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Everything posted by qww

  1. qww

    Southern portion of map seem sparse these days?

    if people arent spawning on south, dont be suprised that less people are on south. seems basic to me anyway. saying that i go to cherno and electro, and i still see players there almost every time, its a cool place, so people who know the game generally wil at least pass through
  2. qww

    fix not hearing gunfire

    the topic is not about reporting the bug, the bug is known,. you have made about 8 posts on this thread, all of them have nothing to do with the op, and have not been helpful or useful, in any way at all.
  3. qww

    fix not hearing gunfire

    in my op, i said "im a happy alpha tester usually, defending the alpha status" what part of that did you not understand, becaue you seem to have ignored that part of the post(aswell as teh actual topic of the post), and then seem overjoyed when you get the approval of "the admins". the game is a shooter, you cant hear gunshots, i think its an important thing to fix, more important than lag, you see it as whining, but you clearly dont even understand what this post is about, or teh angle its coming from, you added nothing., just attacking the post, without getting it. edit: also, dotn make out that we cant discuss bugs here, because we can, this is general discussion, we can chat about the game we are testing
  4. qww

    fix not hearing gunfire

    il check that out later of i go on read (and understand) the last sentence of my original post, then stop posting on this topic, because you clearly have nothing useful to add here
  5. qww

    fix not hearing gunfire

    wow are you the next generation of alpha defender or something, i dont see you adding anything here, except your complete misunderstanding of what the topic is.
  6. qww

    fix not hearing gunfire

    i did post on your topic about it the other day, but yeah its everyone i think, although only ppl playing in group will notice it i guess,
  7. qww

    fix not hearing gunfire

    im not going to get anything, the bug is already known about and im discussing how it impacts on the game. and expressing how important i think it is im comparison with other problems with the sa. your pathetic post wasn't worth replying to really, but i thought id just put you straight,
  8. qww

    sea fishing (beach casting)

    this is the SUGGESTION section of the forums, and yeah we all know fishing is in dayz already, yeah im not minding him at all haha anyway yeah would be a good way to get shot , if you were in a busy area, especially in these early days of the game. im sure some spots would develop as more suitable and defensible. risk reward/teamwork, etc.
  9. qww

    DayZ is to Clean

    i like the way the game is looking, its not "over the top"
  10. qww

    sawn off .22 sporter

    sawn off is good for shotgun because it increases the dispersion of the cartridge at close range, id imagine if you sawed off a 22 rifle it woudl make it less accurate, and if youre going to use something as weak as a 22, u at least want it to be accurate. try the amphibia pistol maybe, it is 22 pistol in game
  11. qww

    My confession.

    whats that got to do with me not kos in 500 hours?
  12. qww

    My confession.

    500 hours + never kos, never kill without reason, i think it takes skill to identify target, and react accordingly sometimes. play with skill, or kos without thinking, the choice is yours ppl
  13. i reckon spawn locations will change loads as dayz goes on, so im not even caring about wether pistols spawn with mags at the moment
  14. ive killed 5 or 6 people with shotgun in sa, always with 1 shot
  15. qww

    Is there an ETA on ambient sounds ?

    theres been quite a few people writing about it already, im hoping it gets fixed soon, im not sure if its a bug or just somethign to do with "placeholder sounds" but yeah, it gets pretty annoying. im sure its not to add artificial paranoia, dayz dont need that, and its not cool anyway,
  16. qww

    Intresting article on DayZ on Wired

    i didnt thinkm much of the article, even the title is a wrong statement, hes making out that thats how people play the game, or its how they have to play to be successful (having to attack others for equipment), but thats not how it is, at all, for lots of players. also when he describes dayz and says death is permanent and means starting again with nothing, thats not going be true once they (unfortunately) add persistent after death storage
  17. this nvidia driver, does not offer a 15 frame increase, to players who already had 35 frames in low fps areas. thats why i posted here, i understand what frames i should be getting, and am getting. if i turn off pp i gain 1 or 2 frames, but i am talking about the absolute lowest frames il get when moving around low fps towns. no one is getting good frames in those towns.
  18. sure i can get higher frames if i look in a certain area. thats why i asked the question in the way i did. i have pp on because game looks flat otherwise, and anyway , turning settings down does not increase frames my more than about 5fps. thats just how this game runs
  19. nah i dont think anyone gets over mid 30s in the busy towns, its always been that way with these places since arma, or if you do, tell me your system and fps when its the hardest hitting areas of cherno/electro
  20. im getting mid 30s in berezino, which is same as before, havent checked at other big towns, but i dont think i need to. i5 4670, gtx670 4gb, 8gb fast ram, fast ssd, so no, no fps increase for me at all..
  21. at first i thought this post was some kind of not funny joke post, but maybe op is actually serious, i see this topic as totally pointless. op, have you seriously run out of things to complain about? are you for real?
  22. someone far away from you, shooting at you, mayeb you cant see them, its dangerous. how can it not be.
  23. you dont need handcuffs, and you dont need to forcefeed and poison people, to control a situation all you need is a weapon. you make a topic that claims that poisoning, force feeding and handcuffing players is the "most rewarding and difficult way to play" im disagreeing 100%, since you asked.
  24. you dont need to handcuff a disarmed or dead player,
  25. are people actually getting higher frames in cherno, electro, svetlo etc?? il believe it when i see it, just installing now...