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About WizardofPug

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  1. WizardofPug

    Fundamental Game Issue (Servers).

    If no one could join a 0/40 server, then it would stay empty forever....
  2. WizardofPug

    Clever boys. I fell for it. Hook, line, and sinker...

    "Oh yea, that's Barry...."
  3. WizardofPug

    Hit detection is still absolutely abysmal.

    I see everything you did there....
  4. WizardofPug

    Bugs that make you a better player

    Agreed with the zombie headshots. I abandoned the axe for smaller weapons as well. I am Master of the Screwdriver now.
  5. WizardofPug

    DayZ HUD

    Then people could loot the journal and see the stats/life of the person they just killed/found.
  6. WizardofPug

    Aspiring Bounty Hunter Looking for Target Practice

    How can you bounty hunt if you'd never know who they are? Just kill everyone and hope they don't change clothes? I like your attitude :D
  7. WizardofPug

    question about respawning

    Do you have a gun? Start shooting to attract zombies. Are there other stairs on the outside of the buildings in that town. Time for a crawl and fall. Otherwise, just pick a direction and wedge down the forward button.
  8. WizardofPug

    Motohelmet load error

    Whew! I was about to get a lot more paranoid.
  9. WizardofPug

    after death run back to storage ?

    It's the same as running your new spawn around with knowledge of all the previous spawns. If your fresh spawn comes in to the game with a full working knowledge of the map/buildings/sniper zones, then an extra backpack shouldn't be a big deal.
  10. WizardofPug

    after death run back to storage ?

    Yes but your new spawn still has knowledge of all the previous spawns. "I'm hurt. Need to go to the Hospital in Ber, but I'll need to watch out for that sniper hill where I died last time." You're playing the same map, with the same buildings, etc.
  11. WizardofPug

    And what if...

    I don't see that as more realistic or easy to read. Who's going to dig a bullet out of a corpse?
  12. So Ive read that the zombies are extra hard this patch, but how are they supposed to be exactly? It feels like every zombie can sprint along with me and hits me the second I take a corner or anything. When I do try to fight them, they hit me as they run through me, jump in some random direction and still hit me from there. Rinse and repeat. It makes it very hard to target them when they seem to be everywhere at once. That, combined with the extra whatever they have now, pretty much makes it unplayable for me. I just bled to death during a fight with 2 zombies because it took so long. Are the zombies that choppy for everyone? People on youtube seem to have this beautiful flowing game, but when I melee zombies, it's a fractured s***storm. Only zombie melee though. Hopefully it's just due to alpha and I'm not stuck with a game that my comp won't be able to run.
  13. WizardofPug

    Strange bug, i think.

    Same thing happened to me when I got really lost. Logging didn't work for me. I was just in an empty area all the way SW off the map. Took a while to run back.
  14. WizardofPug

    Identifying Players

    I agree. Maybe just have the name pop up if have them in your crosshairs. Maybe within a certain distance.
  15. WizardofPug

    Casuals and DayZ

    I am a casual player and very new to this kind of game in general. I don't mind kos at all. I've been killed many many times, have yet to confirm a kill of my own, and don't mind it one bit. I would love helis in the game. I'll never commit enough game time to take part in one, but I would love to hear it coming and feel the fear creep up in me. Sprint for the trees! I don't care about anymore sniper rifles though. There are enough guns now to kill me up close or from the side of a mountain.