and 18 inventory slots.
  5. im not going to read that post, people will play the game however they feel, there are many different types of people in the world, and with over 2 million copies sold so far, that means a lot more types of players than even you can list!
  6. qww

    DayZ SA's current state in a nutshell.

    i dotn knwo why anyoen woudl play this game in third person, if you say the first person combat is bad too, then name a game with great first person combat......................
  7. qww

    DayZ SA's current state in a nutshell.

    spawn loacations have been at berezino for weeks now, of course some players are going to fight near where they spawn, whats the problem with that, that made you make this topic? not all players are staying in berezino, just noobs, or bored players. going to some other towns on the east coast its the same thing happening at any of them, as it of course would, when players and weapons spawn there, and they are good fighting areas. waste of time topic in my view, edit, anyway the busiest area is not south berezino, its down by the docks, in the north east.where the weapons spawn. so this op is wrong anyway
  8. qww

    Why do I randomly restart?

    it happened to me about a month ago, then, its started happening again, twice in last 2 days, when i try restarting, sometimes its brings back my old character from a month ago last night i wanted to have a game with my friend, but we cant, because hes where we logged out, and i was back on coast . maybe il reinstal the game., and try to delete any dayz folders
  9. in future, we need a regular/hardcore filter in the server browser. im not talking about the tab at the top which separates hardcore from regular, im talking about the server filter at the bottom of the browser. this is a repost, as original topic is a bit confusing and is locked
  10. qww

    What is this Bullsh*t?

    if you always got these 3 bright green bar: HEALTHY HYDRATED ENERGISED i think you wouldnt be dead from 1 hit, just ko
  11. qww

    Add server to favourites when in server

    i agree with this suggestion, im sure everyone who plays would use this feature if it is added
  12. qww

    More Customisation

    try using search and commenting on teh already created topics i replied on 2 face paint suggestion topics the other day, dean hall talked about identifying arm bands at a rezzed presentation a few weeks back edit, its hard to imagine that increased character customisation wont be added as game progesses
  13. yes i agree why dotn you make a suggestion about adding a server while being in it. i did see this idea mentioned a couple of days ago, maybe it was you that said it
  14. you think the system does just fine, although there is no way to sort by ping, or player amount and it also decreases the chance of all servers being shown . maybe thats fine for you, but for many players it is unhelpful. i cant imagine why anyone who understand the benefit, would say the current system works. a regular/hardcore filter it is a system used in battlefield since bad company 2, and it is extremely useful for most first person(hardcore) players, as there are many less hardcore servers. also this topic is also not about first v third person, its just about the server filter
  15. i think loads of female play this game, i see posts where guys talk about playing dayz with their gf, and some posts written by females on forums
  16. west is where most of the high value spawns are except neaf, a lot of players do move west, some just stay on east coast for instant pvp, or who knows why. spawn at east, move to west, seems obvious to me thats whats meant to be, at the moment.
  17. stryker, this countryside looks exactly like where i am from . the only thing that doesnt feel right in dayz, (i think) is that there are no banked hedgerows separating the fields, or along the sides of fields that are backed onto the roads or lanes. its like there is no true cover, except the bushes, when there should be the raised banks too edit : in my area of wales
  18. qww

    Alternatives to the ballistic helmet

    why should any non military helmet stop a bullet? if you want military grade protection in game, use the military equipment, op what are you actually complaing about here edit, oh yeah people who think balistic helmet doesn't protect you are wrong. it can save your life , as you dont get headshoted and killed, you get ko'd for a minute or less, assuming you are healthy
  19. no i have never tried ...... i dont imagine many people have, ever
  20. qww

    Morphine spawn

    morphine is spawning in all types of medical buildings . i have definate;ly found it in hosptals, single story red brick "medical" pubs, blue single story medical buildings and also the green 2 story wooden houses with kitchens recently as soemone said already spawn locations have been changing for items recently. in general more items have been spawning, in the more normal type single story residential houses
  21. i cant imagine using a broken arm to lift anything
  22. use sticks and a rag, or morphine, you have a fractured leg
  23. i just got shot and killed when i was upstairs room in 1 of these houses in svetlojarsk i walked into the upstairs room standing, then crouched just before a shot was fired at me which i think hit me, but didnt damage me much or at all, so i went prone and faced the door to the hallway, and after a few more seconds they fired more shots which were hitting me and in a few seconds i was dead. noone could see me from any type of higher view , and noone had come up the steps and shot me from the hall way, im sure of these things, also it was in hardcore mode. so i came on the forums to see if its possible to shoot through the walls of these large green or red wooden exterior houses. as i underdtand from reading its not possible so i guess this was someone cheating somehow? http://i.imgur.com/EMGOIn8.jpg <this type of house (i posted this as a reply to another topic but got no answer to my question so hopefully soem players can l give me a definite answer without me having to test it with a friend? thanks)