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About ArmorForAlex

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    On the Coast
  1. ArmorForAlex

    Hardware Stores / Spotlights

    Hey guys, I'v been playing DayZ for about a week and a half now, and I fell in love with it immediately. It is such a huge breath of fresh air compared to all of the other games out there, and what I've been playing for a while now. I think about the game quite a lot and have been thinking of suggestions for the game. It's gotten to the point to where I was in a gas station with my friend last week, and I saw a can of sardines. I picked it up and he looked at me and I turned to him and said "Pristine." We had a good laugh and went to pick up a battery for his car at a hardware store. Being in the store I saw so many useful things that could be implemented into the game. I know they mentioned chainsaws coming later on, which will be fun and a nice classic zombie weapon. But I was just thinking about how exciting it would be to raid a fresh hardware store in the game. There would be car parts in them for later vehicle implementation, lots of melee weapons, and so much more. The thing that caught my eye the most was a handheld spotlight. I thought that would be something cool to have. Not just for the powerful light at night, but for possibly using at a defensive tool as well. If you shine a very bright light directly at someone, you can temporarily blind them, making it very hard to pinpoint the exact location of the person shining it at someone, and/or people with them approaching a hostile enemy. It could also be used to signal friends ( or enemies of course ) from further locations. Just some thoughts. I thought I would share them with you guys. Stay safe!