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Everything posted by qww

  1. qww

    cheat that makes gun put away

    i think you are getting confused, i said in my reply to you, that i mentioned the weapon switch bug in the op
  2. qww

    cheat that makes gun put away

    i dotn think this is likely or probable considering the exact circumstances i explained,
  3. ive had broken legs from someone pushing me out of the tower* wall when we were on the steps, thats about it. never died , been in tower loads of times, crazy bad luck for the op, seems those empty servers can b risky after all haha
  4. qww

    cheat that makes gun put away

    yeah me either ..
  5. qww

    cheat that makes gun put away

    your post adds nothing. i mentioned in my op about the bug,
  6. qww

    cheat that makes gun put away

    no i cant, its ok, i dont care if you understand the info i presented, enjoy dayz
  7. qww

    cheat that makes gun put away

    no it wasnt a bug, you dotn underdtand the op, do you see the bug i mentioned in the op? try to read and understand the op. ..
  8. qww

    cheat that makes gun put away

    i am not interested in explaining anything to you,. you cant understand the op, and everything that was clearly explained in it,. you cant understand what happened with the source code, so you keep making your posts in this topic that add nothing, just repeat "its a bug" when i already talked about that bug , in the op.
  9. qww

    cheat that makes gun put away

    your replies are made because you are uninformed and childish. you do not understand what happened in the op, so you keep posting about a bug, that i already mentioned in the op.
  10. qww

    cheat that makes gun put away

    more childish and unconstructive posts,
  11. qww

    cheat that makes gun put away

    im thinking that you are a bit clueless, and extremely childish, and you are proving that you cannot comprehend the op and you dont understand what happned the other day with the source code. at least you admit to the childish posts, we can leave it there, unless you want to add even less to the topic.
  12. qww

    cheat that makes gun put away

    you are not reading the op , or you are not comprehending it. you seem to make a lot of extremely childish and ill informed posts on these forums, this is yet another. i dont need to argue with you
  13. qww

    cheat that makes gun put away

    exactly, i didnt know abt that till after i made the post, and read some of the other recent forum posts, then i put 2 and 2 together sort of thing
  14. thats not true. you paid to test a game before official release, you didnt pay for a bugged game. most games have bugs even montsh after official release. i dotn see anythign contsructive here, just a rage.
  15. qww

    cheat that makes gun put away

    totally nothing like what i just described in the op.
  16. qww

    cheat that makes gun put away

    if you read my op you can see it is a cheat. im guessing you didnt,. or just dont understand the words.anyway im not here to argue, think what you like.
  17. qww

    M4 Silencer

    i realise this is the m4 silencer thread so im not gona mention sks supressors, and wonder if they will be in game in future
  18. i think most of what the op has talked about either will arrive in time, or is not what i want to see in game anyway. npcs? no. 70% urban map? yeah good luck with that . mods, that wil come in future. depth? all mechanics arent implemented yet. enjoy alpha.
  19. id say try increased fov,
  20. qww

    cheat that makes gun put away

    oh right, just read about the security thing
  21. just followed a mate onto a regular server, he was in hills prone, for about 10 minutes, looking though scope and looking around, suddenly his gun is put away automatically, then some player walks up and asks him if hes german and then shoots him. hes telling this to me on a voicechat, and im a few hundred meters north of him then about 30 seconds later , i see player walking in front of treeline to me so i aim, and my rifle is automatically put away and he walks in front of me and shoots me too after asking if im german..., never experienced this kind of thing on dayz before, if it had happened to one of us i would have thought it was just an unlucky timing of lag weapon switch, anyway its some kind of cheat, where player can spot you (im guessing) and then disarm you(im sure of), crazy
  22. no problem, happy it worked out
  23. qww

    Zombie pushing player through walls

    how to get out : look at a wall, run, then jam sumthin in "w" keyboard so you keep running. put game in windowed mode, watch youtube while you wait for the glitch out, lag will happen eventually and you will find yousrself outside. for me it took a while, about 20 minutes, maybe if you open loads of videos it will make your connection lag so you will get out faster, as irish suggested a few days ago in a post like this
  24. hah, anything, a piece of folded up paper?? just anything so you dont have to hold down the "w" key while you wait, you get me?